It's My Life

  • June 7, 2010 6:35 PM PDT
    Well today I got off work at 9pm west coast time n B4 I rode home I chuged down a 1/2 pint of Black Velvet, then I stopped by my fave Jazz bar n swalloed a nother double shot of Jack with a H2O chaser n after that I stopped by my fave pub n threw bac a double well whiskey then rode to a local 711 too buy a hot dog n big beer for home sooo long story short... I feel GREAT n I was in control n remember everything very good n I feel GREAT !

    Sooo...any thoughts ?....
    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...

    PS...Now it's shower time/bed time...
    • 568 posts
    June 7, 2010 10:48 PM PDT
     mmmmmmmhh... bar hopping?! cafe racing?! bring back the auld times, YEEEEHAAAAAAAH!!!

    PS- what d'ye call Black Velvet down yer neck o' the woods?! in here is when ya lace yer guinness with a bit o' cider...
    • 1 posts
    June 7, 2010 11:05 PM PDT
    At least you don't smoke.....
    • 1780 posts
    June 8, 2010 12:34 AM PDT
    Cathy wrote...
    At least you don't smoke.....

    Good one Cathy!
    • 1780 posts
    June 8, 2010 12:37 AM PDT
    Here ya go Randy .....just for you.......
    • 467 posts
    June 8, 2010 2:55 AM PDT
    ezzyrider wrote...
     mmmmmmmhh... bar hopping?! cafe racing?! bring back the auld times, YEEEEHAAAAAAAH!!!

    PS- what d'ye call Black Velvet down yer neck o' the woods?! in here is when ya lace yer guinness with a bit o' cider...

    Black Velvet is a blended whiskey brand name here.

    And Randy, I am impressed! If I had slugged down a halfpint--I would have been tossing my cookies before I ever got on my bike!
    • 1780 posts
    June 8, 2010 2:59 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    ezzyrider wrote...
     mmmmmmmhh... bar hopping?! cafe racing?! bring back the auld times, YEEEEHAAAAAAAH!!!

    PS- what d'ye call Black Velvet down yer neck o' the woods?! in here is when ya lace yer guinness with a bit o' cider...

    Black Velvet is a blended whiskey brand name here.

    And Randy, I am impressed! If I had slugged down a halfpint--I would have been tossing my cookies before I ever got on my bike!

    Yea Randy....another song for ya.......Bad to tha Bone
  • June 8, 2010 3:20 AM PDT
    Sorry, Randy! I got a problem with drinking and driving, no less drinking and riding!!! Been there done that and paid my dues for it a long time ago. Don't ever want to go back to where that road led me. It's been almost 20 yrs for me without a drink and when I think back to the risk I put myself in, no less the risk I put other innocent people on the roads in, I shudder with guilt and shame. There were many times I thought I had it all under control also. The booze told me things I believed, it was all a lie!
    • 467 posts
    June 8, 2010 4:43 AM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    Sorry, Randy! I got a problem with drinking and driving, no less drinking and riding!!! Been there done that and paid my dues for it a long time ago. Don't ever want to go back to where that road led me. It's been almost 20 yrs for me without a drink and when I think back to the risk I put myself in, no less the risk I put other innocent people on the roads in, I shudder with guilt and shame. There were many times I thought I had it all under control also. The booze told me things I believed, it was all a lie!

    I wondered when someone was going to bite the bullet and call him on his "bait"!
    Can't agree with you more! I do not ever drink & drive--ANYTHING!! And am very vocal to those that do. I go out of my way to keep my friends from doing so. Have always told my kids that I would rather be a little mad at having to get out of bed to pick them up at whatever hour than be more than sad at being woke up to identify their body. Have gone and visited my share of friends in the pen as they sit there for various alcohol related incidents--including vehicular homicide. Not anxious to see things from the other side of that situation.
    But I realize that Randy was just trying to see what kind of ire he could raise!  Good on ya!
    • 1 posts
    June 8, 2010 6:02 AM PDT
    cnciaco wrote...
    sidetrack wrote...
    Sorry, Randy! I got a problem with drinking and driving, no less drinking and riding!!! Been there done that and paid my dues for it a long time ago. Don't ever want to go back to where that road led me. It's been almost 20 yrs for me without a drink and when I think back to the risk I put myself in, no less the risk I put other innocent people on the roads in, I shudder with guilt and shame. There were many times I thought I had it all under control also. The booze told me things I believed, it was all a lie!

    I wondered when someone was going to bite the bullet and call him on his "bait"!
    Can't agree with you more! I do not ever drink & drive--ANYTHING!! And am very vocal to those that do. I go out of my way to keep my friends from doing so. Have always told my kids that I would rather be a little mad at having to get out of bed to pick them up at whatever hour than be more than sad at being woke up to identify their body. Have gone and visited my share of friends in the pen as they sit there for various alcohol related incidents--including vehicular homicide. Not anxious to see things from the other side of that situation.
    But I realize that Randy was just trying to see what kind of ire he could raise!  Good on ya!

  • June 8, 2010 6:27 AM PDT
    I also have a friend that sits in prison for a vehicular manslaughter charge. Though it was thought that the person that died was a "bad" guy and the residents took it as a community service. But the fact remains it could have been anyone good or bad. I think we (or most) have dodge the bullet at one time or another (or many). When I go back to my hometown and my friends/family party like we use to when we were young and invencible (so we thought). I usually wind up spending time with the kids or going to see my grandma or mom when the over partying gets going. It was strange to see people acutally get mad at me for not participating in the alcohol and drug use. Then the paranoia set in because if I'm not a user, I have to be a narc. At that point I ask my brother to drop me off so they could continue without me. My friend will get out someday. I hope and pray that she leaves the substance abuse alone to has a wonderful life. I keep praying that my brother will have sober days before he drinks himself to death. I don't think anyone realizes just how good life can be on the other side of that drink or drug. I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass, I'm speaking from experience......
  • June 8, 2010 6:46 AM PDT
    Me and my friends in 83. Boy was I a mess then!!

    • 513 posts
    June 8, 2010 7:08 AM PDT
    I have a really close friend who neither drinks nor smokes and he parties harder than the rest of us but does not suffer from a hangover.
    Drinking and driving is a fools game, imagine if you loose your licence and can't ride a bike again. Choice drink or wins every time.
  • June 8, 2010 7:15 AM PDT
    ezzyrider wrote...
     mmmmmmmhh... bar hopping?! cafe racing?! bring back the auld times, YEEEEHAAAAAAAH!!!

    PS- what d'ye call Black Velvet down yer neck o' the woods?! in here is when ya lace yer guinness with a bit o' cider...

    Personely I call Black Velvet "My Mistress "  however we just call Black Velvet

  • June 8, 2010 7:17 AM PDT
    Dyna wrote...
    I have a really close friend who neither drinks nor smokes and he parties harder than the rest of us but does not suffer from a hangover.
    Drinking and driving is a fools game, imagine if you loose your licence and can't ride a bike again. Choice drink or wins every time.

            very well recieved...however....

  • June 8, 2010 7:23 AM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    cnciaco wrote...
    ezzyrider wrote...
     mmmmmmmhh... bar hopping?! cafe racing?! bring back the auld times, YEEEEHAAAAAAAH!!!

    PS- what d'ye call Black Velvet down yer neck o' the woods?! in here is when ya lace yer guinness with a bit o' cider...
    Black Velvet is a blended whiskey brand name here.

    And Randy, I am impressed! If I had slugged down a halfpint--I would have been tossing my cookies before I ever got on my bike!

    Yea Randy....another song for ya.......Bad to tha Bone

    Thank ya Dragon......That's one of my fav bands n songs.....

    • 513 posts
    June 8, 2010 7:26 AM PDT
    RandyJoe wrote...
    Dyna wrote...
    I have a really close friend who neither drinks nor smokes and he parties harder than the rest of us but does not suffer from a hangover.
    Drinking and driving is a fools game, imagine if you loose your licence and can't ride a bike again. Choice drink or wins every time.

            very well recieved...however....

    I was not having a go at you, what you do is your business but for me I know I would be a basket case if I could not ride my bike

  • June 8, 2010 7:34 AM PDT
    Dyna wrote...
    RandyJoe wrote...
    Dyna wrote...
    I have a really close friend who neither drinks nor smokes and he parties harder than the rest of us but does not suffer from a hangover.
    Drinking and driving is a fools game, imagine if you loose your licence and can't ride a bike again. Choice drink or wins every time.

            very well recieved...however....

    I was not having a go at you, what you do is your business but for me I know I would be a basket case if I could not ride my bike

    No offense taken Brother.....

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    June 8, 2010 8:35 AM PDT
    Alrighty then Randy Joe, I just made your acquaintance not all that long ago, but I value as my friend, and you will not be treating my friend like that! If you are going to drink like that you are to get in front of your computer and mess with us CF friends and LIVE ANOTHER DAY!!!
    Please do not do that agian. What would your wife do without you???? Drink till your are sober if you want, just leave the bike out it!!!!

    Ok did I say enough? You don't even want to really get me started!!!!
  • g
    June 8, 2010 9:13 AM PDT
    how's dyna ,..........good words dude .
  • June 8, 2010 9:27 AM PDT
    I don't know if your kidding or not.
    Please don't drink and ride.
    Don't get me wrong I've been known to have a drink or twelve but never while on the bike.
  • June 8, 2010 1:44 PM PDT
    As an R.N. in Trauma & Critical Care I see the results of drinking and riding...
    • 1161 posts
    June 8, 2010 2:19 PM PDT
    Ok im gonna say my peice and stop dont take offence please.   But my bilogical father was a drunk for many years.  So I have seen what it dose to familys.  But for me i have a drink from time to time,  but even my friends give me sh*t about having 1 beer and driving.  But im the one that would get the ticket or what ever not to speak about if i had an accident even if it was not my fault and some one died it was basicly my choice to have that 1 beer and live with taking another persons life or ruining it.  This dose not include my CDL lisence would be removed aswell and I take pride knowing I can drive what I may need to legaly.  But dont forget it may not be just your life your taking into your own hands it may be some one else or their children.
  • June 8, 2010 3:29 PM PDT
    i watched my best bud spread his roadking across an intersection this weekend. second time i have seen this from behind, yep drinking, still seeing it roll through my mind, won't be back to this post
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    June 9, 2010 1:02 AM PDT
    WOW I am really impressed with how this topic evolved. I have been known to kill a bottle or two of Jack, but NEVER when driving or riding.

    Randy, it IS your life and you do what you want, but if you really drink that much and ride it would never be with me. No big loss for you I know but I certainly would not want to pick up your remains.