In need of someone to draw my patch idea.

  • November 2, 2011 6:10 AM PDT
    I have a group of riding buddies that I plan on creating a patch for.  I have my idea, the only problem is that I'm not the best artist.  The idea is to have a burning couch and the flames coming off the couch to be in the shape of an oak leaf.  It's a pretty simple idea, I just can't seem to draw it and make it look good.  Just wondering if anyone out there has artist abilities that they would be able to sketch me out something. I would appreciate it greatly.  Let me know if anyone is interested. 
    • 1780 posts
    November 2, 2011 7:46 AM PDT
    You will notice right off that the Dragon isn't an artist either. But in the spirit of the CF Family I gave it a shot.......
    Mind is kind of age.....or what ever!.......Now that I've good look at my looks like SHIT !!!!

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    November 2, 2011 7:59 AM PDT
    Great try Kenny
    • 1855 posts
    November 2, 2011 11:04 AM PDT
    O.K., if I don't do it someone else will. I may just be too old to understand or too dense or both; but, A "burning couch"?
  • November 2, 2011 11:34 AM PDT
    OK...Sounds good however I can't write let alone draw....I do have a question?    What does the burning couch represent and why a maple leaf n what does it represent then finally what do both together represent?
    RandyJoe..aka Ice Bear...
  • November 2, 2011 11:35 AM PDT
    Im thinking instead of just laying on the couch like a big potato( Fire That Thing Up and Ride)
  • November 2, 2011 1:27 PM PDT
    For abstract art, ok. For a patch... maybe not so much.

    ps - Now you know why they don't give security experts paint brushes or give artists guns. I'm sure if they had an artist doing what you do, the crime scene wouldn't look that good either.
  • November 3, 2011 3:38 AM PDT
    For most of us we all went to school together and lived on the same street, Oak Street, representing the oak leaf.  And the burning couch, well from time to time we may have burned a couch or two...
  • November 3, 2011 4:07 AM PDT
    You want to be careful slapping a patch on your back, some of the clubs in the area might take exception.
    • 5420 posts
    November 3, 2011 4:29 AM PDT
    I don't thik there will be any problem as long as it is a one piece patch and you do NOT claim territory (i.e. put TEXAS on it).

    Just be sure to keep it a one-piece patch and do not include a "rocker".  A one-piece patch normally represents a family club, riding club, or social motorcycle club. One piece back patches are generally accepted and approved, unless the patch displays stolen logos or those that are similar to the local MC, or is predominantly the same color(s) as those of a local MC.

    Ok, now back to trying to find someone to help boostert find someone who can draw...
  • November 3, 2011 4:40 AM PDT
    Check in with your local tattoo shop, their full of artist that can wip something out for you for a few bucks.
  • November 3, 2011 4:47 AM PDT
    Well, as I don't even attempt to draw I can see two choices here....

    1. Torch a couch and hope the smoke forms a leaf, or close to it, then take a digital pic of it.
    2. Check out the patch suppliers on the internet or from this site and see if they can whip it up for you.

    Personally, I would go with option 2. The local FD frowns on torching couches here.
    • 611 posts
    November 4, 2011 8:39 PM PDT
    OK, I have something that will suffice as a starting point...
    Can't figure out how to attach it to the message...
    It's a jpg, so it should hook in...

    Can you see it now?
    • 611 posts
    November 4, 2011 8:40 PM PDT
    yep, there it is!
  • November 5, 2011 12:50 AM PDT
    Well... "Edgewalker54" you seem to be right on the money! Couldn't have done it better myself! :-)