Sounds like CYCLEFISH

    • 910 posts
    March 20, 2010 7:50 AM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Even though I'm not a f'in people person. I kinda dislike yall less than others. That's the best I can do.

    I can live with that
  • March 20, 2010 8:15 AM PDT
      Yaa hes ok for a big ugly dude.  I can put up with ya for a while..
      The rest is ok group of Brothers and Sisters. 
    • 1509 posts
    March 20, 2010 8:48 AM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Even though I'm not a f'in people person. I kinda dislike yall less than others. That's the best I can do.

    If you ask his ol she will say he's a teddy bear in ruff garb!
  • March 21, 2010 9:30 AM PDT
    She might.
    • 1509 posts
    March 21, 2010 12:15 PM PDT
    gotta have a soft side for momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    March 22, 2010 12:35 AM PDT
    Cool Video! It actually fits the song.

    As is often repeated, The Best Biker Site on the Web!!! Thanks Lucky for allowing us to participate!
  • March 23, 2010 9:42 AM PDT
    So I'll repeat it again...This is the best damn site around!!!  I don't spend to much time in the forum, but I have made some great friends I talk to all the time, and have met a couple of them in person, and hope to meet many more.
  • March 30, 2010 6:22 AM PDT
    Great video, never saw that before.  And yes, it does sound a lot like this place!!!
  • March 30, 2010 6:31 AM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Even though I'm not a f'in people person. I kinda dislike yall less than others. That's the best I can do.

    That makes me like you best! lol lol

  • April 8, 2010 4:12 AM PDT
    Wow, what a cool video. Haven't seen that before!
    • 1509 posts
    April 8, 2010 4:21 AM PDT

    check this

  • April 8, 2010 5:04 AM PDT
    Thank you Lucky for following your inspiration and opening up this door...
    • 844 posts
    April 22, 2010 4:40 AM PDT
    Yep, I love this site, and all the people. I finally got to meet one of my CF friends in person, and it was a total accident. I was riding from Houston to Dallas and stopped in a little bar called Zach's Bar & Grill‎in Huntsville. Sitting there drinking a beer I noticed a guy playing pool with a CycleFish patch on his vest... Low and behold it was Pete817. He was riding the opposite way, so we didn't get much time to hang out, but what a great guy.

    Guess I need to put the CF patch on. Never know who you'll run into!!!
    • 5420 posts
    April 23, 2010 1:53 AM PDT
    Cool, love to hear about people making friends here on CF. But it is really cool when I hear about people accidentally bumping into another CF member on the road, especially wearing a CF patch!