T-shirts from events that you didn't attend

  • January 6, 2011 2:59 AM PST
    One of the gifts I received this year for xmas from a friend was a 2010 Sturgis Rally t-shirt. I felt strange accepting it from him and heres why. I have never worn a biker themed t-shirt from any place or event that i was not at that particuliar year. I believe its all about the riding to and riding home from an event that makes it special enough for me to purchase a t-shirt. My buddy of course thinks thats silly and he orders stuff off the computer all the time. Just curious what do all of you think?              thanks wheels....
    • 5420 posts
    January 6, 2011 3:07 AM PST
    I agree with you there. I too only wear shirts from events I have actually attended. To me the shirt is signifies a kind of camaraderie with others who attended the event. When I see someone with a 2010 Sturgis shirt, I expect I can go up and talk to them about the the event we both attended. But like you I sometimes get gifts from friends who go to an event and bring them back to me as a souvenir, I graciously accept it and wear it around the house or under my jacket

    The only exception to wearing shirts from places I haven't been is with Harley shirts from dealers around the country. I have lots of friends that send me shirts from their local Harley dealer and I will wear those.

  • January 6, 2011 3:36 AM PST
    I agree,if Im not at the event I dont need a shirt! kinda silly!
    • 5420 posts
    January 6, 2011 3:51 AM PST
    Oh yeah, one other exception to wearing a shirt for an event I didn't attend. It's when I get ripped off and someone sells me last years shirt at this years event, and I don't notice until I get home!!! Happened a number of times - I check now!
    • Moderator
    • 1364 posts
    January 6, 2011 3:52 AM PST
    You betcha, It's like wearing a Kiss army member tee shirt and not being a member let alone never seen the band............. LOL
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 6, 2011 4:49 AM PST
    I guess it is better than those shirts that were going around for a while, my friend went to blah blah and all I got was this stupid Tshirt!
    • 0 posts
    January 6, 2011 5:57 AM PST
    Until Sturgis last year I only had T Shirts from local events...Marni and I spent a couple of hundred bucks on shirts and other assorted shit ,because for us its a bloody big trip..Last week while on holidays down south i was wearing a Sturgis shirt at this tourist attraction and this bloke comes over and asks You been there or just bought the shirt off bloody ebay?". We got to shooting the shit and him and his missus gave us free tickets to this tourist town (worth 40 bucks a piece )and we all met up and got drunk as buggery on new years...Moral to the story is You meet the nicest people in a Sturgis shirt,if youve been and can shoot the shit about it...CHEERS BOOF
    • 9 posts
    January 6, 2011 6:01 AM PST
    For the period of time that I didn't have a bike, I stopped wearing all of my shirts. It kinda felt like I was a wannabe. And even tho I'd been riding for over 25 years, I didn't like answering the question: "where's your bike?" And I also, won't wear a shirt from some place I didn't personally ride to. I don't cotton to lying, of any kind. So, if I don't want to have to come up with some lame story about the shirt, I just don't wear it. But if it's a gift, I just add it to my collection. I can always wear it around the house, if I was remiss doing laundry, feel me?
    Ride Free
  • g
    January 6, 2011 6:11 AM PST
    i dont mind .......u can pm me ,and ill give u my home address for u all to ship over any old t-shirts u dont want ...lol
  • g
    January 6, 2011 6:11 AM PST
    REMEMBER .... wash them first though .
  • January 6, 2011 6:12 AM PST
    i feel ya wheels- i only wear t-shirts from the only event i went to - lol and of course a shit ton a harley tshirts- but thats what everybody gives as gifts- but rally/concert tshirts are reserved for attendance- my 2 cents anyway
    • 212 posts
    January 6, 2011 12:18 PM PST
    I will buy and wear tshirts from fundraiser runs,even if I don't always get to go. I always support breast cancer and any run that helps someone who needs it.
    • 9 posts
    January 6, 2011 2:17 PM PST
    Event shirts, only if I was there.. I do have a couple that were gifts, but I only wear them out if I know the person who gifted it will be there. I used to only wear dealer shirts I have been to, but gave up a few years ago, got way too many as gifts,
    • 58 posts
    January 6, 2011 6:25 PM PST
    Guess I'm lucky. Since I seldom wear t-shirts as outerwear, I don't get gifted them (as a rule). I was raised, If it doesn't have a pocket or buttons, and you are over the age of 12, it's not outer wear! So, for me, non-issue!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    January 6, 2011 11:57 PM PST
    I will not wear a biker T-shirt from an event, dealer or place I have not been to, on my bike. My philosophy is ' any badge worn must be earned.'

    The only exception to this rule is I had a Guam T given to me by a friend. Not much chance for me to get there again and I did live there for two years.

    And G, I recently cleaned out my attic and donated 3  trash bags full of very servicable (and clean) T's to the Viet Nam Vets.
    • 1 posts
    January 7, 2011 7:42 AM PST
    Would this fit into this catagory if a person wouold wear or own Harley Davidison T-shirts, but do not own or ride a Harley? Hmmmm I wonder.

    I personally would not wear a T shirt from event I did not attend. I look at this way, I if someone would approach me about my Sturgis t-shirt of 2010 I was wearing and ask me about certain things that had happened there how would I be able to answer them, If I had not attended. One word comes to mind "Poser".
  • January 7, 2011 11:45 AM PST
    There is a rule writen somewhere I'm sure.

    Lets start enforcing it! Which side of the front door to the Knuckle is the "no colors" sign? Dunno? Take off the shirt!
  • January 7, 2011 11:45 AM PST
    uhg... never mind.... put it back on
    • 2 posts
    January 8, 2011 2:16 AM PST
    If it's free I will wear it - Doubt if I ever bought a T-shirt - Most of them gimmies from trade shows + a few from Units my son was formerly in
  • g
    January 8, 2011 7:16 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    I will not wear a biker T-shirt from an event, dealer or place I have not been to, on my bike. My philosophy is ' any badge worn must be earned.'

    The only exception to this rule is I had a Guam T given to me by a friend. Not much chance for me to get there again and I did live there for two years.

    And G, I recently cleaned out my attic and donated 3  trash bags full of very servicable (and clean) T's to the Viet Nam Vets.

    you are a top man rex ..
  • January 8, 2011 2:25 PM PST
    I guess it doesnt bother me.  I've worn a few from small club rallies that I've not attended.  I bought  these shirts from friends that had extras they were trying to unload so basically I helped them out by buying shirts from them. 

    Large rallies are not my thing so I've not worn any.  In fact the biggest rally I've been to is Daytona Bike week and come to think of it I never even bought a shirt while I was there !!! 

    • 1066 posts
    January 9, 2011 10:29 AM PST
    I wouldn't wear an event-T if I didn't go. I also didn't wear Harley shirts before I bought my Dyna. My wife tried to buy me an HD - T pre-Harley, I said I ain't no poser. Now she understands.
    • 1161 posts
    January 9, 2011 11:43 AM PST
    Ok, I guess I'm the poser / wannabe but I have been around bikes and different clubs and always wanted a harley but I have worn H-D T-shirts since as long as I can remember. All of mine were given to me for one, but I was there when they were bought as well. But yes I dont have a bike yet. the only thing I have and use from time to time is a hat given to me while we were at the 2009 19th of December Toys-For-Tots run. But now my car is finally payed off I can get a handgun and then start saving for my devorce and then my bike. And if I'm still a Poser / Wannabe to you then to bad. I will continue to use my shirts from H-D dealers I have been to even tho they were in my Cage. But hay not all of us can afford bikes on what I make a month but atleast im trying to do something besides giving up. And I'm not a begging on the streets like most that make what I do a month.
  • January 9, 2011 12:43 PM PST
    Ya might wanna email Walmart so they can recall those 25million West Coast Chopper shirts they sold. 8)
    The shirt don't make the man. Gotta give credit to Seakers on this one. The guy has the Interest, and that's why we're all here. Period.
    Sure, I guess some guys walking around with Sturgis shirts are posers. I don't think they check for motorcycle license endorsements and check the bike odometers @ the T-Shirt booth, but I've seen a HELLUVA lot MORE posers sitting on the Harley they own at bike rallys with all the leather and fringes and patches and kewl helmet stickers and all that wanna act like Hollywood hooligans on Sunday afternoon before they gotta go back the the accounting firm on Monday morning. Sadly, even the BIKE don't make the man.
    The man makes the man.
    If a guy is wearing a 57 Chevy T-shirt does that mean he owns one, has vast knowledge of the 57, of 55-57 Chevs, of the entire GM catalog, or what? Maybe he just like old cars. Is he a poser? We can have a contest on who the biggest poser on here is. Where do you stop? Eventually, it's gonna come down to who forged their own metal to machine their own crank, blah, blah, blah. And then the Miner is gonna come on and call THAT guy a poser. It's a never ending dick-waggin contest.
    I figure if the guy has a T-Shirt, he at least has an common interest with me and go from there.
    Besides, sometimes it's just plain entertaining to hear some drunk talk about his 2011 12-speed Knucklehead UltraFatBoy that the (insert scary sounding bike club) gave to him after he was sentenced to 110yrs in jail for killing 250 people, he straightened Charles Manson out while his was in there, and was released last week and is living under the Federal Witness Protection Plan.
    Most people get their biggest screwing from a friend, a lover, a guy in a suit and tie, or a guy in a Priest's robe. Don't trip-out on a gawd-dayumn T-Shirt.

    (BTW, Seakers: Ya know that money you're saving for the divorce?..she gets half of it!! ROFLMFAO)
    • 1161 posts
    January 9, 2011 1:19 PM PST
    Shemp wrote...
    Ya might wanna email Walmart so they can recall those 25million West Coast Chopper shirts they sold. 8)
    The shirt don't make the man. Gotta give credit to Seakers on this one. The guy has the Interest, and that's why we're all here. Period.
    Sure, I guess some guys walking around with Sturgis shirts are posers. I don't think they check for motorcycle license endorsements and check the bike odometers @ the T-Shirt booth, but I've seen a HELLUVA lot MORE posers sitting on the Harley they own at bike rallys with all the leather and fringes and patches and kewl helmet stickers and all that wanna act like Hollywood hooligans on Sunday afternoon before they gotta go back the the accounting firm on Monday morning. Sadly, even the BIKE don't make the man.
    The man makes the man.
    If a guy is wearing a 57 Chevy T-shirt does that mean he owns one, has vast knowledge of the 57, of 55-57 Chevs, of the entire GM catalog, or what? Maybe he just like old cars. Is he a poser? We can have a contest on who the biggest poser on here is. Where do you stop? Eventually, it's gonna come down to who forged their own metal to machine their own crank, blah, blah, blah. And then the Miner is gonna come on and call THAT guy a poser. It's a never ending dick-waggin contest.
    I figure if the guy has a T-Shirt, he at least has an common interest with me and go from there.
    Besides, sometimes it's just plain entertaining to hear some drunk talk about his 2011 12-speed Knucklehead UltraFatBoy that the (insert scary sounding bike club) gave to him after he was sentenced to 110yrs in jail for killing 250 people, he straightened Charles Manson out while his was in there, and was released last week and is living under the Federal Witness Protection Plan.
    Most people get their biggest screwing from a friend, a lover, a guy in a suit and tie, or a guy in a Priest's robe. Don't trip-out on a gawd-dayumn T-Shirt.

    (BTW, Seakers: Ya know that money you're saving for the divorce?..she gets half of it!! ROFLMFAO)

    At this point she can have it all if she will file so devorce is final!   Then I can save for my bike! 

    And for the record I do have the "M" on my lisence so as for going around looking at licenses for proof is futile as well.     I went to the Motorcycle Safety Course to get it but I saved to go to the course and had to drive 150 miles (there and back) to do it for 3 days.  But i would not trade the 100+ degree weather in my Leather jacket and used small helm for the course. 

    Since then I have gotten my own helm (used from my best friend) whom also rides (Soft Tail).