Do You Wear A Helmet (if not required)

  • October 28, 2009 8:57 AM PDT
    I'm a brand new member here, but  not a brand new rider, been on about 7 yrs now and YES, i wear my helmet, never leave home without it, and it's saved my life once. A dog ran into my front tire after dark, didn't see it coming, and I flew through my windshield head first. the crack in my helmet would have been in my noggin if I hadn't been wearing my helmet. I DON'T agree with the law, but I wear it because I choose to.

    Always Ride Safe
  • October 28, 2009 9:02 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...

    OK You had to get this going again.

    Number 1.  I AND MANY OF MY NOT WEARING HELMET FRIENDS ARE NOT HARD BIKER WANNABES.  I personally have been riding since I was 19. Saying that 'all who choose to not wear a helmet are just trying to look cool' is a major insult to us.  Yes we have the cajones !!!  It sounds to me like you have some biker issue. You have the right to disagree with us but keep your anal attitude out of it. Neither you nor anyone else pays my medical expenses so shut up about it. I am sick of that cry ‘oh, you can’t cost me money.” That is just plain Bull.

    Number 2. Using your argument, keeping the head alive while the body is destroyed is more expensive medically than the alternative. In my opinion there are worse things than dying. What is next? How about full body armor? How about air bag suits? How about roll cages. Hell, why don’t we just outlaw motorcycles, and why stop there? Let’s get rid of beer, wine and whiskey. Boy that would save a lot of medical expenses.

    Number 3. WHAT I DO IS MY CHOICE NOT YOURS!!  If the meddling do- gooders are worried about saving money that they fantasize coming out of their pockets due to me not wearing a helmet I have a suggestion where they can really save money. Spend some effort on returning our military from Harm’s way. But that is another subject
    Finnally, I notice your profile photo is helmet less.


    I've only been on the site a couple days but I like you already!!

    I don't where a helmet unless it's mandated by law and I try to avoid those states whenever possible.

  • October 28, 2009 10:50 AM PDT
    I love being in the wind, I don't like windshields or helmets. Unfortunately here where the weather is nice all year we have this stupid helmet law. Like many have said and I agree you should have a choice. Maybe someday we will have a choice again.
  • November 1, 2009 2:05 PM PST
    Every one should have the FREEDOM to choose. This is a FREE COUNTRY, Is it not?
    • 1040 posts
    November 1, 2009 2:19 PM PST
    My state requires a helmet but when I ride in NO HELMET states; I USUALLY wear it if in city traffic, interstates or high congested areas. Sometimes in rural areas I'll remove it to get that free feeling. But mostly wear it ALL times.
  • Mo
    November 6, 2009 12:51 PM PST


    There is nothing like the feeling of my
    long hair blowin' in the wind!!!!!....

    I was in an accident 8 yrs ago and I had a helmet on in NY and it was scraped after I got to see it so I'm sure it made a difference but I choose Not to wear one if I don't have to.....I live in SC now so no problems here except in my town of Myrtle Beach but there are ways around the town!

  • November 6, 2009 2:44 PM PST
    Wear one or don't. The choice is not as important as the right to choose.
  • November 6, 2009 5:25 PM PST
    Some times I wear it some times I don't its my choice in SC.
  • Mo
    November 10, 2009 2:36 AM PST
    millerpatrol wrote...
    Wear one or don't. The choice is not as important as the right to choose.

    AMEN to That!


  • November 10, 2009 2:46 AM PST
    I wear one at different times of the day (early morning when dark) and different times of the year (rutting season), but that is my choice and it is important to have the right to choose.
  • November 11, 2009 3:26 AM PST
    I would rather wear one than lose your head
    • 5420 posts
    November 13, 2009 4:19 AM PST
    9 months and running, this is still a popular topic.

    The thing I like the most is whether a person chooses to wear a helmet or not, for the most part everyone seems to agree it should be a choice.
  • November 13, 2009 4:49 AM PST
    I wear a helmet because it is required here in Michigan. I would still wear a helmet if it wasn't the law...especially on the highway at high speeds. I have ridden in Ohio, on leisurely trips on back roads at lower speeds, without a helmet...but I would CHOOSE to wear one most of the time. No use ending the dance before it's over! BUT.....I do believe it should be a CHOICE for adults....along with seatbelt usage and life jacket usage! For kids it's different...they should definately be protected no matter what!
  • g
    November 13, 2009 6:18 AM PST
    another 2 bike crashes with us in aberdeen ,one guy has died others in hospital ,probably would be dead if he never had on his helmet .glad we dont have the choice ,we have to wear one its the law ,thank god.
  • November 14, 2009 10:55 PM PST
    Choice is good! If there's one thing I don't want is people or government telling me what to do! I'm in Florida and there is no helmet law here. Do I wear a helmet? Absolutely! I wouldn't hit the road without it! Actually a helmet, gloves and boots everytime! That's the minimal I'll ride with. But seriously, I really don't care what the other guy does. It's his/her choice! much as I like loud pipes......loud pipes don't save lives, helmets do!
  • g
    November 14, 2009 11:21 PM PST
    aye ,loud pipe's do help ,the cops in scotland dont like them ,but car drivers hear u b4 they see u ,so that does help ,my can's loud as **** like .i got it cut down ,just waiting for the auld plod to pull me over like .also wid na go out with out the full kit on ,but id say sports bike riders are alot diffrent from most of the style u guys ride .
  • November 15, 2009 3:14 PM PST
    I've got a "Modular" Full wrap, a 3/4, a "Halfsie and a "SkidLid"... The one that gets the most use is the 3/4. I always wear something! Even if it's just the "SkidLid"! I've been down twice over the years (ignorant and BLIND automobile operators) and believe me, thank GOD for the Helment! Yes, I live in Delaware where we don't HAVE to wear one but, I do anyway!
  • November 16, 2009 12:11 PM PST
    I wear a PINK half matches my PINK sunglasses
  • November 16, 2009 12:38 PM PST
    I wear one 99% of the time. I agree, given a choice most people will make the right decision, most of the time. I fully support that adults should have the choice - but if they do the wrong thing they and they alone should bear the consequences of the wrong decison. I wear a welding helmet when I weld and I wear sunglasses when the sun is bright, a motorcycle helmet is reasonable safety gear for me and it is my choice and I choose to wear it (most of the time). - never want to lock down all options
    • 910 posts
    November 16, 2009 1:49 PM PST
    Bonnie wrote...
    I wear a PINK half matches my PINK sunglasses

    I like your style... I wear a pink one too.

  • November 16, 2009 2:44 PM PST
    I live in Colorado where helmets are required only for under 18 riders.  I wear mine because I have had too many friends killed or permanently incapacitated by head injuries.  I grew up and learned to ride in Michigan where helmet use is legally mandated, so maybe part of my decision to ride with a lid is based on the fact that I had to wear one for all those years.  But here's the irony ... all those years living in Michigan I HAD to wear one but never had an accident. Now living where it is voluntary, I had an accident and would have been badly injured if not wearing my helmet. Glad I made that decision.
  • November 16, 2009 3:12 PM PST
    Texas doesn't require a helmet and I won't leave the garage without one and I see too many riders going way to fast down a 5 lane freeway, weaving in and out of cars with their helmets hanging on the side of the bike. It may be 105 degrees in the summer here, but I will always wear a helmet.
  • g
    November 16, 2009 11:06 PM PST
    mine ,cool eh .
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 16, 2009 11:50 PM PST
    Hey Buffy, cool photo, was that in NC?
    • 910 posts
    November 17, 2009 7:16 AM PST
    g wrote...
    mine ,cool eh .

    that it is g