I need you

    • 910 posts
    February 7, 2010 3:39 AM PST
    g wrote...
    sorry ,not working ,its the cyclefish logo ,its now on ma bike .

    Very cool g!
    • 910 posts
    February 8, 2010 12:48 AM PST
    Seakers wrote...
    My Skulls were a choice of listening to my Grandfather's storys from both of the times he left to fight in a different country, and the look of skulls with flames reminded me of Granddads storys. I really enjoy the look of skulls (Heads), Since my near death airborne jump in '96 (I'm keeping my Airborne Wings on my Chest).

    someday, not here, I'd like to hear more of that near death experience of yours.. if you are ok sharing it with me.
    • 910 posts
    February 8, 2010 1:09 AM PST
    Good morning all,
    I still need about 8 - 10 more responses to reach the minimum requirement for my project. I'm expecting a couple responses from outside sources but if I can get a few more responses here I would be incredibly grateful!
    • 910 posts
    February 8, 2010 1:10 AM PST
    OH and if you would rather send me a message than post it here, that works too.
    • 910 posts
    February 9, 2010 4:45 AM PST
    I should have feedback from my professor tomorrow. Here is my unit of measure proposal (pending feedback):

    I will evaluate the patches that 30 motorcyclists/bikers own/wear and look at
    a.) Male vs. female
    b.) The style bike/s they own (or identify with)
    c.) If they are/were military
    d.) Are they in a "club" (MC), or a supporter of one
    e.) Are they honoring a "fallen brother"
    f.) What place/s do their tourist patch/es identify
    g.) What do the patches as a whole say about their beliefs

    ADDED in class 2/8:
    h.) What geographical area does this person reside?
    i.) Expand on (d.) by elaborating whether they feel they are a club or consider themselves as family. (or touch on solo position)
    j.) Do patches have a special representation for family members
    k.) Do patches indicate charity runs/involvement?

    The paper I have to write will take information from the 30 respondents (10 still pending) and give me a basis for making some kind of generalization. I'm not sure I have enough information to make that generalization but I'll do the best that I can with what I have. In the real world I'm sure it will be missing pertinent information but for the purposes of the course it may suffice.
    • 2072 posts
    February 9, 2010 7:08 AM PST
    Buffy............ Sorry I forgot to get back with you on the vest thing..............
    My "Travel vest" is one we (my Brother & I) made after our cross country trip last year. Large Eagle in the center back with a "Ride Of A Lifetime 2009" patch under that. Above it is an American flag with California just under that. An Arkansas Razorback patch at the bottom. Down each side are flags from each state we rode through (for a total of 9 states). On the front are patches from Beale Street in Memphis, Graceland, Route 66 and an assortment of pins collected on our trip.

    Another vest is what I call my "Fun Vest. It has a Huge Grim Reaper on the center back with a Mayhem rocker above and a California rocker below. On the front right.... An American flag, below that my nick name (Stalker), and an Anarchy patch. The Left side has an assortment of patches....... "I Would Do Me", "Proud To Be A Lesbian" (that gets a few comments), "I'm Not A Gynecologist But I'll Take A Look" and several other rude and disgusting mementos!!!!
    Third is my "Charity Run" Vest.......... Large Eagle in flight on the back, name on the front and then nothing but run pins. It has gotten so heavy with run pins (50 at last count) that I hardly every wear that one.

    My vests all tell a story and have a little bit of fun at the same time. Hope this little bit of incite helps with your project !!!!!!
    • 910 posts
    February 9, 2010 10:25 AM PST
    Hey thanks BlvdCruiser. This is a huge help!
  • February 9, 2010 11:29 AM PST
    I am president of the local CMA chapter and wear my 'colors' or back patch as well as various patches and pins.   I have a chapter patch (triangular one) and a small police badge that belonged to my step father (he was a police officer.)  I also have a pin that is a memorial pin for a friend who was killed while riding.  I organized a benefit rally in his honor, donated the money to charity and gave away the memorial pins.  I also have some rally pins and some that are just for fun; like the wolf pin, just because I like wolves.  I like wolves enough to have a tattoo of one. 
    I hope this is what you are looking for.
    • 2 posts
    February 9, 2010 11:39 AM PST
    Posting to get you to your required #.
    I don't wear any patches - Nothing against them - Might change my mind someday - But right now nothing on my riding gear, nothing on my shooting jacket - nothing.
    Used to wear patches on my shooting jacket but when kids young enough to be a grand kids started besting me took I them off. - At least on a shooting jacket patches mark attainments, ex. 25. 50, 100 birds or "Marksman"
    Used to wear my battered Navy utility jacket w/ "USN", "NRA", "Phantom II" (an aircraft no longer in service) & a couple of patches from marksmanship competitions on it. - Just wore it to p**s-off the undergrads when I was working on my MBA.
    If I can find a patch from Michigan Tech I might start wearing it + my "USN", NRA" & Buell patches on my slider jacket. - If I do that it will be to have some conversation starters. - If I can't wear them all probably will not wear any.
    Have a patch from a now defunct sporting club I belonged to. "BEAVER BROOK ROD & GUN CLUB" , might throw that on too - I think it is funny & would be another conversation starter.
    • 910 posts
    February 9, 2010 1:39 PM PST
    Thank you guys so much! I was getting a little nervous about reaching the minimum but thanks to you (all of you) I'm getting closer!
    • 910 posts
    February 9, 2010 2:43 PM PST
    I have some revising to do per my professor's request but I wanted to share with you his response to my project thus far:

    Buffy: You have developed an innovative and very original approach to evaluating the media by way of content analysis – through the media of motorcycle patches. In the next phase of the content analysis process – the measurement tool – you will organize each approach by which you will examine the patches in two categories: basic information and measurement interests. Basic information will provide you more obvious – like info about the patches, while measurement interests give you more complex information. The measurement interests, therefore, that render the more complex information should appear in your unit of analysis. I have placed an arrow next to these more in-depth approaches.
    In summary, I cannot emphasize enough how much I believe in this paper, and truly endorse the fact that you have an idea that is sensational. First let’s organize which approaches ask about the patches vs. which approaches ask about the bikers themselves, or anything else other than the patches.

    (The rest is task specific to the unit of analysis proposal I submitted. He's suggesting ways to reorganize, rethink , and rewrite the proposal before moving into the next phase.)
    • 6 posts
    February 9, 2010 2:50 PM PST

    Ok, I'll give it a go... Before I get into the smaller patches, I gotta say: No, I don't have a Harley. YES, I REALLY want one, and I got the set of Harley wings MANY years ago in Sturgis, I guess hoping that it would inspire me to save for one. What can I say, life happened and continues to happen, so it'll probably be at least a couple more years. I'm planning to have a patch made that says "Harley taste, Honda budget." Anyhow, the wings are on the back, and I'm not takin' em off lol.

    The other patches on my back are (mostly) faith related, John 3:16, "Jesus is my Boss," etc. I've also got a memorial patch to Preacher Mike Arnold, he was the Founder and President of the Christ's Crusaders M/C; they've held tent meetings in Sturgis for years, and been an amazing help to a lot of hurt people. He suffered a heart attack several years ago, and though I haven't been to the rally since, I've heard that his presence is sorely missed. I also have two Sturgis patches, I've been there more times than that, but those are the only patches I have. I also have a Mount Rushmore patch, been there several times, too. Gina bought me the blue patch that says "Blessed", it actually said "Blessed Biker," but it didn't fit where I wanted it, so I covered the "biker" part with the "Proud to be an American" patch, which conveys my feelings toward my country. I do feel blessed and proud to be here. The most noticable thing about the back is that I've left the center open for club colors, which I'm still waiting on. (inside the vest I have my favorite Bible verse written, just for me, I know it's there, even if it doesn't show lol) I'm also saving space for an Army company patch from my best friend who just went to basic. I'm gonna wear it till he comes home.

    The front has most of my patriotic content, a POW "I Wasn't there but I still care," "Freedom isn't Free," "If you won't stand behind our troops, stand behind them," "the price of freedom is written on the wall," and a terrorist hunting permit, not my choice, but a gift from a friend, and an understood sentiment lol. The American flag was also given to me by another biker. I was telling him that needed to get a flag, and he just took out his pocket knife and cut it off his own vest, (explaining that he had several more at home, lol). It really meant a lot. Bottom line is, when someone gives me a patch, it goes on the jacket. I'm also looking forward to putting the Bikers for a Safer Society patch on. Hope this helped, posting pics.


  • g
    February 10, 2010 4:31 AM PST
    good work guy's , sure the lass is well happy .
  • February 10, 2010 5:01 AM PST
    Sounds like you got quit a project ahead....I would like to see results..I thought the ladies would drop in and post..driver or passenger points... The guys and dolls I wouldn't think would be a lot differant....
    Go Buffy....Looking good..
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 10, 2010 5:18 AM PST
    Hey Buffy, I just read your last post. So Tell me something I didn't know. lol Fantastic there Girly! Keep me in the loop and if you need any other input you know how to reach me as well as all the others..
    • 910 posts
    February 10, 2010 6:16 AM PST
    My idea is just that, it interests me yes, but I had no real knowledge beyond what I've seen at events, on the road, or in photos here. I saw them in many variations but never truly understood them. The quality of my paper will be a direct result of the people who've taken the time to help me understand better. I couldn't do my project without the insights you've given me.
    • 6 posts
    February 10, 2010 4:04 PM PST
    just realized that I made a typo, the one patch says if you won't stand behind our troops stand IN FRONT of them. Didn't notice when I did the post last night lol
    • 910 posts
    February 10, 2010 4:27 PM PST
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    just realized that I made a typo, the one patch says if you won't stand behind our troops stand IN FRONT of them. Didn't notice when I did the post last night lol

    I guess that does change the meaning a bit doesn't it? Thank you for the correction. :-)
    • 910 posts
    February 11, 2010 6:43 AM PST
    I have more feedback from my professor, I haven't begun the actual written work yet, this is in response to sharing with him the contributions I've received so far:

    Buffy: Your collection of various media is excellent. One of the things I encourage you to do is to try and find a greater quantity than thirty. I encourage students to use pictures of their media if it doesn't limit their access to it and if it can increase the quantity of examples.

    I will read your work over tonight and have it back to you tomorrow. Great job!
    • 1509 posts
    February 11, 2010 6:47 AM PST
    Trying to get the OL to Give you a e-mail maybe tonight.
    • 910 posts
    February 11, 2010 7:07 AM PST
    shedsruty59 wrote...
    Trying to get the OL to Give you a e-mail maybe tonight.

    thank you!
    • 1509 posts
    February 11, 2010 11:06 AM PST
    Keeping my first promice,

    Dear Buffy:  My husband told me about your project and asked that I contribute the story of my favorite patch.  I am somewhat selective as to what goes on my vest, and I gravitate toward women's issues, such as the patch that says, "I'm still hot, but now it comes in flashes".  However, my favorite patch is a round, orange patch with a motorcycle in the middle, and its rider with his hands on the grips, but his but in the air, in the middle of a tumble.  The caption of the patch is "Over the Handlebars Club."  I earned this patch on my first ride with the American Legion Riders.  I was meeting the members of this group for the first time, although my husband had been a member for a year or so.  On a bright, crisp Sunday morning in October 2008, my husband and I went to Sunday school, skipped church, and met the group for a nice Sunday ride and brunch.  On the way back home, through a convoluted series of events, we were involved in a accident in which three of us were seriously injured, and in the midst of which I went flying "over the handlebars" of my 2004 Sportster and became a paid-up member in the Over the Handlebars Club!  I broke my arm/elbow in 5 places, but have since recovered and in April 2009, got right back on my bike and have been "cruising" ever since.  Needless to say, however, my husband and I have made it a rule to NEVER skip church, again.  Hope this little story will help you out in your project.  Good Luck and God Bless.  Sharan.

    Ok Buffy your next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Second star to the right and straight on to morning, off to never never land!
    • 1509 posts
    February 11, 2010 11:07 AM PST
    Keeping my first promice,

    Dear Buffy:  My husband told me about your project and asked that I contribute the story of my favorite patch.  I am somewhat selective as to what goes on my vest, and I gravitate toward women's issues, such as the patch that says, "I'm still hot, but now it comes in flashes".  However, my favorite patch is a round, orange patch with a motorcycle in the middle, and its rider with his hands on the grips, but his but in the air, in the middle of a tumble.  The caption of the patch is "Over the Handlebars Club."  I earned this patch on my first ride with the American Legion Riders.  I was meeting the members of this group for the first time, although my husband had been a member for a year or so.  On a bright, crisp Sunday morning in October 2008, my husband and I went to Sunday school, skipped church, and met the group for a nice Sunday ride and brunch.  On the way back home, through a convoluted series of events, we were involved in a accident in which three of us were seriously injured, and in the midst of which I went flying "over the handlebars" of my 2004 Sportster and became a paid-up member in the Over the Handlebars Club!  I broke my arm/elbow in 5 places, but have since recovered and in April 2009, got right back on my bike and have been "cruising" ever since.  Needless to say, however, my husband and I have made it a rule to NEVER skip church, again.  Hope this little story will help you out in your project.  Good Luck and God Bless.  Sharan.

  • February 11, 2010 12:06 PM PST
    Ouch! Glad you were all okay!
    • 1509 posts
    February 11, 2010 1:01 PM PST
    thank you 2 are still recovering 16 months later 3 helicopters and 1 ambulance are never good.