Women & Motorcycling AMA Womens Motorcycle conference

  • April 12, 2012 4:15 AM PDT
    Any of you girls planning on attending the AMA womens conference?
    Event link

    Its a great opportunity for us chicks.

    I'll be there and hope to meet up with other girls from CycleFish too.
  • April 12, 2012 5:19 AM PDT
    AMA is a great way to promote woman's motorcycling. they've got so many wonderful classes to, from road side repairs to basic garage technics, to riding and riding skills, There's stuff on women's health, both heart and breast cancer awareness. Family sutff. Women from around the country, Women who own business in the insdustry, to MC ride clubs, History of woman in motorcycling. it is a wonderful event. I hope that you Wrapter have a great time! "T"
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 12, 2012 8:06 AM PDT
    Looks like a great event. Maybe I can go in drag??? HA

    Seriously, a GREAT organization.
  • April 12, 2012 1:45 PM PDT
    um I'm guess by the picture you could pass for an Italian Woman after menapause, however you might have to dye the upper lip hair darker...............have a great one "T"
    • 0 posts
    April 12, 2012 2:00 PM PDT
    lol, that was funny, thats the week i go for the mc safety course required in CT, wish me luck !( not that i would be able to go, but if it was local or kinda local, i'd def go.) Sponds like a great event.
  • April 13, 2012 1:46 AM PDT
    its on the west coast this year I'm thinking Nevada or something before that it was in CO then Athena GA
  • April 13, 2012 4:12 AM PDT

    OMG!!!!!  WOMEN are ALLOWED to RIDE MOTORCYCLES in USA??????????

    (Shall I go back and hide back under my rock now?)

    • 658 posts
    April 13, 2012 6:09 AM PDT
    Headin for the Shoals, Jetman. Look for the light house brother, LOL
  • August 5, 2012 3:57 PM PDT
    I went to the AMA Women's Conference in Carson City.

    Overall I thought the organization was all fubared. Venues kept changing and unless you checked email at 6 am you wouldn't have known the changes.

    I did help out with the Streetmasters clinic which was cool. They had a great turnout & then did their first open road clinic up thru Lake Tahoe.

    I didn't go to Virginia City as I hate it up there. (lived in the area for 35 yrs so have been there done that) but heard the BBQ they did was wonderful.

    I also helped out at the Reno Cycle & Gear Victory Demo booth Friday Afternoon & Sunday. We had over 40 riders come test ride the 5 bikes from the shop in Reno! As the VMC Store Manager & SW Regional Rep for The Victory Motorcycle Club, I brought some donations for a raffle for all that test rode a Victory.

    I've ridden all those roads(It's my back yard) so much I figured hanging & helping would be fun. Talked to lots of ladies from all over.

    One of the highlights of the Saturday night dinner was Mary McGee. ( http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/2/13233/Motorcycle-Article/AMA-Honors-Racing-Pioneer-Mary-McGee.aspx ) She is quite the character & had some fantastic tales to tell.

    I'm glad I went but doubt I will go again. This was so close to home couldn't pass it up.

    Wrapter, sorry I didn't check in with ya but maybe we crossed paths along the way!
  • October 24, 2012 5:37 AM PDT
    Hey FishWitch!

    Sorry for the lag in getting back to this post. I just saw it now for the first time.
    We must have crossed paths at one time or another. I rode up from SoCal with my husband and met up with the Streetmasters group http://streetmasters.info/ ; up in Bedford Hot Springs. (which I would say was the highlite of the trip.) Had I had more time to take off of work, I would have ridden with them the entire week heading up to the AMA conference. What a beautiful spot they had at Bedford Hot Springs. I plan on going back up there again soon with the dirtbikes.
    As for the Conference; I'm not much for sitting and listening to seminars and stuff so I knew to expect a lot of that. I am however into shopping, demo riding and hanging out and talking with other chicks that ride and there was a lot of that going on. I really wish the AMA would have spent more time advertising about the conference. They did advertise in the ama magazine and a little social media. But, the advertising for the conference didn't start until about a month before the event.  I was really looking into being a vendor at the event, but because of the lack of information months before the event and lack of advertising months before the event, I chose to go for fun instead of for work. When I got there, I was really glad I chose not to be a vendor as the vendor area was very small and mostly informational, which is fine, I like info. But I love to shop. And I go to events for the shopping. Just my little 2 cents.
    Either way, I'd go again and would recommend it to other lady riders, passengers and even men too. My husband went with me (I know, it's like bringing sand to the beach) but he had a good time and got to do a ton of demo riding with me.