bike security

    • 1780 posts
    February 23, 2010 11:30 PM PST
    Roy looks like you have a lot of advice already. The only other thing you might do, and I think it has been mentioned is security cameras. At least you would have a recording of the little shits. I bought a secuity system off e-bay for $120.00 I have three camera's one looking at the front door, one over my garage, and one at the end of my house looking at the front yard and down the street. I have the monitor right here next to my computer so I can see it all the time. Of course the security system just goes along with the other itdes of locks, cables....etc,
    Good Luck Roy
    • 2 posts
    February 23, 2010 11:47 PM PST
    Flatlander wrote...
    An advanced motion sensor hooked to a number of different things can deter theft before they actually get close to a bike if you have the place and imagination.

    Details - Plans - Schematics - Web sites!
    Best I could come w/ on my own is the mercury switch out of an old thermostat w/ a cut-off switch someplace.
  • February 24, 2010 12:00 AM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    Flatlander wrote...
    An advanced motion sensor hooked to a number of different things can deter theft before they actually get close to a bike if you have the place and imagination.

    Details - Plans - Schematics - Web sites!
    Best I could come w/ on my own is the mercury switch out of an old thermostat w/ a cut-off switch someplace.

    Many ideas here to check out. />
    Simple motion sensors can be had anyplace to mount on flood lights, hook to audio alarms and even cell phones. Garage door safety switches are good too, can hide them chest high from tree to tree to warn of an intruder.
    • 467 posts
    February 24, 2010 12:17 AM PST
    Back when I lived in an apartment in the "bad" part of town and did not have a garage--the very kind owners of the building let me sink a piece of concrete in the "driveway" that had a Condor and a couple of eybolts sunk into it. Once I parked in the Condor and used a cable to chain the front wheel to it, I ran another chain throught frame and the eybolts. Never had a problem! We also used this method recently in the back of our pickup when we were driving across country and staying in hotels every night. Don't know if anybody tried anything or not but the bike was still there and fine every morning!
    But the sad fact remains: Locks are for honest people!
  • February 24, 2010 2:33 AM PST
    Years ago I parked my 305 Scrambler on the front porch everynight with side stand down against the house and rolled it up onto the center stand thinking if anyone snuck up to steal it, would bounce off the side stand and fall over making a hell of a ruckus. Wasn't many homes around back then, none across the street it was a solid wall of Saw Palmetto bushes. I kept a 16 guage loaded with bird shot by the door just for giggles, never knew when you would find a six foot diamond back curled up on the porch. One night it happened, c r u n c h, pitter patter of footsteps running away. I grabbed the shotgun and ran out the door to see someone running away, fired a round of birdshot right behind them thinking maybe they would run into the palmetto's, THEY DID, listened to them making a hell of a noise running through them things for ten minutes, poor bastard, I never did go look for a body. If you knew what a Saw Palmetto looked like you would understand............. Observe below ...................... OUCH!!!
    • 1780 posts
    February 24, 2010 2:53 AM PST
    Just for shit's and grin's purchase an INERT hand grenade (get them at gun shows) and set it some where on the bike out of site and if some one stands up you ride this thing fall's to the ground. Holy shit can you image the look on the little shits faces when that baby hits the ground. Maybe a trip wire leading to a fake claymore mine.
  • February 24, 2010 3:40 AM PST
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Find one of the local dirtbags and beat his ass down. Let folks know he messed with your sled.Tell him you will be back if it get touched. Doesn't matter if he did it or not, he deserved the beat down. Like has been said, a cover, an alarm and a disc lock is about all you can do. If they want it, they are gonna get it. The trick is making it not worth all the trouble of getting it.

    Never leave someone with the ability to pick up arms and fight against you another day.  Kill em' all.  Leave their bodies hanging from poles around your property as a warning to all who come your way.

  • February 24, 2010 4:32 AM PST
    What about theft deterant when parked on the street? I still have nothing but the steering lock when I am traveling. Any suggestions for good locks or other protection when you are on the road? Brake locks, chains, . . . . ?
    • 513 posts
    February 24, 2010 4:42 AM PST
    I had a scorpio 500sri alarm I got from J&P Cycles I put on my '98 Dyna wide glide.

    Great alarm, the key fob controlled it and it was excellent. Imobolised, kill switch if they got passed that, vibrated in my pocket when the alarm went off, the lcd screen told me what was happening eg tilt etc.

    The best was you could set the alarm to silent and catch the bastard in the act. Never caught a bike thief but many a bike sitting twit as he sat on the bike to play vroom vroom. Once I was four floors up and leaned out the window to have a look at one idiot sitting on my bike, he got off really quickly, especially when he could not see where the voice that was yelling at him to get off was coming from.
  • February 24, 2010 6:49 AM PST
    JP and DennisKirk have a list of alarms, chains, cables, disc locks keyless ignitions and disables for almost any app. I saw one Called Cobra I believe, looked good but weight was massive and was long. Check dealer and Bike Shows for quick compares. I had disc lock but sold because I kept forgetting to remove. Now have coil cord reminders...
    • 601 posts
    February 24, 2010 8:22 AM PST
    Some good stuff here, i'm just about sorted now for my own bike security, hope this may help others. Now Hambone I think you would get on with my brother...he wants to wire up my metal platform to the main electricity supply, with some kind of anti-tamper trip switch, our mains is 220 volt.
    • 0 posts
    February 24, 2010 8:40 AM PST
    Rdcnslr wrote...
    What about theft deterant when parked on the street? I still have nothing but the steering lock when I am traveling. Any suggestions for good locks or other protection when you are on the road? Brake locks, chains, . . . . ?

    When I travel, it is not often alone. I have a 6' steel cable that is coated with plastic, and I cable the bikes together. Hard to take 2 bikes that are cabled together. (along with steering lock)

    • 1780 posts
    February 24, 2010 8:45 AM PST
    hambone wrote...
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Find one of the local dirtbags and beat his ass down. Let folks know he messed with your sled.Tell him you will be back if it get touched. Doesn't matter if he did it or not, he deserved the beat down. Like has been said, a cover, an alarm and a disc lock is about all you can do. If they want it, they are gonna get it. The trick is making it not worth all the trouble of getting it.

    Never leave someone with the ability to pick up arms and fight against you another day.  Kill em' all.  Leave their bodies hanging from poles around your property as a warning to all who come your way.

    Hambone you are one suddle
  • February 24, 2010 7:01 PM PST
    I came across a product that I have not used yet, but it looks promising. It's adjustable so it can be tightened.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 24, 2010 11:15 PM PST
    GaryTJ wrote...
    Rdcnslr wrote...
    What about theft deterant when parked on the street? I still have nothing but the steering lock when I am traveling. Any suggestions for good locks or other protection when you are on the road? Brake locks, chains, . . . . ?

    When I travel, it is not often alone. I have a 6' steel cable that is coated with plastic, and I cable the bikes together. Hard to take 2 bikes that are cabled together. (along with steering lock)
    When my two brothers and I travel we have identical heavy cable locks and we interlace/interconnect them. And we also have good alarm systems.  Although not impossible it would be very difficult to get one of our bikes without us knowing.
  • February 25, 2010 12:18 AM PST
    I park in the garage most the time, but once in a while the bike sits in the drive all night right next to a sign that reads " Keys attached to collar of Rocky. He will great you in... 3....2.....1 " You cant walk in the drive without hearing him bark. Works well. He is a search and rescue dogm but has a bark that matches his 105 pounds
  • February 25, 2010 12:48 AM PST
    some great ideas here, thanx for sharin.....