What makes us "Over Qualified" for jobs ?????????

    • 1780 posts
    July 26, 2010 5:59 AM PDT
    Some of you may know, all be it, I’m retired from the Federal Government of almost 39 years I feel I still have some damn good life left in me, so I have been actively looking for employment in the security industry.  I have taken so many classes I feel like I’m in college again, and I feel my resume is pretty impressive, not to mention I’m ex-military, and a Vietnam combat Veteran. Lately I’ve had more interviews than Mel Gibson, so I’m getting real good at this process. Today I had an interview that just put me in a funk. The interviewer said, “You have quite impressive credentials” here. I’m thinking yea baby I’m in for sure. Then he tells me,” I hate to tell you this”, but you are way “Over Qualified” for this position. What was I suppose to say….well how about forgetting the fact that I’ve taken all these Officer Survival classes, and my Body Guard classes as well.
    Isn’t this a kick in the head……….any comments on this “Over Qualified”  BS subject
    Night over Qualified Dragon
    • 568 posts
    July 26, 2010 6:05 AM PDT
    it seems ta me they want ta get away wid under-paying whoever they see fit to hire.

    that sucks big chocolatey balls, brother, i'm sorry ta hear...

    keep up the "good fight" (pun intended) and ye'll find something ggood fer ya. best of luck wid it.
    • 0 posts
    July 26, 2010 8:01 AM PDT
    "overqualified" means that they are afraid you are going to take their job away from them. They are afraid.
    • 5420 posts
    July 26, 2010 9:50 AM PDT
    Your comeback should have been...

    "Look Sir, if you give me a couple of days to practice, I'm sure I could come back and act as under qualified as everyone else here."


    "If you hire me
    I promise I won't work up to my full potential."

  • July 26, 2010 10:00 AM PDT
    i hear that myself, i am 42, have 20 years as a mechanic on all makes. my skill set is kinda unique in that i work on everything from weedeaters to cat dozers, with a sideline in welding and metal fab, and some mgmt exp. what i am learning about this whole mess, interviews and such, it is all crap. what was said earlier about them being afraid you'll advance to their position is true, i am living that now. experience used to come at a premium, not anymore. employers want to pay seasoned employees like college grads. so if the job offers 30k, and you are in reality worth 60k, rather than tell you the truth, you are called overqualified by them. i don't know if that is an insult or a compliment. but coming from someone half my age(can't believe i said that), i do, at times find it humorous. especially if in conversation, they slip and i correct them on policy, or legal, or procedure. and it is interview over!
  • July 26, 2010 10:04 AM PDT
    i also know that feel Dragon I dumb down my resume alot
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 26, 2010 10:13 AM PDT
    Well Kenny, I like what Gary and Lucky said. I too dealt with that a few years ago when I was still working for other people and like BullMoose said, I dumbed down the resume a bit for certain jobs. It do Suck!
    • 1066 posts
    July 26, 2010 10:16 AM PDT

    Lucky wrote...

    Your comeback should have been...

    "Look Sir, if you give me a couple of days to practice, I'm sure I could come back and act as under qualified as everyone else here."


    "If you hire me
    I promise I won't work up to my full potential."

    Nightdragon my Brother, I think Lucky is spot on with his reply!!!!!!!!!!!  
    As much B.S. as it sounds like, it's happening in all professions.

    • 1780 posts
    July 26, 2010 1:09 PM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Your comeback should have been...

    "Look Sir, if you give me a couple of days to practice, I'm sure I could come back and act as under qualified as everyone else here."


    "If you hire me
    I promise I won't work up to my full potential."

    Lucky my Brother I shall remember that one......love it....LOL
  • July 26, 2010 1:22 PM PDT
    garyTJ is right on the money ,the interviewer hires idiots for the job so that he looks brilliant in the eyes of his boss,i know my boss's son now does all the hiring where i work and everyone he hires is worthless and lazy as hell, just like he is.