Hot weather riding

  • July 28, 2010 5:07 AM PDT
    Get's so hot & humid in La & Tx, that the corn strarts popping in the fields, the cows think it's snow and they freeze to death.
  • July 28, 2010 5:14 AM PDT
    Have a friend that has a Wally World water bladder for hiking. He fills it with Ice and water when taking those long rides in the heat. Keeps him cool and he clamps the hose to his shirt to drink from. Have to admit it looks kinda goofy but does the trick. Also there are actually misters you can mount on your bike. You out water in them then pressurize the bottle. Push a button and a mist of water shoots out at you. Would think they might work well if you had a fairing or M.S. Fats windshield.
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    July 28, 2010 7:44 AM PDT
    Ok my two cents worth...
    I have a bottle holder on my handle bars and only put water in it. I also keep spares in the saddle bags and do not drink ice cold water, Some I drink (squeeze bottle) and if it is a dry climate some I squirt on my doo rag (assuming no helmet state. I also wear a well worn and faded denim shirt with the sleeves rolled down. Squirt some water on my fore-arms and it is amazing how much that cools. Once in WY when I doused my head I almost felt like I was getting brain freeze, Honest!

    If it is hot and humid not much can be done except frequent shady stops and keeping hydrated. Once in SD it was 98 deg and 90% humidity. Stifling!!! Sweat beads were running from my forehead over my head and my pony-tail was getting wet. I stopped and got a room with AC.