I need you

    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 2:40 AM PST
    deadskunk wrote...
    I have several vests/jackets with different patches. My primary vest, the one pictured at the left, has club patches on the back. The top rocker says "Street Legal", the middle patch is an eagle on a bike in front of an American flag and the bottom rocker says "USA". There is a small MC patch to the right of the center patch and a small Minnesota chapter patch to the left of the center patch. You can see it on my page. We do not use a state or region bottom rocker because we are a non-territorial, national, neutral club. The front of the vest has several "I Rode Mine" patches for Sturgis and they are located on several spots on the front. On each breast, there are more club related patches, including "Life Member", "National", "Sgt. At Arms", "Road Lawyer" and "DFWUOWSYA", which means don't f... with us or we'll sue your ass off. My denim vest has the same patches as the leather vest. I wear them both, depending on the weather.

    The club is made up primerily of lawyers, judges and others who work in the legal profession. I'm the National Sgt. At Arms. We are not a 1% club, but we occasionally get hassled by the police simply for wearing an MC patch. I have been questioned by cops during traffic stops about any affiliation with gangs. My only affiliation is that I"ve had some gang members as clients (I do criminal defense work), but that has nothing to do with my club membership.

    I have other jackets that have charity ride patches, Harley patches, scull patches, Sturgis patches and various pins. I feel naked when I'm out in public without at least one of the jackets or vests on. I also feel naked if I'm on my bike and I don't have one of the vests with the club patches on.

    Thank you deadskunk this is very useful. I looked at your pictures and noticed a couple patches on your wife's jean jacket. Does she have others too?
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 2:52 AM PST
    GaryTJ wrote...
    I have several patches but the that means the most to me is "Stupid Hurts!"
    Yes I sometimes have a problem with stupid people, but this patch was for me. I was riding late at night out in the country, going way too fast, just enjoying the moment when I came into a fog bank. Before I realized what was happening the road stopped at a "T" intersection and I went straight off the end and through a barbed wire fence doing at least 50. Yah, it hurt bad. Wasn't so good on my old sportster either. Now I try and remember to pay more attention and stay alive.

    *ouch* GaryTJ *OUCH*
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 2:53 AM PST
    g wrote...
    my new one ....???

    Hey g this one didn't come through
  • February 4, 2010 3:04 AM PST
    I wear the one from my old Air Force unit, the 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron.  The patch was originally designed by Walt Disney in the 40's with the Wolfhound symbol featured prominently.  The crown and oranges represent the Royal House of Orange, the royal family of Holland.  The 32TS was stationed on a Dutch Air Force Base, not an American base.  The unit was deactivated several years ago.
  • February 4, 2010 3:32 AM PST
    Buffy my dear lady, please accept my offerings:
    Suzuki patch for my first ride in 1966, The Polaris patch for the 34 years in the north and my first sled. Moto Guzzi Eldorado was the first true road touring bike in 1976.
    National Registry Emergency medical Technition, Wisconsin Registered EMT. in 1978 and Burnett County Emergency Medical assn. 1979.
    Grantsburg Volunteer Fire Department, Burnett County Fire Assn., Northwester Wisconsin Fire Assn. Minnisota Fire Instructors Assn., Wisconsin Certified Firefighter III, Firefighter Instructor II, Burnett County Hazmat R.A.T. (rapid assesment team).   pres and vice pres of Grantsburg, Burnett and Northwestern organizations
    Wisconsin Dry Riders Trade Lake Chapter, Safety Officer, No Drugs or Alcohol with the bike...
    Vietnam Vet, United States Flag, USS MULLINNIX DD 944, my navy ride--now a navy target/fish farm
    I am a 62 yr old male twice divorced and 3x married. Ridding for more than 40 yrsnow in Terrell, Tx
    Got the bike bug when at 16 a friend of my father showed a 1948 Harley blue Dresser with White bags and Double up saddle. Now Ridding a 2005 Suzuki Boulevard C 90 full Dress.  Looking to Resque Riders and Patrot Guard future ties to make use of past education and support for Vet Families.
    I now ride with kevlar yellow coat and black pants.  no patches.  Leathers in storage for special purposes.  

    Leathers are colors for terminated Dry Riders chapter.  Incorporated in Minnesota and 1 Wisconsin Chapter only and I now live in Texas... I will wear them to honor  very special sisters and brothers from rides in the past and lives share most personal.  Hopefully not till the distant future..
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    February 4, 2010 8:30 AM PST
    Hey Buffy, I have too many to post here in the forum. Check out my new photo album Patches. If you need more info you know how to reach me.
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 9:48 AM PST
    I realize there is something I forgot to ask. Bullmoose you were the first to point it out and then hgsc90 you touched on it too. I should be asking if there are those of you who a.) choose not to wear patches for a specific reason & b.) if you only wear the patched vest/jacket for special occasions... may I ask a further definition of 'special'?
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 9:51 AM PST
    Also, are there more women I could hear from too? So far, I have 2 responses from women, one on the forum and one in my inbox. Would love to hear more from the female riders here.
    • 190 posts
    February 4, 2010 9:55 AM PST
    • 1509 posts
    February 4, 2010 10:01 AM PST
    Adventure Girl,

    I wear the don't tread on me patch because I love the reason this country was formed and hate were liberals are takeing it!
    I have been wearing it longer than the Tea Party movement has been arround. The Cross with the Dove needs no explainaton! The patch below "Theese are My Church Cloloths"  Is for those who donot accept anyone for who they are not what they appear to be! PGR Is my respect for those who gave all so we can have what we do not need. The Eagle Is my Dream come true , Cleaverly Disguised as a responseable adult, If I need to explainit you wont understand it, Knowledge speaks Wisdom listens,Loud pipes save lives,Welcome to America now speak the language, I had a handle on life but it broke off, Is what I believe!

    Lots of luck and experience.
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 11:57 AM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    My vest (patches) for the most part tell a story and respresent's the pride I have by serving in the Military on this great Country. Let's look at some of the patches.....on the front of my vest the RED VET patch is for the blood that has been shed by our men and women in all the wars. The 9-11-01 patch is a constant reminder that this country must remain in a constant state of allert for futher aggression. The POW patch reminds me daily that there many of my Brothers that never returned from Viet Nam, and many families that will never experience closeure. The VIET NAM patch top of my vest is proudly worn and let's others know I was there doing what I had to do without question. On the back of my vest of course the AMERICAN FLAG is a reminder that I live in the best Country in the world, and I will do anything to protect that flag and what it repersents. On the bottom of the vest is the DEATH CARD which reminds me constantly this card will come to visit all of us at some time, so we must live our lives to the fullest. Be the best person we can be...love our brothers and sisters and protect to the end our values. The SKULL patches is just another reminder that life is way to short not enjoy what God has given us.

    Hope this has helped you in some way

    The Night Dragon

    This helps me in a big way Dragon, and I salute you for your service and continued vigilance. You are a man who deserves the utmost respect.
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 12:04 PM PST
    stonecoldd wrote...
    I wear the one from my old Air Force unit, the 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron.  The patch was originally designed by Walt Disney in the 40's with the Wolfhound symbol featured prominently.  The crown and oranges represent the Royal House of Orange, the royal family of Holland.  The 32TS was stationed on a Dutch Air Force Base, not an American base.  The unit was deactivated several years ago.

    Thank you for sharing, and for your service to our country. I've always wanted to see Holland did you get to get out and enjoy the area while stationed there? That patch was designed by Walt Disney? It amazes me, the extent of that man's creative genious.
    • 1161 posts
    February 4, 2010 12:40 PM PST
    My Skulls were a choice of listening to my Grandfather's storys from both of the times he left to fight in a different country, and the look of skulls with flames reminded me of Granddads storys. I really enjoy the look of skulls (Heads), Since my near death airborne jump in '96 (I'm keeping my Airborne Wings on my Chest).
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 12:45 PM PST
    SingSing wrote...

    I think I've heard that upside down patch thing before. I can't remember where or from whom and didn't remember it until you posted it here.
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 2:08 PM PST
    cara2play wrote...
    I hope that these will help you with your project. I really think that your choice of patches is fantastic. The first vest is the one that I wear for veteran type events like Run for the Wall and funeral escorts. I think of it as my formal vest. It has an Operation iraqi Freedom veteran patch because I am proud to have served this great nation. It also has two Patriot Guard patches, one national and the other a local chapter. The POW/MIA patch I got when I road with my father in law (a Viet Nam Vet) in the Run for the Wall. The back of the vest has another Patriot Guard  local patch. The large patch ,I think says it all.  The second vest is my every day vest.  It has my name and  US ARMY. It also has a badge pin that my old partner from my law enforcement days gave me recently. It has my combat action badge and my flight medic wings as well. The patch under my name is the Multi National Forces Iraq patch which is my combat unit patch. The one under the US ARMY tape is my squad patch from Iraq. It is read " Unlucky One Three". There is a patch that shows my love for our flag and another for our missing brothers and sisters. The back shows my more rebellious side and is what makes it inappropriate for the veteran type events. The Breezy Rider patch speaks for itself. Betty Boop is my all time favorite pin up girl. Again there is the veteran patch. The two smaller patches I think speak volumes.' It is better to be hated for who you are then loved for who you are not" and ' I would rather be an open sinner than a false saint". Just my view on things.


    Thank you Charlie. Your contribution is very much appreciated. Let me also say: I like your views.
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 2:15 PM PST
    Thank you to all those who've responded so far. This is quite amazing. I do need more input though. I'm about half-way to my minimum for collecting data. From the data I collect I'm going to be asked to make a generalized statement that represents my media choice. The next 16 or so contributions will either reinforce a theme that is materializing or add variation to better fine tune my analysis.
    • 1161 posts
    February 4, 2010 2:43 PM PST
    Ok, I'll add my Vest for you The Cross on my heart to keep me grounded.  The H-D Patch with Wings Under my Cross (was my first H-D Patch I ever gotten).  Below that is a new patch H-D for wanting to learn how to work on bikes (the last H-D patch I have gotten).  Last but not least My Paratrooper Patch on the pocket. nothing on the back (as of yet) been looking at different MC's (Vet's) Warrior Brotherhood (Georgia State not National any more), Because of wanting to ride with other like minded Veterans,  or the American Legion Riders,  or Patriot Guard.  I have more patches I want to get but have not as of yet.

    Updated Aswell for you AG!
  • February 4, 2010 4:27 PM PST
    i don't have any patches myself but i'll ask my dh and father in law to post. My FIL would have a long list heehee, one of his vests is literally held together by the patches on it.
    • 910 posts
    February 4, 2010 4:30 PM PST
    i don't have any patches myself but i'll ask my dh and father in law to post. My FIL would have a long list heehee, one of his vests is literally held together by the patches on it.

    AWESOME!! Thank you!
    • 910 posts
    February 5, 2010 1:32 AM PST
    Seakers wrote...
    Ok, I'll add my Vest for you The Cross on my heart to keep me grounded.  The H-D Patch with Wings Under my Cross (was my first H-D Patch I ever gotten).  Below that is a new patch H-D for wanting to learn how to work on bikes (the last H-D patch I have gotten).  Last but not least My Paratrooper Patch on the pocket. nothing on the back (as of yet) been looking at different MC's (Vet's) Warrior Brotherhood (Georgia State not National any more), Because of wanting to ride with other like minded Veterans,  or the American Legion Riders,  or Patriot Guard.  I have more patches I want to get but have not as of yet.

    Thank you for adding your vest. As much as I would like to be able to count that as a separate entry to hit my minimum, I actually can't. The way my count is structured is all the patches an individual person owns will count as one unit of measure. So, I need a minimum of 30 individual people to assessin order to meet my requirements. However, that said, by adding your vest you gave me more information to help me better understand the patches that represent you/your beliefs. That gives me the ability to make more accurate comparisons or contrasts between you and others that have contributed.

  • February 5, 2010 1:57 AM PST
    Long time, no see AG!! How are ya? GREAT project. I'd like to contribute a bit.
       I myself don't have patches on my leather. I do pins. However, I grew up around clubs and have an inside perspective on some of their patches. Often thought of writting a book, actually.

      Of course, we all got an education in them a little from shows Like"SOA", and as far as I can see, they have some of it right. Rockers,(top and bottom arched patches on club colors), are generally for location, and club name. Where your particular charter is from..the state usually and some have cities. The center largest patch is of course your clubs symbol. Also I know the color combinations have a great deal to do w/ it. Certain clubs and affiliate clubs, use this to show their allegiances. If they are a support club to a larger club in the area, then they may have a small patch on the front of the vest that states who they are with. Lot's of them have RIP/ patches for fallen brothers. I'm sure many of you know of the "1%" patch. That is to show that their club is in the 1 percentile of all clubs.."Top of the food chain." as I've heard it described to an idiot! LOL! Not many clubs fly wings patches anymore. They range in color from red, brown, black..and have quite the story behind them. It got started by clubs to weed out..how should I say.."woosies"..or any lawmen who might be trying to infiltrate the club. It was generally thought that anybody who wouldn't "go down" on a girl was either too weak to be in w/ them, or must be the fuzz and therefore wouldn't do such a "thing". Club I knew had "property of" patches for their ol' ladies. They had a center patch only on the vest that stated they were property of a certain member or the club pass-around, and any other clubs or guys in general better keep hands off.

      People don't know what a history clubs and their patches have. It all means something to them, and tells others that they are "family".
    • 910 posts
    February 5, 2010 2:13 AM PST
    TigerLady wrote...
    Long time, no see AG!! How are ya? GREAT project. I'd like to contribute a bit.
       I myself don't have patches on my leather. I do pins. However, I grew up around clubs and have an inside perspective on some of their patches. Often thought of writting a book, actually.

      Of course, we all got an education in them a little from shows Like"SOA", and as far as I can see, they have some of it right. Rockers,(top and bottom arched patches on club colors), are generally for location, and club name. Where your particular charter is from..the state usually and some have cities. The center largest patch is of course your clubs symbol. Also I know the color combinations have a great deal to do w/ it. Certain clubs and affiliate clubs, use this to show their allegiances. If the are a support club to a larger club in the area, then they may have a small patch on the front of the vest that states who they are with. Lot's of them have RIP/ patches for fallen brothers. I'm sure many of you know of the "1%" patch. That is to show that their club is in the 1 percentile of all clubs.."Top of the food chain." as I've heard it described to an idiot! LOL! Not many clubs fly wings patches anymore. They range in color from red, brown, black..and have quite the story behind them. It got started by clubs to weed out..how should I say.."woosies"..or any lawmen who might be trying to infiltrate the club. It was generally thought that anybody who wouldn't "go down" on a girl was either too weak to be in w/ them, or must be the fuzz and therefore wouldn't do such a "thing". Club I knew had "property of" patches for their ol' ladies. They had a center patch only on the vest that stated they were property of a certain member or the club pass-around, and any other clubs or guys in general better keep hands off.

      People don't know what a history clubs and their patches have. It all means something to them, and tells others that they are "family".

    Wow TigerLady it really has been a long time. Don't think I've heard from you here since I left on my trip last June. Thank you for your contribution. While it does't count as a particular unit of measure it certainly gives me more information that will help when I have to take all of the content analysis into consideration and make my over-all statements.
  • g
    February 6, 2010 12:00 AM PST
    love all this patches u guy's have ,they all tell a gid story ,they are like a scrap book full of story's and things of ur past ,bit like the ink i have ,only got 5 tats but all tell a story , I will try that one again adventuregirl .....
  • g
    February 6, 2010 12:01 AM PST
  • g
    February 6, 2010 12:02 AM PST
    sorry ,not working ,its the cyclefish logo ,its now on ma bike .