January 9, 2011 6:33 AM PST
This season: I pull out of a store driveway, go about 50 yards, put left signal on and start to pull into left turn lane, when the female behind me comes roaring up on my left side. I lean right out of her way, she finally shes me, the same bike she was following before. We then got caught at a light. She then sticks her head out the window and tells me she is "So Sorry." Light changes, I proceed around corner following some dude that is rolling all of 20 mph. I check my mirror, left lane has enough room to kick down a gear, throttle up and go. We get maybe 3 stop lights up the road, red light. I am in right lane at this time. " The Bimbo" that tried to run over me, then told me she was sorry, comes screaming up in left lane, and stops. She then proceeds to give me Hell, and says "That's How People Get Killed On Motorcycles". I then "Politely Saluted " her, Told her people like Her were the reason Bikers got Killed, and rode on.
January 9, 2011 8:13 AM PST
The lack of turn signal use aggravates me. So do the folks who think they have to veer out to the left before making their right hand turn.
But one that ain't been mentioned yet is the clown who comes up on a red light with a bunch of cars already there. That fool then stops the first time about four car lengths short of the group. Then he waits a bit and pulls up another car length .. waits a bit .. pulls up again .. waits a bit .. pulls up again .. and then creeps every so S L O W L Y to finally stop where he should have originally.
Ohhh ... and another one ...
The guy who is first at the light and keeps easing off his brake in anticipation that the light is going to change right then .. but it doesn't. So we wait a bit and he keeps inching forward the entire time the light is still red. But then when it finally changes to green .. he's the LAST one to finally get moving.
January 9, 2011 1:11 PM PST
ok these morons here in the south seam to think that if your turning too a two lane road left or right you get to choose both lanes to turn in the left or the right lane. Last I heard it is illegal in the lower 48 states and still not inforced in the south because the local LEO's do it along with the State guys.
And for second the carefull driver stopping 2 or 3 car lenghts back from the line at stop lights and it dose not trip the lights and sit there for 5+ minutes and wonder why i come up behind them and motion for them to move the hell up to the light to atleast trip it so I can move. (morons)
January 20, 2011 1:32 AM PST
i've had pretty good luck with cage drivers, but i do a lot of pro-active pointing. The few times they don't respond and cut me off, well a red light comes sooner or later, then they get a little more than finger pointing!
Old drivers are the worse... they drive slow, swagger all over the road, and hallucinate (continually hit the brakes for no reason). For them i will take a left (or a right) at any given intersection... hey, it's all in the ride, who cares where yer going!
January 20, 2011 3:16 AM PST
Having a car pass on a curve or coming to a hill only to find cars coming head on. Or coming to a corner or a hill to have a passing car in your lane. I usually don't ride on a specific road because for some reason over half the time that's what I see.
And I agree with the So. Cal rider above. People are inconsiderate and dangerous with their distractions with cell phones, make-up, reading while drivng, etc....
January 20, 2011 4:09 PM PST
Well Said Gofur...n one of my favorites n I hope it's one of yours....ANYONE that drives a cage....of course that's probably n oxymoron since I drive a cage "very little" but you get the drift....
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
January 20, 2011 4:58 PM PST
I hate when some Jerk coming home from the desert with a motorhome and a trailor pokes ass all the way thru the mtns. in front of your large group of riders and passes about 40 god damn turnouts.
January 21, 2011 3:15 AM PST
Oh yeah
When there is only to cars on the road for a stretch and they find it necessary to ride in the lanes next to each other at the same exact speed.
January 21, 2011 3:20 AM PST
I hate when some Jerk coming home from the desert with a motorhome and a trailor pokes ass all the way thru the mtns. in front of your large group of riders and passes about 40 god damn turnouts.
Man I hate that too. After they miss one or two turnouts I usually honk the horn and point as I see the "Slower Vehicles Use Turnouts" sign coming.
I can't remember what state we were in while heading to Sturgis, but they had really large signs that said "$xxx.xx Fine For Slower Vehicles Not Using Turnouts To Allow Passing".
January 21, 2011 3:26 AM PST
just cars on the road pisses me awf .
The odd donkey and sheep aswell!
January 21, 2011 3:41 AM PST
When a yo-yo in his cage is in the left lane talking on his cell....starts to pull over into the right, then changes his mind. Starts to the right, then changes his mind again! Still hasn't figured out that he can't talk on his cell, drive, and mess with the people behind him, rider or not, for very long. The law of averages WILL catch up to him.
January 27, 2011 1:03 AM PST
Jumping the traffic light change like its the damn Christmas tree at the drag strip. I see these people that once the cross traffic light changes they just start releasing the brake and moving forward and then nail it as soon as the light changes. Not sure where they are going that being there 1.6 seconds early is going to make that much difference.
January 27, 2011 3:15 AM PST
The worse sort of drivers for me are the tailgaters,I have already avoided a couple of these scenarios,one time a cager was riding up on my rear in heavy traffic,doing abt 20 coming to stop at lite,realize foolboy behind me isnt gonna have enuff time to stop,I split the lane w/plenty of room unfortunately the guy behind me wasnt on a bike,splitting lanes in SUV's dont work,I heard a very loud crunch from behind as I was rolling forwards betwen the cars,looked back sure enuff foolboy took out 2 cars,I cant tell other riders this enuff,watch your rearview mirrors,dont assume anything ever & always figure the that fool on the rite or left trying to merge into or cross traffic wont see you.
stay safe n enjoy the ride !!!
January 27, 2011 5:37 AM PST
Lucky, the ones you describe, that jump the lights are really the Old Drag Racers like me that just cant break the Habit.