January 10, 2011 1:22 PM PST
We, too, have a shoe tree on 585 between Sundance and 4 Corners and I would hate to see what would happen to the person one of the ranchers on that road caught tryin' to damage it!
January 11, 2011 1:05 AM PST
Neil, I am not sure when that started but it began in cities where kids would throw there used sneakers with laces tied together over power or telephone lines. There are several purported meanings:
* They are the shoes of a friend lost to violence thrown up in a memorial near their place of death.
* Signifies that drugs are sold at that location
* Marks gang territory
* You have bullies in your area and they took another kids shoes for a game of keep away.
* Someone got a new pair of tennies and just thought of a way to get rid of the old ones.
When I was a kid (yeah it has been done for that long) it meant the last item on the list.
January 11, 2011 1:39 AM PST
Mike - we didn't do it with shoes, but in the early 70's you often found these (Clackers) hanging over telephone lines or in tree branches. Think I lost at least 3 sets that way