What makes a Biker part 1

  • June 14, 2010 4:57 PM PDT
    What Makes A Biker Part 1.
    I always thought being a biker was due to what was in ones hart and His commitment to his bike his Brothers/Sisters and his diehard commitment  to live life his way. Not because he rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle and wears a leather jacket.
     I thought being a biker was one who built his own bike to his own taste , Fixed his own bike, and put his bike before most everything else The same way a patch holder puts his patch and brothers before all else. 
    I Thought a biker was one that would ride his bike anywhere, anytime, regardless of weather and/or season and not put it on a trailer or in the back of a truck to go to a biker event.
     I thought a biker was one who never needed a reason to ride. He just rode.
    But the way it looks it's the bike that makes one a biker. Some wannabe goes out and buys a bike puts some chrome and ape hangers on it puts on a leather jacket and skullcap goes out and gets a tattoo  and now he's a biker.
    He pays some guy in a shop to work on his bike for him while he goes in and buys the latest fashions. 
    He wont ride if its cold or raining. He will put his bike on a trailer or in the back of a truck to go to an event that over 100 miles away and back or to the local Hooters for bike night then brags about all the riding he's done.
    Well here a news flash If you fit into any of the last 5 You arn't a Biker, You are a poser  A Easy rider, Wild One look at me Wannabe.
    Don't call yourself a biker until you build your own bike Harley or other or at least work on the bike, ride 500 miles, sleep on the ground, fix a flat or make repairs on the road without calling AAA.  
    And another thing that I can't understand why people buy Harley look a likes or try to make what they have look and sound like a Harley  Either buy a Harley or be proud of what you have. Believe me it's not the bike that makes you a biker.
     And one more thing putting a patch on the back of a vest 1 % or other does not make you a BIKER either.     
  • June 14, 2010 8:08 PM PDT
    ty ty ty that said it all
  • June 14, 2010 10:05 PM PDT
    I guess I am not a biker anymore. I trailered my 41 year old Harley that I built to Sturgis last year. At 58 them hardtail kick starts are kind of ruff after a couple of hundred miles.
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    June 14, 2010 10:26 PM PDT
    Moose, you earned your stripes and a lifetime membership a long time ago.
    • 568 posts
    June 14, 2010 11:05 PM PDT
    i am too mechanically inept ta be a biker, so!
    but i do ride in every type of weather - hey, 'tis Ireland, i would ride all of 3 days a year if i rode only in fair weather...
    i do sleep on the ground, or on a table for comfort sake
    oh, and i don't own a fookin trailor!!!
    • 413 posts
    June 14, 2010 11:19 PM PDT
    I'm a biker if I wannabe and not if not. I got caught in the rain once after my overnite stay at the Motel Roach in Albany, Ga but got under the overpass as fast as I could. Never built a bike from the ground up, from up to down, from front to back, or back to front; did put a luggage rack on, a new cam and lifters, new exhuasts, pulled carb, and changed spark plugs. Just paid a man to do a new cam, lifters, and some other work for me; he knew what he was doing and I didn't. Hey, it's tough to live up to some of the biker standards that are tossed out there today when your responsibilities in life are much more than riding a bike. If a biker thinks he's cool or badd cause he meets all the so called standards in order to be a biker; well, try spending 12 years with no help raising kids from birth and 4 years old. I'm not tryin to toot my own horn here but we all are who we are. Some trailer their bikes because like was said; they wanna take the easy route (That's their choice)...or, the ol back goes or the hips are not real, or ya only got one leg (all kinds of reasons). Ya wanna ride then ride, ya wanna call yourself a biker then call yourself a biker...Who really gives a shit who, when, how, and what ya ride? Geeeeeeesh, this crap of we all have to fit in a nice little package of standards in order to be approved by someone else really gets old. If I don't meet your standards as a "BIKER", don't worry about it and ride your own bike with a smile on your face enjoying the freedom we have. Oh, annd I wear a leather vest (Actually 2) that has every patch, pin, and other insginia I earned as a member of another club that over the years has fought every battle when called to defend your right to make your self proclaimed standards and I'm proud of what I wear on my vest, cut, whatever because I earned it. Everybody ride safe and ride free!!
    • 568 posts
    June 14, 2010 11:23 PM PDT
    i'd say ya've earned yer wings, brother dude...
  • June 15, 2010 12:04 AM PDT
    i have ridden in the rain and ice, because my truck was broke down and had to get to work, would have rather drove the cage those days. i ride when my shoulders and back allow it, there is steel just above the waist band, and both rotator cuffs have been torn off and sewn back on. i trailer my bike in to the shop when the problems are more than i have time to deal with, like fxr, i have kids i am teaching how to live in the world. i don't like stereotypes of any kind, it is so easy to place a label. i go to rallys, i see more and more boots with no scuffs, new jeans freshly pressed, new button down shirts with the sleeves cut off. but in time, these "posers" will have faded jeans, wore out assed boots, sunburnt and a permanent squint from the sun. shit, that sounds like me when i got my first bike, and then me now. guess i still to a degree am a poser to some, and i guess i don't give a shit. i ride, therefore i am.
    • 1780 posts
    June 15, 2010 12:52 AM PDT
    Biker,... that is a term given by non Bike riders to people that ride Motorcycles. It doesn't matter what you ride (short of a moped) people that know nothing about Motorcycles have made that term universal for all Motorcycle riders. The point here is I don't personally give a shit if you call me a Biker, Bike Rider, Motorcycle Rider, or the damn anti-Christ, I love to ride my Motorcycle, and I don't have to live any given lifestyle to enjoy riding my Motorcycle, and anybody that thinks you have to fall within some preconcived set of rules to enjoy riding a Motorcycle is bull shit. I don't know how to make a watch, but I enjoy the fact that I can tell time. Yes I do most all the work on my bike, but because I don't have the knowledge to paint a bike like mind has been painted I will take it to a shop where a professional works that does know how to paint a bike. YEP I've bedded down behind a dumpster in the dirt before, does that make me a Biker...FU*& NO. It makes me a cheep bastard that didn't want to sleep in a motel. I'm rolling with the Moose here, as you get older, as much as you may hate it, you need to change the way things in life are done.
    I think I've said all I can say on this so called post.....on yea I do have one more thing to say............
    I going to the Meet and Greet in Ky next week with my bike on the back of a trailer! GUESS I'M NOT A BIKER!
  • June 15, 2010 12:53 AM PDT
    I work on my own bike as much as possible, my bike has never seen a trailer and I wear a vest with a couple of reflective patches on it. I do not wear any military patches because I have not earned those but I am very thankful and proud of those who have. I also ride a metric. I guess my point is it is not what you ride it is if you ride.
    • 413 posts
    June 15, 2010 1:02 AM PDT

  • June 15, 2010 1:04 AM PDT
    I was at a funeral for a fallen brother last fall. The minister asked all the "bikers" to stand. I was sitting in a row with brothers from his club. The person next to me elbowed me to stand. I don't consider myself a "biker" so I looked and asked him why I should stand? He said "you ride don't you, get up!"
    • 1780 posts
    June 15, 2010 1:06 AM PDT
    Well yesterday I did a very stupid thing, and now I walking around like Amous McCoy....I tried to leg press 900 pounds at the gym, Like a dumb ass. I've pushed 600 before, 300 pounds is quiet a bit. So now this old dude ain't walking so good.
    Limping Dragon
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    June 15, 2010 1:07 AM PDT
    Sidetrack, Ezzyrider, Dude, Badinfluence, NightDragon and Minion!!! You all said what I say. I have never been, nor would I ever be, part of a package that some others have created to try to define who or what I am!.
    • 413 posts
    June 15, 2010 1:09 AM PDT

  • June 15, 2010 1:18 AM PDT
    Derek... I think yer headed in the "Right" direction. Like you I've ridden when I didn't feel like it because I had too. Shoulder, knee and back "shot"... Vision getting iffy and hearing "screwed"... I take the newer bikes to the shop BECAUSE you need a computer interface to be able to do more than correct the tire pressure! Electronic Fuel Injection and computers have taken the wrench and screwdriver out of the hands of most! I still have one ride left that's an "air breather" and I do work on it. When I don't have to cut the grass. Take the Grandkids camping for 2 weeks. Drive to New Hampshie to see the other Grandkids. Work on the pick-up truck. Trim the hedges, take the wife out for "Date Night", Paint the window sills, wash the automobile, wash clothes and dishes because the Wife has a "day job" and try to keep a home from falling apart! Do I have time anymore to just sit and "play" with the bikes? Hell no! I'm just happy to be able to get a ride in now and then! Yeah, my boots are scuffed up. (sometimes I put polish on them an old military habit) my chaps are all twisted and bulging from wear, jacket fits tighter than it should (ya gain weight when ya git older) I got vest "extenders" (not because they look cool, I need them) I've slept under the bike. I've slept under picnic tables wearing my jacket and left the helment on for a cushion. Enjoyed The freedom of riding and the Road Trips. BUT.... Time respects NO ONE! Like ya said Derek, give the new kids on the block some time. They'll get their "battle scars", pay their "dues" and eventually figure it out. Some will continue, others will fade away. Wannabe, Poser, Biker.... It all comes out in the "Wash of Time"..... Sarge...
    • 467 posts
    June 15, 2010 1:40 AM PDT
    Put me in the poser column too--I guess. About 2 surgeries ago, I made the decsion that I could not longer even change my own oil, turn my own wrench or sleep on the ground more than two nights in a row. So I have joined the trailer pulling--camper sleeping crowd. Man aging sucks......
    • 2072 posts
    June 15, 2010 2:05 AM PDT
    Last time my bike was on a trailer it was still in a crate being delivered to the dealer. Didnt "Build" my bike from the ground up but I have customized it to my taste with my own wrenches. I'll ride in any kind of weather however, I'd rather NOT ride in the rain and snow. Rode cross country last year and the first night out, slept on the ground. Thought it would be "Cool"... All it was was uncomfortable. The rest of the trip saw motels. I would ride ALL the time IF I didnt have other responsibilities in life. And Hell, I don't even have an AAA card. If I have a flat on the side of the road you damn well know I'm gonna wish I did. I don't like fixing flats !!! Guess I'm a poser. Ya know what, I don't care WHAT they call me..... I was not put on this Earth to fit into a stereotype mold. I am who I am and that's OK by me !!!!!! 
    • 1780 posts
    June 15, 2010 2:21 AM PDT
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    Last time my bike was on a trailer it was still in a crate being delivered to the dealer. Didnt "Build" my bike from the ground up but I have customized it to my taste with my own wrenches. I'll ride in any kind of weather however, I'd rather NOT ride in the rain and snow. Rode cross country last year and the first night out, slept on the ground. Thought it would be "Cool"... All it was was uncomfortable. The rest of the trip saw motels. I would ride ALL the time IF I didnt have other responsibilities in life. And Hell, I don't even have an AAA card. If I have a flat on the side of the road you damn well know I'm gonna wish I did. I don't like fixing flats !!! Guess I'm a poser. Ya know what, I don't care WHAT they call me..... I was not put on this Earth to fit into a stereotype mold. I am who I am and that's OK by me !!!!!! 

    Damn right I enjoy making my own foot steps in the sand! The ones that are on here a lot, and have formed an opinion of me based on my post and replys will either like me or hate me, and I'm completely ok with either. There is no way to please everyone, and why should one try in the first place. I like Dyna's (I think) little quote.........I would rather be hated for who I am .....then loved for who I'm not!!!
    • 2072 posts
    June 15, 2010 2:32 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    BlvdCruiser wrote...
    Last time my bike was on a trailer it was still in a crate being delivered to the dealer. Didnt "Build" my bike from the ground up but I have customized it to my taste with my own wrenches. I'll ride in any kind of weather however, I'd rather NOT ride in the rain and snow. Rode cross country last year and the first night out, slept on the ground. Thought it would be "Cool"... All it was was uncomfortable. The rest of the trip saw motels. I would ride ALL the time IF I didnt have other responsibilities in life. And Hell, I don't even have an AAA card. If I have a flat on the side of the road you damn well know I'm gonna wish I did. I don't like fixing flats !!! Guess I'm a poser. Ya know what, I don't care WHAT they call me..... I was not put on this Earth to fit into a stereotype mold. I am who I am and that's OK by me !!!!!! 

    Damn right I enjoy making my own foot steps in the sand! The ones that are on here a lot, and have formed an opinion of me based on my post and replys will either like me or hate me, and I'm completely ok with either. There is no way to please everyone, and why should one try in the first place. I like Dyna's (I think) little quote.........I would rather be hated for who I am .....then loved for who I'm not!!!

    Oh yea Dragon................  We HAVE formed an opinion of YOU !!!
    And Brother, it's ALL good !!!!!  

    • 1780 posts
    June 15, 2010 2:40 AM PDT
    I remember the only time I didn't want to be me was when I was a kid. I was a short little shit, and I would stand on boxes and different things and say.....I wish I was this tall, thank God I grew out of that. I will tell you sometimes it's hard to be me. Angel Eyes always say's why do you always have to be so honest about things. I mean I will not sugar coat anything, and maybe that has cost me in the past for job advancement etc.......I've been called a Drill Sgt from my previous wife. I'm sorry I have a set of standards that I live by and pretty much will not vary from them.
    But I will give just about anybody the shirt off my back if need be.
    Sorry got off the subject matter here

    See everybody next week
    If you see a Black Dodge PU going the wrong way in the camp ground....it will be me....Wrong Way Dragon
  • June 15, 2010 2:44 AM PDT
    Don't worry Dragon.... Angel Eyes will point you in the right direction and if you both get lost we will put up BIG signs for you to follow!!! We will find you, no worries there! LOL
  • June 15, 2010 3:10 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    Well yesterday I did a very stupid thing, and now I walking around like Amous McCoy....I tried to leg press 900 pounds at the gym, Like a dumb ass. I've pushed 600 before, 300 pounds is quiet a bit. So now this old dude ain't walking so good.
    Limping Dragon

    sucks getting old don't it! gonna have to use your kickstand haha
  • June 15, 2010 4:25 AM PDT
    I can't help it....

    I'm not a biker.  i saw some "bikers" almost twice my age acting like they were some kind of knuckle dragging specimen of pure manliness escorting scantily clad teenage girls at a bike show handing out cards for their 1% club asking for support. Seen one of them grab one of the girls ass and give it a good rub. wander if he has a daughter. 

    I have ridden in every state east of the Mississippi (and yes I sang the little song under my breath to spell that right) and a few west of it. I've ridden 500 miles in blazing heat and 400 and some change with snow on the ground. I've ridden from VA to Ohio in the rain the whole way. Did the west Virginia Turnpike once from Beckley to Charleston in 23 minutes and had to buy a front tire when I got to Charleston. I've had several crotch rockets and just did a total restoration on my Sportster and no body but me and my kids and wife touched it except for the guy who bead blasted the frame cause my stand up booth wasn't big enough.  I've never slept on the ground while riding except for one time i did sleep under the wing of a Piper Cherokee 180 at a small airport when i was too tired to go on.  But i've slept on the ground, ate bugs, a snake, and in the end, some tree bark, and watched some of my half starved compadres rip a racoon apart to eat it when attending SERE School in the Navy.

    I've been asked to join a club before but that ain't my way.  I've found that most so-called brothers and sisters have something wrong with them in one way or another that causes them to want unwavering loyalty from you.  Like it gives them a license to feck you over and you're supposed to then forgive them cause nothing comes before the club.  Well, my wife and kids come before anything or anyone. Next is my country and my duty to respect the title of American that I wear on the cuff of everything I am. My badge of honor that I try to instill in my children is the toils and sacrifices i made in fullfilling my personal calling to serve my country and those innocents who commisioned me to protect their families when death came calling. 

    I've jumped out of planes, rode bulls, got a blade wound, a bullet wound, a man made fissure in my skull. A plate in my leg, arthritis in both knees and bulging discs in three vertebrea.  I didn't get any of that shit on a bike and I damned sure aint riding any distance that is gonna leave me feeling like I lost a fight, nor will i ride off on a trip like the Meet and Greet in Bowling Green without my kids. We're taking the bikes, but we're also taking a Suburban, a trailer, a Mother-in-Law, my oldest Daughters good friend, some chairs, a video camera, maybe A CROQUET SET, A FRISBEE (THAT SCREAMS DOMESTICATED) and probably my laptop and recording equipment so we can make a podcast episode to post after the trip. It's not about whether i can ride in like Lorenso Llamas from some road trip of never ending stops at watering holes, checkin out chics at gas stations that would think i was some kind of perv for staring and then they would walk inside and laugh at how I thought my bike made me more attractive or manly or some shit.

    I don't need no bike to define who I am. I'm an American father (meaning that I try each day to teach, and learn from my children) of four who is a decorated veteran, grandson of a WWII vet of the South Pacific, teacher to those who refuse to be a victim, follower of the principals of God and Country and liason to the hereafter for those who missed their guess when they thought my life was something they could take. 

    Ridin cross country in snow and rain and heat and sleeping outside and fixing your own shit is just some story to tell to try and make something interesting when there is nothing else to show. Who cares if you can fix it and ride it till your the last one?  "Biker".....what does that mean?  What is it worth?  I guess everything if you haven't invested any measure of personal input into anything or any one else in life that that is all you have.  To me, compared to my family and my other recreational pursuits. My bike is just one tiny little morsel of my life. It exists to serve me. To serve my family when we ride together. To bring me into contact with others like the good folks of Cycle Fish.  The bike is nothing more than a tool for some fullfillment in a little corner of my existence on this earth.  It's a trinket of folly. My honor, character, and memory when I pass mean more than this little piece of metal, conceived by some engineer, maybe even with a slide rule and a pocket protector.

    Let me tell you what I think.........We're all humans.  The way you burn your gasoline has nothing to do with who you are. It's the way you burn or don't burn your bridges. The way you treat people.  I would rather be remembered for the dad or grandad who sat and watched a pack of bikers go by and suddenly forgot about them because I needed to wipe the icecream dripping off my daughters chin or stop my boy from ruining his rootbeer float by trying to add some diet Coke.  Geesh, diet coke and ice cream, what was he thinking?
  • June 15, 2010 4:32 AM PDT

    Man oh man!!! I always love what you have to say Defcon!!!