Do You Have a Riding Name & How Did You Get It?

  • November 16, 2011 1:46 PM PST
    Back in the early 70's,fresh out of the service I became part of the counterculture (read hippie) I had this curious habit of partaking in plants that God gave us and reading head comics. Head comics for all of you in the dark , were cartoons that only made sense to stoned people. One day while practicing my favorite pastime a friend came over with more of these "magazines". I got hung on one that I read over and over. It was about an apocalyptic future where everyone rode steam powered bikes and vehicles. My friend nicknamed me after the comic...Moondog.
    • 611 posts
    November 16, 2011 7:36 PM PST
    Moondog wrote...
    Back in the early 70's,fresh out of the service I became part of the counterculture (read hippie) I had this curious habit of partaking in plants that God gave us and reading head comics. Head comics for all of you in the dark , were cartoons that only made sense to stoned people. One day while practicing my favorite pastime a friend came over with more of these "magazines". I got hung on one that I read over and over. It was about an apocalyptic future where everyone rode steam powered bikes and vehicles. My friend nicknamed me after the comic...Moondog.

    What a great story and name! I think I actually remember that one. I too read those comix and was in the correct state of mind to enjoy them... Thanx for the reply...

    • 611 posts
    November 16, 2011 7:42 PM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    chocmintz wrote...

    To all my biker buddies I'm probably best known as  ----  The Mad Woman Who Rides With A Sheep!!! 

    Just for you

    OH SAVAGE! That really made me laff! Thanx for sharing it.... still laffing....

  • November 16, 2011 10:25 PM PST
    All great stories and interesting subject matter. I can't say exactly how I acquired "Chief" except that I am part American Indian (Cherokee descent) and my primary job is as a Chief Engineer at a prominent office tower in Uptown Dallas. My Dad had called me Chief when I was younger and then my employees started addressing me as the same without knowing my heritage. So I guess the name was born via both origins.
  • November 16, 2011 11:26 PM PST
    I've always been know as Mac, an abbreviation of my last name from the military and early biking days, but most recently....after pulling out my old leather vest (from 40 yrs ago) and discovering mold on it I have now become known as "Moldy Mac"...and considering the age and miles, it's fitting......
    • 611 posts
    November 17, 2011 6:05 AM PST
    mac117 wrote...
    I've always been know as Mac, an abbreviation of my last name from the military and early biking days, but most recently....after pulling out my old leather vest (from 40 yrs ago) and discovering mold on it I have now become known as "Moldy Mac"...and considering the age and miles, it's fitting......

    Hahaha! That's great! "Moldy Mac", now that is a riding name worthy of an "Old Timer"! Glad ya pulled it out and are riding again... Of course, it's a whole new ball game out there, idiots texting, new drivers without a clue, etc... So watch yer '6' (yer back) and don't get complacent. Many Happy Miles to ya Moldy Mac! Thanx for the post,

  • November 17, 2011 6:07 AM PST
    Gee...thanks Edge.....where the hell did you find that picture of me?
    • 1 posts
    November 17, 2011 7:57 AM PST
    Well mine is from who I am part native american " Hawkeye" most of it is because I always see what is going on. Road trips I see or feel what is out there on the road / cops / speed traps / or the place we are in. It is just a thing that I have don't know what it is. I have the six sence of knowing what is out there when we ride. Plus when we are out partying I find the right girls to party with for my brothers and me with out steping on anyones feet. If you know what I mean. So the name stuck to me A lot of my feeling that I get is also the respect I have for all bikers who ride and just want to have that freedom we all have paid for.

    We have all lost many brothers and sisters for
    This word called “Freedom”
    On every sunrise I give thanks to them for this gift and
    Ride this horse as a free sprit
    On every sunset I ask them to allow me to see another
    Day of this “Freedom”
    For they are the word called “Freedom”

    Hawkeye 2006

  • February 7, 2012 1:35 AM PST
    My road name/ nickname doesn't have too much a an exciting story either. Most people think I must have stolen cars whwn I was younger, but it actually comes from just being kind of a techie nerd I'm always the guy that everyone calls when they need help hooking up their new computer or video system. And when cell phones and laptops weren't all the common, I had mine. So in my riding club I became know as Hot Wired
    • 601 posts
    February 7, 2012 1:47 AM PST
    mine is Brocky thats the english Gaelic it's means a youngster, like a badger I would hold my ground no matter what and if I got hold of something, I just would not let go....basically a stubborn fecker with a pretty mean temper.... I'm 50 it suits the hair colour !!!! but I'm still a stubborn fecker !...I may be wrong, but I'll be wrong on my terms.
  • February 7, 2012 2:17 AM PST
    Sorry folks I didn't see this one here or I wouldn't have stared one! have a great one "T"
  • February 7, 2012 3:16 AM PST
    Since you all shared yours, I'll share mine, Black9 I agree ya gotta kind of earn them, Edge, Black9, Cat, Awesome! Moondogie right on man! oh i ah guess ya want me to get to sharing.

    Well the day was sunny and warm, funny thing at 5:30am I felt god aweful and well had to call out sick, but by 10:30am was 100% better. It was December in New Jersey expected high's 75 usually about 40 ish, anyway the guy's were all going our and I latched on to go or else I'd be by myself all the time. I had only been riding a couple of years by this point so I'm thinking 90/91. We meet at the Woodbriar in Berlin there, from there we drove south east. East on 30 then down past Atlantic Blueberry Farms there, Past the furnance to 322. Left on to 322 then right on the road that leads ya to the "bulkhead' in May's Landing. On that road is kind of a large place for the area called Uncle Mike's later became the watering hole but always known as Uncle Mike's. The place would jam, I mean jam. On the way to Uncle Mike's passed many groups out, now ya have to remember the Ladies I want to ride syndrome hadn't his yet, so things were eh at times. The place was older, it had an asphalt driveway and parking at one time but it was all potholed and chuck rutted so they filled it in with that big gravel stuff you know what I mean the real big pieces of gravel. If you were sitting in the bar there's a a couple of big picture window together so ya can see the whole parking area right.
    The group pulls in we find the spot in front of the place (picturewindows), now I'm about 5'3, I'd be on tippy toes to stop, so to back up I would kind of hop/slide from one side of the bike to the other. I'm backing up doing my fancy technique for doing so, my foot slips in the gravel, I hop to catch it, I do for a moment then my foot slides, I hop and catch then slide in the gravel. Well there comes a point that we know leaning over is just too far over. I hit the kill switch (didn't have that stop thing they do now) drop the handle bars, do a somersault way from the bike and roll up on my feet pull my arms over my head, proclaim I'm all right, turn to face the bar and say I'm all right! Of course by then the guys in the bar came out a couple said something dump bitch and stupid dyke you know the norm ya got used to. However the old limping bikers came out, standing there beers in hand watching pick up the bike and walk it in to its space, no man would help, the one says, "I can die now I've seen it all", the other "ya", 1st one, "man can you do that?" 2nd "naw, man can you do that?" 1st "No, I can't, I've never seen anything like that before" 2nd "Nope me neither" (I'm putting kick stand down and used to call kinds of mean shit being said) 1st "shit that girl's a regular Tumbleweed!" Of course I'm just freaking embarssed as all get out. I go into the bar, hit the bathroom and when I come out there are two beers on the bar, the old dudes speak out "Yo, Tumbleweed, Yo girl ya hear me? Tumbleweed bitch come here!" Well the guys I were with we at the bar, freaking saying all kinds of shit why I shouldn't ride and all and I just didn't was to hear it so I walked over to the old dudes and drank the beer they bought me. The said real loud they'd ride with me anywhere cause I had moxie. Any and Every where I went if the old dudes where there I'd hear someone yelling out, "Hey Tumbleweed, girl come over here!" Needless to say everyone called me that and I feaking hated it except when the old dudes did.
    for typing purposes I shortened from Tumbleweed, to Tumbles and when I write its "T" for saving time. have a great one! "T"
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    February 7, 2012 3:36 AM PST
    Actually there was at least one earlier forum on this but all is good. I thought I posted here but see I didn't.

    I had three riding names / handles...

    First was 'Photo-1', a name I took from the call sign of the camera maintenance truck we would expedite to service aircraft while in Vietnam.

    Second was 'Slide' given to me by one of the Founding members of Rolling Thunder. Back then I would record the events / rides we had and put on a slide show at the next meeting.

    Finally "Rex 'the' Road Dog". When I picked up my '04 Road King I gave him that name and he has earned it. When I joined CycleFish I decided to use it here. Dogs have been VERY important in my life and the Creator's Best Design. Rex is the Latin word for King, a common name for a dog. He is a Road King so they fit together well and also describe my riding philosophy. I am not fast but I can run all day at a trot, just like a dog.

    Oh and I NEVER spell dog with an 'aw'!!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    February 7, 2012 3:44 AM PST
    Hey Jersey-girl T, interesting and funny (now). If I were watching you (and anyone else who just dumped their bike and were not hurt) I (and everyone I ride with would do the same) would have offered help verbally first. If you wanted it you would get it. One thing I believe in is 'if ya wanna run with the big dogs ya gotta get off the porch, and do it your self.'
    • 5420 posts
    February 7, 2012 3:52 AM PST
    Well Mike, RexTheRoadDog may very well be the name of your bike, but since you have come here I think most people are now assuming you are Rex. Even Riley asks all the time "when's Rex coming back out here"
  • February 7, 2012 4:11 AM PST
    Sir Rex, at the time not one person would ask or help man, I was not welcome as a female rider at all, however after the old dudes befriended me I became accepted because I did go riding with them, they knew the cool stuff ya know.
    A lot has changed since then for woman riders, trust me man as I watch some ladies at times I wish that the old thought process would come back at times. The few of us that did ride didn't whine about anything cause "there's no whining in motorcycling" If ya did whine the response was shut up and decorate the back. have a great one "T"
  • February 7, 2012 6:40 AM PST
    TUMBLEWEED!!! I frikkin love that story! I know it probably sucked for you T but this is how we get these damn names! I wish I had gotten a much cooler name! LOL

    My name on this place is Black 9 because that was my Ranger Call Sign in Combat and Training operations:-)
  • February 7, 2012 7:04 AM PST
    Love all these stories.... Im a natural redhead and Irish ta boot! As a teenager i met up with my first live in boyfriend, he took me to a house party, the place was packed, bikes lined the sidestreets and with nowhere to park the bike I walked as instructed and he followed my lead, parked the bike and proceeded to party with the owners of the house. My boyfriend passed out drunk, and i was left to fend for myself....needless to say some idiot decided to try to have his way with me, and the fight was on....I was taught self defense as a kid being the youngest of 6 siblings and a biker dad, I know what to do to protect myself. The idiot was so surprised by my dottin both of his eyes and makin sure he understood i was a force to be reckoned with, he regretfully cowered away! The homeowner and his "crew" accepted me as family that night, said i will never need to fight for myself again, and was given the name for obvious reasons! Feisty enough to defend myself!
  • February 7, 2012 7:20 AM PST
    hey all my friend gave me the nick Bishop when i was in service i did VBSS i used to pray every time i went over the side in that little RHIB for two things grant me to not fall from that rope ladder and that the ships crew was asleep the last was never answered .Pirates never Sleep
  • February 7, 2012 10:25 AM PST
    sometimes, i am one.
  • February 7, 2012 10:36 AM PST
    Feisty if I had to name you anything it would tall drink of heavenly goodness! :-)
  • February 7, 2012 12:11 PM PST
    Black9 it really did suck, guys can be suck p___ks and trust me they were, but the old dudes when I went riding a couple of times they folks I met through them, changed everything. Especially since they would let me in the garage, not kitchen but the garage with them, ya man I arrived then! LOL
    Fiesty us reds really don't take shit its a fact. Men love the blondes cause they is fun, they love the brunettes cause they are trustworthy(LOL), and think redheads are untrustworthy and bitches, however they all want to rub up next to us though don't they? Have a great one! "T"
  • February 8, 2012 2:33 AM PST
    As my late pappy used to always say: Red on the head and fire in the hole! HEHEHHEEH
  • February 8, 2012 3:11 AM PST
    Tumbles wrote...
    Black9 it really did suck, guys can be suck p___ks and trust me they were, but the old dudes when I went riding a couple of times they folks I met through them, changed everything. Especially since they would let me in the garage, not kitchen but the garage with them, ya man I arrived then! LOL
    Fiesty us reds really don't take shit its a fact. Men love the blondes cause they is fun, they love the brunettes cause they are trustworthy(LOL), and think redheads are untrustworthy and bitches, however they all want to rub up next to us though don't they? Have a great one! "T"

    Now THAT's a story for the street cred thread!

    Love the Tumbleweed story. I dropped my electra glide once in a friend's driveway. I was in his neighborhood, so I thought I would swing by to see if he was hanging out by his pool. When I didn't see any lights on outside, I figured he may be in for the night with an early morning work day ahead of him, so I just turned the bike around in the driveway. When I got to the end of the drive, I stopped to wait for a car to pass, and when I put my foot down, the cinders assisted it into a slide. Down went the bike. It took a minute, but I did pick it up and went home. A few days later, I am out and about and I run into my friend. As he is standing by my bike, making small talk, he says..."That bike looks really heavy." DOH!! Dude was probably watching me pick it up from the window of his house the entire time!

    As far as my road name...I was given the name Fefe by the guy I was seeing when I got my MC endorsement. He wanted to get a permanent job in my area and move in with me, but I told him he had to go back home once his contract ended, because that was the deal from the beginning. He said, "You mean you are just gonna forget all about me, just like that?" I said, "Yup." F'em, & Forget 'em = FeFe 

    The definition "Fefe" has among the incarcerated or military makes the name ironically funny to me...because I am probably the biggest prude I know among biker chics. But when you think about it, something like that isn't shared among all the guys...dudes pretty much get their own.
  • February 8, 2012 4:43 AM PST
    RaceAngel because of my stock car racing background. They also call me the "Red Hot" Racing Grandma because I am a grandmother of two but added the "Red Hot" after my race car caught on fire. I like RaceAngel better for riding...............