Whats the worst thing you ever been hit by out on the Hyways and

  • February 15, 2012 10:33 AM PST
    I went for a 12 hour ride with some friends riding on the back of my husbands bike riding a couple hours, then stopping at a bar for a drink then riding a couple more hours then stopping at a bar for a drink (we did this about 4 times) riding around Savannah and Galena riding the back roads. The weather was gorgeous riding with no care in the world until we got 5 minutes from home when I looked over my husbands shoulder and then BAM something hit me in the face right at the bridge of my nose between my eyes and I almost started to cry cuz it hurt so bad. My husband just laughed his ass off.
    • 2072 posts
    February 15, 2012 11:03 AM PST
    Worst thing was an empty beer can thrown from a truck at 60 miles an hour. Hit dead center of my chest and damn near knocked me off my bike.
    • 9 posts
    February 15, 2012 1:27 PM PST
    Mmmm, well...the worst was this bigger n chit stinky bug. Hit me right between the eyes doing about 40. Hit me so hard, my head snapped backwards....and then...bloody gooey guts. ALL OVER MY FACE, but mostly in my eyes. Had to find a place to pull over, cause I couldn't see a daggone thing! When I wiped my face with my gloved hand, it looked like that ectoplasm stuff in Ghostbusters....Second to worst? The Jeep driver who "pushed" me off the road and up a curb. He did it on purpose, and he's just damn lucky I had to crash jump and couldn't get to my piece. That happened in Toledo. You know how many damned jeeps there are in Toledo? (They're made there!)
    Third to worst...hit an oil slick in the just begun rain...it was sittin' on the surface of the road, just daring any biker to come and run it over. Lucky me. That one caused over $3K in damage, and I caved my head in on both sides.
    Smoked alot of green, and watched alot of Beavis and Butthead for about three months, while I waited for my short-term memory to return. That and being able to walk fully upright. I was draggin' knuckles on one side for a minute. Got a real nice scar on my left arm, THROUGH my leather from roadrash. That took every bit of three
    months to heal. Friction Burns....ooooh baby.

    Ride Incident Free
  • February 15, 2012 2:19 PM PST
    A bee. Stinker stuck in my arm and pumped, pumped, and pumped. Then I flicked the stinker out and my forearm was the size of a football. Ouch.
    • 611 posts
    February 15, 2012 2:37 PM PST
    Oh wow, crazy stories... BOOF you are one lucky man... Mi Vida Loca, eh? Uhhh, lesse... 3 hornet/wasp things under my leather jacket in the left shoulder/chest area, when I got to the hospital, my face was all swollen and had to have emergency treatment... a crow @ 70... huge puff of feathers and a blow to my chest that felt like a baseball bat and bird goo everywhere... a coke bottle from the front that hit the left front fork and almost dumped me... a water balloon at thirty from some pretty girls in a pickup (I knew them!)... still hurt but I couldn't show 'em that... asphalt, dirt and garage doors... Think that covers it!
  • February 15, 2012 2:41 PM PST
    Aside from the nimrod beotch driving the suburban whose excuse was, "I'm a nanny & have food on the stove" (Like what does that have to do with driving?) prolly those Mormon Crickets you encounter out in the Nevada desert on occasion. Not only do they hurt when they hit you, they are slimy snot on the roadway. When you come across them is like a plague of locusts. Gross little buggers.

    I wear a full face and even then besides scaring the begeezus out of you it knocks your head silly. Even hurts wearing full gear on the body.

  • February 15, 2012 2:46 PM PST
    Let's see: A rock off a gravel truck. Looked like a golf ball coming for my head. Had an old 3/4 helmet with a faceshield. Hit the side of the helmet right where the shield pivot was, knocked the shield completely off. Smacked a duck with my right shin at 60 mph on my old KZ. I saw it get up on the side of the road, knew right away there was no hope of missing it. I swear my right ankle was up by my left ear on that one. Managed to keep the bike upright, have no clue how. Shin swelled up something awful, too. Another time, our sons and I were on a weekend ride, had on a full face helmet, bee got in under the front of the chin guard, landed on my glasses, must have tried to sting the glasses lens a dozen times until I could get my head turned and lift the faceshield. Blew him right out. Too close for comfort. Raindrops and ice pellets hurt too. A couple years later, had a two hour ride home in freezing rain, half helmet, wrap around safety glasses. Roads were warm enough to not ice up, can's say the same for my glasses and face. Had to stop several times to chip the ice off my glasses. Spokes on the old KZ looked pretty neat when I got home, had icicles hanging off everywhere. Moustache was a mass of ice. Got home and my wife laughed at me, then handed me a cup if Irish coffee, darn little coffee, lots of whiskey. One of the reasons I've kept her around for 35 years.
  • February 15, 2012 2:58 PM PST
    I nearly had a Raccoon hit me. Once a big, unidentified bug hit my face shield. It was pink squishy stuff that covered the shield. I guess the worst was the bumble bee that got up my shirt sleeve. Oh yeah, you can and will keep it straight until you get it parked when being stung over and over. I smile over that episode now, but it wasn't a bit funny then.
    • 823 posts
    February 15, 2012 3:25 PM PST
    Ran over a skunk once, scared me more than anything. He didn't have time to spray and I caught him with a back tire so wasn't really to bad considering. Hit a jack rabbit in a curve running about 90 one night back in '83 on my Virago. Nailed him with the front tire, kept my bike up but had bunny burger all over me and my motor. Got to smell it cook on the way home, yuk. Bounced a giant grasshopper off my chest on a 175 dirt bike about 50 mph with no shirt (me or the hopper) ouch!!! That will leave a mark. Rocks are common out here, I seldom wear a helmet but a windshield is a must around here, I got a couple of rock welps on me right now.
  • February 16, 2012 2:49 AM PST
    Guero wrote...
    Ran over a skunk once, scared me more than anything. He didn't have time to spray and I caught him with a back tire so wasn't really to bad considering. Hit a jack rabbit in a curve running about 90 one night back in '83 on my Virago. Nailed him with the front tire, kept my bike up but had bunny burger all over me and my motor. Got to smell it cook on the way home, yuk. Bounced a giant grasshopper off my chest on a 175 dirt bike about 50 mph with no shirt (me or the hopper) ouch!!! That will leave a mark. Rocks are common out here, I seldom wear a helmet but a windshield is a must around here, I got a couple of rock welps on me right now.

    "Bunny burger"!  Pretty funny Guero.
  • February 16, 2012 3:39 AM PST
    On a honeymoon in Negril rented the biggest bike on the island (they said) a 750 Shadow and went for a ride up the mountains and, since it was Negril and a honeymoon, I only had on a skimpy swim suit. At about 50 mph I saw it coming from the right out of the trees and it looked like mist. When I went through the mist it became a swarm of bees that hit me everywhere. I had 50+ bee stings and looked really funny on the beach for the rest of the honeymoon. I also bought a windshield for my bike when I got home!!
    • 0 posts
    February 16, 2012 7:29 AM PST
    That reminds me ..Im allergic to bee's and wasps and all those bitey little bastards..I mean if I get stung I go anaphalactic pretty quickly..I used to have an epi pen but found I left it at home more than I carried it..So now I have a small green pill carrier on the back strap of my vest that contains half a dozen phenergan tablets..If I get stung I take one or two pills and it stabilizes me enough to get to a bloody hospital ...Only down side is the phenergan kicks my arse and I sleep for 12 hours straight and adding beer makes it worse..Cheers BOOF
    • 2 posts
    February 17, 2012 1:20 AM PST
    A leather G-String tossed by a really skanky dancer
  • February 17, 2012 1:55 AM PST
    A Ford F250. Another motorcycle during a escort (the guy is retired and is still pissed at me its been 14 years let it go). A bat in the chest didnt hurt but was nasty. I clipped huge turkey buzzard coming off a roadkill i barley hit it but it scared me so bad i almost crashed. A cat during a funeral escort at about 70 mph the funny thing then the entire procession ran over it
    • 1780 posts
    February 17, 2012 4:40 AM PST
    I'm jamming down the slab during Rush hour, and I see a plastic bag (like they put your beer in at the convience store)blowing around up ahead of me. Sure enought it hooks itself on my left foot peg, and now I'm bent over trying to remove the thing from my peg. Now keep in mind I'm in heavy traffic, and manage to remove it from my peg, where it now blows up and attaches itself to my left mirror. By now I'm all over my lane looking like the three Stooges on a bike. finally I un-ravel the little bastard (yea it's been with me so long it now has a name) from my mirror where (you guessed it) it plants itself squarely over my face! So I'm fighting this little bastard bag, and I must look like a complete moron. I finally remove the little shit from my face, well during the struggle somehow one of the ear pieces from my sunglasses end up in my mouth, and the other up my nose.
    I pull up next to this car that must have witnessed the complete show and this Chick was laughing so hard she might have broken a rib.
    This event brought a whole new meaning of being in the " Bag"!
    • 846 posts
    February 17, 2012 11:03 AM PST
    Back in my early years I was riding my first road bike and traveling the back roads at a good clip. Then out of no were came this German Shepard (and a big one too) and I didn't have time to maneuver the bike as he came out for behind a set of bushes. Than it ran right into may leg and the side of the bike a full tilt (what it was running from is unknown). The handle bars came out of my hands and a panic start over me. I garbed the bars and started to slow the bike down to the side of the road. The pain in my leg was killing me but being a animal lover I was still concerned over the dog. I looked around and it was long gone and the pain started to ease but still more then just hurting I thought I broke it. Then I got a look at the bike. The side covering the battery was cracked the rear turn signal was bent and the license plate was bent 90 degree to the remainder of the plate. I limped home and when the leg felt better I started in on repairing the bike. To this day when I see a dog I give it a wide berth.
    • 1 posts
    February 17, 2012 11:38 AM PST
    last November i hit the concrete divider wall on the M1 freeway coming south outa Brisbane Queensland. At a 140 km'h, my swag unravelled and went down over the rear tyre, which sucked it up and it got wedged in the back wheel hard up against the rear guard. Stopped the rear wheel dead..I skidded got control then slammed into the jersey wall..luckily for me my apes went over the wall and grabbed hold and i skidded upright for 50 metres before a washeed off enough speed to just fall off. Damn lucky i was...no use buying a lottery ticket..used up all my luck...rode a 1000 k's home with bent barz.
    • 1161 posts
    February 17, 2012 1:09 PM PST
    Had a rock bust my dark shield on my full face helmet yesterday just glad I have a clear one I could replace it with since they don't make it for my helmet any more going to need to invest in a new one soon.
  • February 17, 2012 1:24 PM PST
    A Chevrolet Sedan from the right side, Chevrolet pick-up from behind and a slick on the road from a grossly leaking liquid manure spreader that had been hauling for two days (dairy). The wind was from the wrong direction so no advanced warning. Pressure wand car wash and brass brushes for me and the bike. Bedroll and baggage went to the laundromat. Was on a 4 day trip and reservations in a Holiday Inn.
  • February 25, 2012 1:49 PM PST
    I was riding my scooter into our yard one night, and our German Shepherd (who is solid black) came running around the front of the house and I didn't see him in time and hit him, and down I went. My leg and ankle were caught under the bike and I couldn't get out from under it. My husband was out of town. I laid there about 45 minutes... I finally just yanked my foot and leg as hard as I could and got out. I called one of my brothers to come help me, as I couldn't pick up my scooter because my ankle and knee were hurt. I thought my ankle was broke. It took about 2 months to heal completely.
    The scariest thing that "almost" hit me... was a tire and wheel that came off a 18 wheeler. I was riding home from a bike show by myself, and it was right before dusk. I saw this truck coming in the opposite lane and saw dirt come from the back of his truck and something black. I thought he blew a tire. All of a sudden I realized... it is the tire and wheel coming at me in my lane. I swerve onto the shoulder of the road, and I missed it by about 2 feet. It was huge. I was glad it wasn't dark yet. I had to pull over after that one.
    • 1855 posts
    February 25, 2012 4:34 PM PST
    A summons!!!!!!!
  • February 26, 2012 12:29 AM PST
    this one didnt happen to me but a friend i was ridin with,about 4 of us were riding and i was 2nd riding offset.we came upon a bunch of bussards on the highway on some roadkill.well the leader didnt slow down and came up on them fast and as one took off flying toward his path the guy ducks and the buzzard hit his girlfriend rider right in the face (no helmet).well the buzzard had not digested the roadkill yet and yea it was bad.
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    February 26, 2012 12:43 AM PST
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    A summons!!!!!!!

    Man Jimmy you win in my opinion. Sad if this is true but funny as hell!

  • February 26, 2012 6:06 AM PST

    I guess I have been extremely lucky...I just read through all the stuff you guys have had hit you and fair play to you all, back up and at it again...worst I had in USA was a skunk carcass on the road at the end of a blind bend, bike in front lifted bits of it and it slapped the forks just below the headlight and sent me toward a high-side, luckily there was a load of loose dirt on the road and the bike slid well without giving me flip off, took about 100 yards to get straight again...no matter what we did at the next 2 gas stations I had skunk with me for the whole trip with that bike, ...lol...

    Then here in ENGLAND I have been hit by small chunks of concrete etc, same as I reckon EVERY rider ever has.....but the very worst I can remember - and its making me flinch a bit even writing it down - A WASP!!! darn thing went down the side of my shirt collar and straight round between my shoulder blades, and no matter how quick you can flex your shoulders and drag your jacket as hard as you can to kill it ...that thing got me time and time again and even when I thought I had killed it it still got my lower back as it rolled down the inside of my shirt...THAT was horrible!!!  on a cleanup at the end of the ride I had those unmistakable red lumps all over my back...didn't count them...but everyone laughed WAY too much for my liking!!!

  • February 26, 2012 11:09 AM PST
    Jonsey Dam! you did have some luck now didn't ya, Chaz yeah man animals are unpredictable on the side of the road for sure, Jetman my experence with the Wasps I'll give ya a hint it was cooler out had a sweat shirt under my jacket and I"m allergic, it was a just another one of those moments that took a while to live down,
    Weird things that hit me, well I've had a couple of odd things ya just wouldn't expect. One was here in Florida, on I think its 94 or 3, that runs along the coast of the panhandle there, anyway I was cruising along feets up just enjoy the decemeber day when out of the corner of my eye I see a big black thing take flight from the side of the road, while trying to gain height its wing "slaped" on the top of the head, which kind of smarted, a moment later I look over to the right and the bald eagle is flying next to me just staring at me as if to say WTF woman!
    I think the scarest was when I was on my way to Ashville to one of te Mustach Rides, I was on 26 some where up around Ashville and a logging truck was in front of me, I was used to little bits of bark and splinters coming off them trucks cause we've got a mill here, but I was jamming along feet up, I pod playing Logger moves left to pass another truck and then all I saw was a big piece of some thing, coming reactions made me put my face to the tank, and wham, a mini flying log smacks the windsheild and jars the bike so badly I was kind of bobling all over the road. After the Mustach Ride I ended up getting a new wind shield the upper left corner had stress cracks or marks from the attacking limb.
    LOL a Sommons that is the shitest luck. have a great one! "T"