Sturgis riders, don't feed the bears!

  • July 28, 2010 12:20 PM PDT

    If you're if you're planning to camp while riding through Yellowstone, be sure to tae precautions to avoid being a tasty meal for the local wildlife.

    "HELENA, Mont. — At least one bear rampaged through a campground Wednesday near Yellowstone National Park in the middle of the night, killing one person and injuring two others during a terrifying attack that forced people to hide in their cars as the animal tore through tents.

    Three separate attacks left a male dead and a female and another male injured at the Soda Butte campground. The female suffered severe lacerations from bites on her arms, and the surviving male was bitten on his calf. Both were hospitalized in Cody, Wyo."

    Read the rest here: />

    • 467 posts
    July 28, 2010 12:45 PM PDT
    • 413 posts
    July 28, 2010 1:11 PM PDT
    Feel bad for those injured and deceased but who the feck in their right mind would camp out in tents with freakin bears around....Life's like playin poker, sometimes ya win and sometimes ya lose....Just sayin
  • July 28, 2010 1:44 PM PDT
    FxrDude wrote...
    Feel bad for those injured and deceased but who the feck in their right mind would camp out in tents with freakin bears around....Life's like playin poker, sometimes ya win and sometimes ya lose....Just sayin

    I agree.

    I'm motelling up and back, only camping at the Chip.

    I guess I could get eaten there, too.

    "Who's gonna play those eights and aces..."  ~ Bob Seger
    • 1066 posts
    July 28, 2010 2:29 PM PDT
    Camping with the bears is like, Russian Roulette with 5 in the cylinder.
  • July 28, 2010 2:36 PM PDT
    Hollywood... Yer 100% correct... Having lived in Alaska and around bears, I can tell ya one thing. Bears equate humans with food! They either get it from them or eat them! To a Bear, Humans = Yum, Yum.... Especially the ones that scream and cry... I camped with Bears. But!!!!! We were armed to the teeth! Took precautions to not attract bears and kept a "Clean" campsite! They can smell stuff inside of tin cans! THEY WILL EAT YOU! Sarge...
    • 5420 posts
    July 29, 2010 6:19 AM PDT
    Sarge, I wouldn't think you would need to be armed if you were wearing them goggles.  Bear wouldn't know what the heck he just encountered
    • 119 posts
    July 29, 2010 6:28 AM PDT
      How funny
  • July 29, 2010 6:50 AM PDT
    Yea, probably think he was a big bug...............wait a minute........bears eat bugs!! Sarge your screwed!!
  • July 29, 2010 7:08 AM PDT
    See... Y'all don't know it but, them goggles gives me "Special Powers".. I'd jest sit right down and stare that Bear to death... Yessir! I'd be a staring at him and he'd keel over and die a laughing!!!
    • 467 posts
    July 29, 2010 7:11 AM PDT
    Hate to tell you all this, but Buffalo (Bison) are the real danger in Yellowstone and Custer State Park. We get people horned, mauled and killed every year because people think that they can "get a little closer" for the "money shot"--and WHAM!! They move a lot faster than you think!
  • July 29, 2010 7:13 AM PDT
    Next time I go down whar I got these at, I'm gonna git Night Dragon a set.. That ways he'll have special powers too... X-ray vision, infra-red vision, thermal imagining and nite vision. Plus they have a special "Bullshit" filter so's ya can tell when someone is telling ya a "windy"...
    • 1066 posts
    July 29, 2010 7:25 AM PDT
    Sarge, ya just ain't right! It's hard to type lookin at those big green bug eyes. I'm on the floor here, ha, ha ,ha ,ha ,ha ,ha,, whew.
  • July 29, 2010 7:28 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    Hate to tell you all this, but Buffalo (Bison) are the real danger in Yellowstone and Custer State Park. We get people horned, mauled and killed every year because people think that they can "get a little closer" for the "money shot"--and WHAM!! They move a lot faster than you think!

    I hear some of them aren't fond of motorcycles.

    They're big and bulky but they accelerate quickly.

    That's why the Lord, in his infinite wisdom, created telephoto lenses.

    Lets you get a close shot while stayng safely beyond the critter's "fight or flight" range.

  • July 29, 2010 8:19 AM PDT
    Yep, Buffalo will tear ya a new ass. Seen one ruin a little Ford Falcon in Alaska back in the 60's... But, don't slight the Cow Moose when she's got a calf. They git down right stupid with aggression! Seen one of them beat the hell outta the trunk on my dad's 59 Ford trying to get to him up on top of the car!
  • July 29, 2010 8:32 AM PDT
    Bull elk aren't slouches when they're defending their cows, either.

    Methinks I give 'em all a wide berth.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 29, 2010 9:50 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    Hate to tell you all this, but Buffalo (Bison) are the real danger in Yellowstone and Custer State Park. We get people horned, mauled and killed every year because people think that they can "get a little closer" for the "money shot"--and WHAM!! They move a lot faster than you think!

    You are so right!!!
    In Custer state park, while passing through a meandering herd on the road (slowly and never got off the bike) I had a bull charge towards me. I mean head down, snorting and blowing a bunch of dust,  scraping fore hooves towards me charge. I am certainly glad I had the common sense to keep Rex running and an excape route visible. Bye bye tatanka and I was outta there.

    • 568 posts
    July 29, 2010 10:45 AM PDT
    America is a BIG country... 'tis only natural ye have BIG CRITTERS around the place!
    • 467 posts
    July 29, 2010 12:38 PM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    You are so right!!!
    In Custer state park, while passing through a meandering herd on the road (slowly and never got off the bike) I had a bull charge towards me. I mean head down, snorting and blowing a bunch of dust,  scraping fore hooves towards me charge. I am certainly glad I had the common sense to keep Rex running and an excape route visible. Bye bye tatanka and I was outta there.


    We got charged too. We stopped with the bikes running to take a pic of my oldest on his bike and one started charging us and I yelled for everyone to GO! But my hubby had his in 3rd still--so it died right there! Luckily it turned sharp and took off after my son on the red bike till he lost interest!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    July 29, 2010 1:27 PM PDT
    Yeah Claudia, that is a scary experience having 1500 pounds of pissed bison trying to get ya...Glad your experience was just a GOOD story to tell and not tragic.
    • 467 posts
    July 29, 2010 4:27 PM PDT
    I got the picture though!