Do You Wear A Helmet (if not required)

    • 658 posts
    April 15, 2012 5:01 AM PDT
    Moondog wrote...
    It seems to be the current state of biker "coolness" to go without a helmet, wear the do rag and all. My wife is a charge nurse in the local emergency room. Nurses tend to have a strange sense of humor. Bikers in accidents fall into 2 catagories, survivors and organ donors. Usually the person wearing the helmets survive in some form or other whilst the ones without... well it depends on your state of mind. Slide into heaven and dust yourself off saying it was a wild ride.

    As a Paramedic, I know the possible injuries associated with riding. I choose to wear a 1/2 helmet. Not to worried about the facial injuries, (some plastic surgery might be a good thing for me) I just want to give my hard head a chance. They have gotten pretty good at fixin any other injuries to the body, but a brain injury is another story altogether. Even with a helmet there are forces that cause severe injuries to the brain. If your bike is going 65 miles an hour, so is your brain. If the bike stops suddenly, your brain is still going 65 miles an hour into the front  and back of your skull. I frimly believe after All I've seen over the years "If it is your time, it's your time".  I do however believe it's a personal choice for each rider, not the government's responsibility to tell us what we should do.

    And moondog we share that same weird sense of humor that  ER Nurses have.


    Ride Free and Have Fun doing it!!
  • April 15, 2012 5:39 AM PDT
    I chose not to wear a helmet,whenever possible,even in my home state of NY i sometimes ride lidless even though it is required by law.Call it a protest if you will.
    I, like most people, support everyones right to chose for themselves.
    Call me stupid if you like, but i have already gone down without a helmet and gotten hurt.Therefore i can make no argument towards medical issues.
    The fact of the matter is that i dont ride my motorcycle scared,and dont think of falling down.
    Am i more cautious without a helmet?
    NO i just try to ride as safe as i can.and leave the rest up to the gods.
    • 0 posts
    April 15, 2012 9:27 AM PDT
    No helmet here unless required by law. To me it just doesn't feel good, like I'm not getting the full effect of the ride, guess I'm gonna have to once I get my own bike, first 6 months is law here in CT.
  • April 15, 2012 10:09 AM PDT
    3 accidents in last 3 years and none my fault. Riding for 47 free of accidents and them those last 3. I have those 3 helmets that saved my life (In those 3 accidents I hit my head and I should be dead) I ride like 40.000 miles a year and I will keep riding till I die. I own 9 bikes all kind and love them all. Do I wear a helmet when riding? I already bet my life on it and won. Ride safe.
  • April 15, 2012 10:18 AM PDT
    Call me an organ donor I guess.I wear coke bottle glasses so nobody's gonna want my eyes.My liver oversized and hard as a rock so I imagine they'll pass on that.Kidneys are about half shot, nose has been broken so many times it just sort of waves in the wind.Smoked for about thirty years so lungsare kinda used.Several bullet holes some various road rash and stabbed in upper left thigh.Not many usable parts gonna be left.I like the wind in my face the smells of the ride.A bug hittin' me every now and then is all right.If you want to wear a helmet good for you,but why do you want to call me names.I know the risks and I also know experience and riding like everybody is out to get me and staying sober is better than 1000 helmets.
  • April 15, 2012 10:20 AM PDT
    I have often rode without one when not required by law. Even here in my home state of California, I don't wear a DOT. It is a calculated risk I take. Even after a very close call last year at Arizona Bike Week, I still rebel. My only hope is that if I go down bad enough it kills me.

    I really don't get what all the fuss is about. I choose to wear a non DOT because I hate the way DOTS fit my little bitty head. Someday when DOTs are made from a material that is durable enough for high impact without 3 inches of insulation, I will wear one.

    Seat belts are mandated by federal law and obviously save lives. Mine saved me last year in a five car pile up. A good helmet has the same ability to save lives.
  • April 15, 2012 10:39 AM PDT
    Yes, All the Gear All the Time
    First of all ofcourse a Helmet is goign to protect your brain. I think they told me that the state police study said that 80% of the fatalities in this state coudl have been prevented with a proper helmet, or one that was secure
    Secondly, a proper helmet will help give you some hearing protection along with earplugs, Nobody wants to end up deaf or with Tinitis.
    Thirdly, it shows good example to young people who watch you ride
    Finally nothing protects your eyes as well as a full face shield.
    If you area 1%er and have nothing to lose, then go for it, but if you want to live to a ripe old age and ride for the next few decades, considder a helmet
    • 823 posts
    April 15, 2012 11:29 AM PDT
    I'll take my chances without one. If I feel the need for all that protection I might as well just take my truck. I occasionally wear a full face when the weather is cold and nasty and I want to ride anyway. I can see and hear much better without one on. Everyone's own choice though. I don't tell anyone to wear one or not to.........................
  • April 15, 2012 1:50 PM PDT
    i'm with you guero
  • April 23, 2012 2:42 PM PDT
    Same here guero...about the only time I wear one is if I am knowingly going to be riding in the rain, and that's more to keep the raindrops from hitting me in the eyes than anything else. I keep some goggles in my bags in case of the surprise rain shower. I've known as many people that were killed while wearing a helmet as without...If I go down at 70 or 80 miles per hour and hit something hard with my head, I'd much rather just go out than live as a vegatable...I actually new a guy who died because his helmet caught a guard rail post and snapped his neck...when it's your time it's your time no matter how you pad yourself up...
  • April 23, 2012 2:57 PM PDT
    michigan just finally passed the helmet law (besides for the extra insurance needed) it has alot of riders with out helmets on. i tend to wear my helmet in the city. When I get out on a good country road it is nice to be able to take the helmet off and when attending bike events.
  • April 23, 2012 4:02 PM PDT
    I choose to wear a Snell approved, vented full face helmet. I ride with some who don't, and some do. It's a personal choice.
  • April 23, 2012 5:24 PM PDT
    I can't express myself because I'm superstious.. Ride em you slide em, I been riding for 50 years in three diffrent Countries. Hit two deer, dropped bike ........times. I still enjoy the helmet less ride. also notice when I hook up from helmet state buddies the do to DB
  • April 23, 2012 7:43 PM PDT
    I'm a Gear Nazi, ATGATT, That's MY choice.

    I agree that it should be your choice & not mandated, but I like to keep what grey cells I have left intact. It may or may not save me but I'm so used to having some sort of lid on my head. Long time construction worker so hard hat all the time, Long time downhill racer so helmet there it's normal for me.

    I would just hate to have to scrape one of my friends off the pavement because they were riding half nekkid. I don't do blood & guts. I will go down the road & dial 911 tho.

  • April 24, 2012 9:42 AM PDT
    I do have the choice and choose to wear a helmet when I ride!
    • 1 posts
    April 26, 2012 11:15 AM PDT
    I like the comments about helmets saving saves...a helmet usually keeps your head intact...I can't recall the last time anybody suffered road rash on the head whilst they were conscious. It the prang is bad enough chances are your neck would be snapped like a peg regardless. So I figure its each to their own. Usually the prang that gets ya is the one you don't see regardless. A bit like my brother in law...came around a bend in the wet only last Tuesday week, a semi coming the otherway swung its trailer, and took out his SUV...on the drivers side..the collision ripped the side outa the SUV..and broke the seat belt mount at the base..which got caught in the trailer...a dozen broken ribs punchered lung...and a disintergrated shoulder...all because of the seat belt snapping tight against his body. So alive is great but his recovery from this is going to take years...looks like my 41 yr old bro in law is going to become and invalid pensioner...they can't reconstruct something that isn't there any longer.
    • 823 posts
    April 26, 2012 1:43 PM PDT
    Jonesy1340 wrote...
    I like the comments about helmets saving saves...a helmet usually keeps your head intact...I can't recall the last time anybody suffered road rash on the head whilst they were conscious. It the prang is bad enough chances are your neck would be snapped like a peg regardless. So I figure its each to their own. Usually the prang that gets ya is the one you don't see regardless. A bit like my brother in law...came around a bend in the wet only last Tuesday week, a semi coming the otherway swung its trailer, and took out his SUV...on the drivers side..the collision ripped the side outa the SUV..and broke the seat belt mount at the base..which got caught in the trailer...a dozen broken ribs punchered lung...and a disintergrated shoulder...all because of the seat belt snapping tight against his body. So alive is great but his recovery from this is going to take years...looks like my 41 yr old bro in law is going to become and invalid pensioner...they can't reconstruct something that isn't there any longer.

    I agree with you Jonesy.  When I was 14 my brother-in-law was riding his scooter to work one morning and got tee-boned by a chevy van.  The van ran over him and continued for almost a block with him hung up underneath.  I was very close to him.  I had two older sisters and no brothers so he was pretty special.  Took my hunting caving and scuba diving etc.  I was devastated.  He was wearing a helmet though so actually it saved his life.  The helmet was damaged bad enough that I am sure he would have died instantly.  Instead we had to watch him die slowly over the next two weeks.  His liver was gone and massive internal bleeding.  So I do not wear a helmet unless I have to or I need it for the weather.
  • April 26, 2012 2:23 PM PDT
    Lid On.
    It's a no brainer, pun intented.'s a fashion statement. yuk yuk
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 27, 2012 12:54 AM PDT
    Jonesy and Guero, Agreeing with you both. There are worse things than dying.
  • April 27, 2012 2:26 AM PDT
    99.9999999 percent of the time I'm wearing my half helmet
  • April 27, 2012 3:02 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...

    OK You had to get this going again.

    Number 1.  I AND MANY OF MY NOT WEARING HELMET FRIENDS ARE NOT HARD BIKER WANNABES.  I personally have been riding since I was 19. Saying that 'all who choose to not wear a helmet are just trying to look cool' is a major insult to us.  Yes we have the cajones !!!  It sounds to me like you have some biker issue. You have the right to disagree with us but keep your anal attitude out of it. Neither you nor anyone else pays my medical expenses so shut up about it. I am sick of that cry ‘oh, you can’t cost me money.” That is just plain Bull.

    Number 2. Using your argument, keeping the head alive while the body is destroyed is more expensive medically than the alternative. In my opinion there are worse things than dying. What is next? How about full body armor? How about air bag suits? How about roll cages. Hell, why don’t we just outlaw motorcycles, and why stop there? Let’s get rid of beer, wine and whiskey. Boy that would save a lot of medical expenses.

    Number 3. WHAT I DO IS MY CHOICE NOT YOURS!!  If the meddling do- gooders are worried about saving money that they fantasize coming out of their pockets due to me not wearing a helmet I have a suggestion where they can really save money. Spend some effort on returning our military from Harm’s way. But that is another subject
    Finnally, I notice your profile photo is helmet less.


    Nothing much to say to this post but, "Amen, brother!"
  • April 27, 2012 3:28 AM PDT
    I live in Kentucky where a helmet is an option, I do wear my helmet and my wife does too, I just feel safer with it on. Most riders I see in Kentucky do not wear a helmet. It is there right not to and I respect that right. Just hope they don't have an accident.
  • May 4, 2012 4:24 PM PDT
    Well i have wore a hlemet for more than19 years and ever since my home state of Mi. lifted the law only a few weeks ago i do not wear one enless it is in the middle 50's or lower. I love the....o i guess i don't know how to put it, i guess the more intensifed expierence of riding, it is a different feel. And i agree with the majority of you, when it is your time it is your time. I have layed down a bike twice and both times at a rather high rate of speed and both times walked away without a scratch on my helmet. Not to say it can't happen.
  • May 5, 2012 2:58 PM PDT
    Im in the military so its mandatory for me to wear a lid and a reflective vest and long sleeves and gloves at all times while riding. Day, night, long ride, short ride..... it doesnt matter. If i get into an accident without the mandatory protective equipment they could refuse to pay my medical care or life insurance.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 6, 2012 10:45 AM PDT
    WOW I must have been angry?!?!