A Fun Story and a tip for all Single Dudes out there

    • 1780 posts
    July 4, 2012 4:07 AM PDT
    When I returned from Vietnam in 1971 I was stationed in Sunny California, and yea the Girls are all Tan but they hated my Texas accent. Being a single guy (again) back then I couldn't get a date in a room full of Hookers with $100 bills hanging out of my pockets. Not sure why they didn't like the accent, guess it sounded a bit too Hillbilly for the snootly California Sun girls. Well I knew I had to change something and I did, and it made all the difference in the world. OK Single guys out there that are struggling here is my secret..........When I went out on the town, heck I just changed my Accent and started using an English accent, and WOW what a change. All the women would want to hang out with me and talk to me just to listen to the accent. Now here is the draw back.....you had better damn well know something about Jolly Old England and I found out the hard way when I met this little Fox from ...yep England. My cover was blown.
    So to the JetMan, Boof and G with the cool accents all I can say is "You have the Power"

    What's weird is when I read out loud post from these overseas dudes......I actually speak in their accents, and don't even relize I'm doing it.

    So all you single dudes out there.........Go out and give it a Bloody go

    Tally Ho.......Night Dragon
  • July 4, 2012 4:28 AM PDT
    In America! LOL
  • July 4, 2012 4:35 AM PDT
    I say old chap, how awfully decent of you to acknowledge our English accents...

    But how jolly unsporting of you to let the secret out about our accent in USA and the power it actually does have with the women of that fair land, I say, bad show old bean.....

    Dash it all man, I shall have to address this situation in a manner befitting an English Gent Like Me... Definately not cricket old bean...

    Plan B :  "Gor Blimey Guv'nor, I aint 'ad a ricky toodle like that since I nipped down the frog+toad to the rubber-dub for a rinky dink o' pigs ear, its a right rum do and no mistake, I tells ya, strike a blinkin light and hold me 'and and call me Charlie, best I drop off me titfer-tat, off me daisy roots, up the apples and pairs to me old ned, drag a cock frush froo me barnet fair, brush me hampstead heath and off to the land of nod..... so 'elp me guv'nor...


    p.s. ...lol... American women just lurve the cheeky chappie Cockney London accent...lol...most of you think we all talk like Dick Van Dyke!!!  Hahahahahahahahaa!!!!!
    • 1855 posts
    July 4, 2012 4:51 AM PDT
    On the other hand, a deep southern drawl (I'm talking Alabama now) makes the ladies quiver in them Yankee states.

  • July 4, 2012 9:21 AM PDT
    Funny, everyone asks me if I'm from the south so I tell em NOPE, I'm from the last Dixie State in the Confederacy! Missouri! They're still a LOT of Hillbillies there! heheh
    • 1780 posts
    July 4, 2012 9:29 AM PDT
    Jet Dude plan B.........What in the name of all that's English, or not English was ya talken about????? If someone said that to my face.....after I stopped laughing....I think I would say .....Blimey are you a real Pirate?
  • July 4, 2012 3:17 PM PDT
    Yup! Life in these United States hasn't changed...a single dude will do whatever it takes to get the girl...lol
    • 9 posts
    July 5, 2012 12:54 AM PDT

    Gotta throw my two in on this...

    As a woman (Albeit, an "older" version. But I'm told, I ain't hard on the eyes...) I absolutely love the English, Aussie, Irish, Scottish...you get the drift.  There's somethin' powerful in a soft-spoken, delightfully polite manner of speakin'.  And Dragon is soooo right about one thing, if you're gonna "fake" it, by all means, do your homework.  KNOW what the heck you're talkin' about.  Cause today's woman?  She ain't as stupid as she may seem.  (That's OUR default mode...
    playin' dumb..lol) Some men think a dumb girl, is "the winnin'ticket". And we're out here, tryin' just as hard as you are. 
    I personally have used an English accent, myself.  It drew 'em in like bee'z to honey.  And like the Dragon,
    I got busted by not knowin' some basic things.  STUPID. 
    Course, when you're a few drinks in, you really ain't so cautious, I know... Good luck with it tho, and have fun!  At some point, let the lady know, tho.  Cause it's really a sense of humor we're after.  And if she can laff with ya? 
    She's a keeper! 

    Ride Free 

  • July 5, 2012 1:25 AM PDT

    See how I am dressed in my profile picture?  I was dressed like that in a Hotel Bar in Boston MA. I was at the bar chatting the barmaid (who was fascinated by the accent...lol...) ... (SCORE!!!!!)

    I hear an accent and I can virtually mimic it, not in a bad way but just for fun.....

    A city gent type came in and in his best Austin Texas accent ordered a drink, I told her to engage him in conversation for just a minute, she did, and from that point I got 40% louder and used his own accent back at him...lol...within a few minutes of talking he came over and was asking me what part of Texas I was from, he worked out that it was similar to an Austin Texas accent but he couldn't quite get from where exactly I was from in Texas...lol...so funny, I kept him guessing for another 10 minutes with me switching to more ranch hand and back to city in the same breath...

    Took a few more minutes to share a laugh with the barmaid and then told him, he nearly fell off the bar stool laughing so much...had to quit after that though, was a flight back to UK at silly oclock in the morning...

  • July 5, 2012 7:39 AM PDT
    You never hear of women doing the fake accent deal, how come ladies?
  • July 5, 2012 7:53 AM PDT
    Amen Jimmyacron
  • July 5, 2012 7:58 AM PDT
    I never used a fake accent but in younger days when I wanted to avoid conversations with men I would act like I was deaf and couldn't speak. It usually worked but blew my cover when a guy said something disrespectful to my friend and I spewed out a never ending stream of ass chewing. He didn't want to talk to me after that. So either way it worked.
    • 9 posts
    July 5, 2012 3:36 PM PDT
    wheels wrote...
    You never hear of women doing the fake accent deal, how come ladies?

    I personally have used an English accent, myself.  It drew 'em in like bee'z to honey.  
    And...like I said, as long as I "knew" what I was talkin' about, it was a SURE THING>>>

    Ride Free 

  • July 5, 2012 3:52 PM PDT
    For the most part I don't think us gals would do the fake accent thing. Let's face it I've been single for a long time I can smell bullshit a mile away I might go along with someone with a fake accent if I s feel inclined to do so, but in realitiy if ya got fake an accent what else are ya faking? such as being single? Any relationship that starts with deception will end with decepiton so be yourself and be honest and it will get you further than a game or stupid pick up line. have a great one! "T"
    • 9 posts
    July 5, 2012 4:32 PM PDT
    Sometimes...and I'm just sayin'...SOMETIME'S. When you're single, and just tryin' to mingle...It's FUN to be fake.

    Ride Free
    • 14 posts
    July 6, 2012 1:31 AM PDT
    Hey, it's all a game anyway in that attempt to get some Strange (Charlie Sheen's term).

    If you get busted with your English accent, throw everyone off by switching mid-stride to your best Cajun accent.

    Or, just tell her with your modified English accent turned Austin Powers, "No baby. I'm just trying to get in your nickers is all. Yeah!"
    • 823 posts
    July 6, 2012 1:52 AM PDT
    Tumbles wrote...
    For the most part I don't think us gals would do the fake accent thing. Let's face it I've been single for a long time I can smell bullshit a mile away I might go along with someone with a fake accent if I s feel inclined to do so, but in realitiy if ya got fake an accent what else are ya faking? such as being single? Any relationship that starts with deception will end with decepiton so be yourself and be honest and it will get you further than a game or stupid pick up line. have a great one! "T"

       Never had to be fake, not gonna start anytime soon.  Plenty BS going around already.  It is always fun for me to watch people in a crowd though.  I see it from both sexes and I guess they really think they are fooling everyone??  I have found honesty to work pretty good for me these last 50 years.  Seems to help weed out the riff raff..................................
    • 601 posts
    July 6, 2012 2:00 AM PDT
    Feck sake.............. I have to change my accent in the U.S, cos nobody can understand me !!! I often come home from the states believing I have a bad speech impediment having to repeat myself so often...but as Jetman can testify, south of Ireland accents can be a bit of a mystery, most of us speak a mix of Irish/English so if a word in English sounds like an Irish word...we use the Irish one, which may bear no relevance to the English language !
    • 2 posts
    July 6, 2012 10:00 AM PDT
    Was going to tell the story about some combination of
    1. Being 17
    2. A blind date with a student nurse
    3. A faux French accent + some pidgin French words

    But I bailed - did not pass GO - did not collect $200 - straight up bailed - nothing to tell (Besides Rory would top it anyway)
    1st hint, words properly applied, are powerful

  • July 6, 2012 10:13 AM PDT
    I guess when your young and not really looking for that lifetime commitment It could be a fun thing, but as ya get older there's enough bullshit out there so why bother creating more. Folks are going to like you for who you are in the end, so why be some thing your not. Its like going somewhere and there's the lound mouth going on and on about Laconia having been there several times I know right away the dude ain't got a clue, so why waste my time I'll go march to the parking lot and stroll and see if there's a nice restore out there or a really nice home custom and talk to that person. I'm good as I am and I for sure want a person that wants me for me and not what they think I am. I want the real deal, and I'm sure he would want the real deal too! have a great one! "T"
  • July 6, 2012 10:23 AM PDT
    rory1 wrote...
    Feck sake.............. I have to change my accent in the U.S, cos nobody can understand me !!! I often come home from the states believing I have a bad speech impediment having to repeat myself so often...but as Jetman can testify, south of Ireland accents can be a bit of a mystery, most of us speak a mix of Irish/English so if a word in English sounds like an Irish word...we use the Irish one, which may bear no relevance to the English language !

    Ya got that right brother, on all counts...lol... "Feck Sake", in USA I get asked if I am AUSTRALIAN!!!  WTF???  I speak with a "Cockney" London accent ffs!!! I do have a telephone voice that I have to use in USA or they stand NO CHANCE of understanding me...look what happened when I threw some rhyming slang in up there...lol...confused a few I bet...lol...

    Oh yeah, Rory, I used to fly in regularly to Dublin, used to go across to Southill, Limerick to see friends...and I stood NO CHANCE of understanding locals there...lol...at least those friends of mine used to speak clearly when talking to me...lol...I used to do a lot of work at Bray Studios back in the day...always stayed at the Killiney Court Hotel out on the coast...Bloody Lovely place that is...real comfy and real nice place...