Kat Von D is possibly wearing an engagement ring

  • October 28, 2010 4:26 AM PDT
    I'm normally not one in celebrity gossip, but I read this and thought it was king of interesting...

    Is Jesse James, the philandering former husband of Sandra Bullock, about to make some woman his bride again?

    According to recent reports, James' new flame, reality star and tattoo artist Kat Von D, was spotted with a diamond on her all-important finger.

    However, when asked about her new bling at her most recent book signing, Von D played coy.

    "I don't know if I really feel comfortable talking about it," the raven-haired woman told USA Today.

    Bullock divorced James in June after it was revealed that he stepped out on their marriage. Although he told the press he was devastated, he soon took up with Von D.

    No matter who gave Kat her new piece of ice, it looks as though she's enamored with it.

    "It's actually a ring from the 1900s," she told the news outlet. "Yeah, it's been an addition to all the rest of my jewelry and my Victorian collection. They don't make things like this anymore. There's no more craftsmanship in a lot of things." 

    • 1780 posts
    October 28, 2010 6:50 AM PDT
    I think Jesse should just stick to building bikes, and forget about relationships.......because he's just not to good at it!!!
    Just my humble opinion
    • 0 posts
    October 28, 2010 6:59 AM PDT
    At least he'll have something to read in bed,or at least look at the pictures....Cheers BOOF
    • 0 posts
    October 28, 2010 7:02 AM PDT
    At least he'll have something to read in bed,or at least look at the pictures....Cheers BOOF
    • 834 posts
    October 28, 2010 7:38 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    I think Jesse should just stick to building bikes, and forget about relationships.......because he's just not to good at it!!!
    Just my humble opinion

      No doubt.  I just don't get why the man feels the need to be married.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against marraige, but it just ain't for for some people...and that would include Jesse James, and Kat Von D!

  • October 28, 2010 7:51 AM PDT
    I know what you mean there AZ, Kat doesn't seem to be the settling down type either. And is she really going to move to Texas?
    • 580 posts
    October 28, 2010 7:59 AM PDT
    Hey Boof - either you've got a stutter or you got memory probs cos you posted same thing twice LOL

    I agree guys - Kat don't look like the marrying type but things can change pretty quickly when you think that special person has come along - only time will tell. 
    • 0 posts
    October 28, 2010 8:06 AM PDT
    I'm almost sober choc.......shit like that happens
    • 844 posts
    October 28, 2010 8:23 AM PDT
    CarLow wrote...
    I know what you mean there AZ, Kat doesn't seem to be the settling down type either. And is she really going to move to Texas?

    And just what's wrong with Texas????

    • 9 posts
    October 28, 2010 8:53 AM PDT
    Jeez, for REAL???

    Personally, I do believe those two are perfect for one another. He thinks he's a stud. She thinks her tats make her every man's fantasy (is she right, guys?), and between the two of them, they make smutty seem kind of tame. Hey, whatever blows the paverbial skirt(s) up. I really am just annoyed that those two are the "entertainment" of the moment. Honestly, folks, how about a subject worth discussing? I'm just sayin....
    • 1780 posts
    October 28, 2010 10:39 AM PDT
    I have to roll with Tweek on this......I get so sick seeing the Rich and Famous get so much air time. Am I wrong here... if any of us regular people pulled some of the stunts the these Hollywood jerk off's pull with there drugs over doses, and moody moments at night clubs,and slutty pictures taken by these half wit photo jocks we would be toss in jail and never seen again. It would be like a Mexican Jail tour for us, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO these pecker heads just have to be in the lime light to get there little rush for the evening. Why don,t we rarely see any of these rich cheese dicks doing a good deed for the middle class, sick or Older generation in our society. Why ...I'll tell you why.......Because they are self centered, needing to be stroked everyday because there self esteme is lower that a shark fart.
    Oh what the hell I'm stopping right here before Lucky tosses my skinny ass off here.
    Thanks alot Tweek for getting me started...LOL
    • 1780 posts
    October 28, 2010 10:50 AM PDT
    No damn it I'm not stopping here......Really I don't give a tinker's shit about Jesse James and his tattooed up babe-ola. These type of people are so far from reality they couldn't spell cat if I spotted them the C and A. Some of you may or may not know my Step Son is a Magician, and he has worked in Hollywood, been on TV, toured overseas, worked Las Vegas, and I have been by his side on some of his trips. I have been to the Magic Castle (up scale priviate club in Hollywood) several times, and I have seen and hung out with a lot of Movie Stars, well let me tell ya most of them are as foney as a 3 dollar bill. They only want to talk about themself and nothing else. Let's just say I didn't fit in to well, with my tat's and out spoken attitude. I am a personal friend of Gay Blackstone, who is the widdow of the son of the original Harry Blackstone, and she just talks and talks and talks, and if I want to say something...she don't even hear the words coming out of my mouth. Let me tell ya the best people in the world is right here on CF, and I damn well mean it.
    Allright I'm stopping right here...
    • 2072 posts
    October 28, 2010 11:33 AM PDT
    Go get 'em Dragon !!!!!!!
  • October 28, 2010 5:09 PM PDT
    I liked Jessie's work back in the day alot, it was hand made and had alot of style I thought, as for his new gal she was alot hotter 30 tattoos ago. Why don't these two just ride off into the sunset together. BTW there 15 minutes was up long ago and I wonder how long its been since Jessie has fired up his welder or his english wheel.
    • 5420 posts
    October 29, 2010 1:39 AM PDT
    I still like Jesse and his work. I agree 100% with what Dragon said about the rich and famous the ridiculous amount of air time for the stupidest little thing, and getting away with all the crap they pull, but I'm not sure if Jesse really fits as one of them.

    I don't see Jesse out seeking the publicity, and you really don't hear about him going around with the "I'm greater than God" attitude, doing stuff that would be considered inappropriate for the rest of us.  And as far as his bike building went, Jesse built some really great bikes, and I mean built, not manufactured on a million dollars worth of equipment.  Sure WCC did some production stuff, bikes & parts, as a company, but who wouldn't take advantage of a mass demand for a product you created. 
  • October 29, 2010 3:20 AM PDT
    "I don't see Jesse out seeking the publicity, and you really don't hear about him going around with the "I'm greater than God" attitude, doing stuff that would be considered inappropriate for the rest of us".

    Usually I don't remark on other people's lives because it's not my business but mostly because I don't care and I'm too busy trying to figure out my own crap.

    However when Jesse James went to Irwindale Speedway to race a figure 8 car with some of my friends there were fans (kids) asking for his autograph and he refused to sign autographs unless they paid him $25.00. (So I heard from the drivers) Now with that said I realize that celebrities have a right to their own life and privacy but this is where the racing community started changing their opinion of Jesse. We race for the fans. If it weren't for the fans we would have no support for our tracks. We bend over backwards to make the fans a part of our program.

    Then lets go on to an episod that was featured on Jesses' show....the Figure 8 build that "his" team did was actually built by a team that has been in the Figure 8 world for a long time. It got to the point where this team was pulling out because of the lack of participation from Jesse's crew. So I heard from the horses' mouth.

    Then there was the time they had an "all girl build" on the show for a Street Stock to race at our track (Perris Auto Speedway) with a female driver. What a fiasco that was. She asked me if I could help her out with tires if she needed some. They ask if they could borrow our tools in the hot pits because they didn't bring any. I told them we would help their driver out if they put our cars on their show. (We are the green/black cars) She was the only other female driver and I wasn't about to let her fall on her face due to the inadaquency of her crew. The driver had mentioned if I wanted to be on shown on TV to start beside her because they were filming her and I would also be in the shot. I had to inform her that I was starting on the pole and had no desire to start in the back with her just to be on TV. The producer said he just wanted footage and didn't care about anything else. She was a good driver.....her car, crew and setup sucked.

    I couldn't care any less about what Jesse does in his life, but I'm with Nightdragon on this one...........

    ""Why don,t we rarely see any of these rich cheese dicks doing a good deed for the middle class, sick or Older generation in our society. Why ...I'll tell you why.......Because they are self centered, needing to be stroked everyday because there self esteme is lower that a shark fart".

  • October 29, 2010 4:28 AM PDT
    GoFur wrote...
    CarLow wrote...
    I know what you mean there AZ, Kat doesn't seem to be the settling down type either. And is she really going to move to Texas?

     And just what's wrong with Texas????


    Its the home of Lackland Air force base!!  Airforce boot camp! The worst 8 weeks of my life lol
    • 9 posts
    October 29, 2010 2:21 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    No damn it I'm not stopping here......Really I don't give a tinker's shit about Jesse James and his tattooed up babe-ola. These type of people are so far from reality they couldn't spell cat if I spotted them the C and A. Some of you may or may not know my Step Son is a Magician, and he has worked in Hollywood, been on TV, toured overseas, worked Las Vegas, and I have been by his side on some of his trips. I have been to the Magic Castle (up scale priviate club in Hollywood) several times, and I have seen and hung out with a lot of Movie Stars, well let me tell ya most of them are as foney as a 3 dollar bill. They only want to talk about themself and nothing else. Let's just say I didn't fit in to well, with my tat's and out spoken attitude. I am a personal friend of Gay Blackstone, who is the widdow of the son of the original Harry Blackstone, and she just talks and talks and talks, and if I want to say something...she don't even hear the words coming out of my mouth. Let me tell ya the best people in the world is right here on CF, and I damn well mean it.
    Allright I'm stopping right here...

    Dragon,  I gotta say, I haven't laughed this hard in a real long time. You definitely got my funny bones on that one! I am 100% in agreement about the celebitty (yea, I said celeBITTY) non-persona's! Stick with the folks, right here. It doesn't get more real than this! RIDE FREE, friend...

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    October 30, 2010 2:57 AM PDT
    But Kenny, How do you really feel?????

    I agree with ya 101%
    • 601 posts
    October 30, 2010 7:33 AM PDT
    I like Jesse James work even if its out of my league...as for this one Kat Von D, I never heard of her so I googled her pic..... last time I saw a head like that , there was a hook in it's mouth !
    • 0 posts
    October 30, 2010 3:30 PM PDT
    She's got 3 hooks still in her mouth mate......I'd cut the bloody line too if i hauled a head like that in...CHEERS BOOF
    • 1161 posts
    November 6, 2010 3:39 AM PDT
    As for Jessie he is a good hell of a bike maker ( I personaly would like one of his copper gas tanks).  As for what he did to Sandra I think he should get beaten for ( but that is my attitude on ANY cheating f*ker). 

    Now for Kat I love her artwork she dose on people.  (mom said if I dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all). 

    To me these clebs getting engaged or married good for them.  But to me it makes about as much sence to complaing about being a drug addict because your rich or a cleb, (guess what there are people with less income and still addicts and you dont hear about it till they break into some ones home or mug some one).

    That is my opinion. 
    But like they say opinions are like A$$holes and they all stink.
