assistance required.

    • 1 posts
    February 26, 2012 5:30 PM PST
    okay this may or may not draw some criticisms but i need advice so here it comes. 

    , as i am suffering from cronic arthritis pain. in my legs around the knees and in my right ankle. My ass gets so sore after about 50 km..which is around 38 miles. Late last year i came off a bike at speed. and I seem to have damaged the tail bone section of my back..cause thats what gets sore when i ride long distance. I move around lot to get in a comfortable riding position. My problem is I wanna do Pa to Fl this summer. From there i want to get over to Sturgis again. I've purchased a 1500 vulcan to do this...I am getting the windscreen replaced , and I'm figuring on a back HD have...for the rider...if thats not an option I'll make something up for a back rest with my travel luggage. The problem will be my legs..the bike has crash bars and hiway pegs, but keeping my legs straight isn't a big problem..sometimes  i like the bend my legs back on the pillion pegs..unfortunately this bike has pillion i figure on hooking my heels on the leading edge of the boards when the time is right to do so...

    So anyone got any other tips they might like to share on releief for what ails me when riding...
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    February 26, 2012 10:40 PM PST
    I bet Mustang makes a replacement seat for that bike that has a removable back rest. Ya also might think about a gel pad. My King had passenger boards that I replaced with stock HD pegs. Ya might be able to find something there to. Good Luck and enjoy the ride. BTW Where in PA ya leaving from?
    • 1 posts
    February 26, 2012 10:50 PM PST
    I also use the top of the crash bars to strech out my legs. Will set on back seat feet still on the running boards and strech out that way. I stand up on running boards for a few miles.
  • February 26, 2012 10:52 PM PST
    I'm with Rex on the Mustang seat. I know that Corban makes seats and backrests, but hear they can be a bit firm. The gel seat pads may be a real and cheaper option. You may ask the dealer about options that will adjust the seating ergonomics to give you more flexibility and to move around. I bet they can remove the floorboards and replace them with pegs for you. Hey, I'm one of those who believe in enjoying the ride and trip, or why do it? When it's time to pull over and take a break, do it. So what if you need to take 10 or more stops a day to get there?
    • 1 posts
    February 26, 2012 11:23 PM PST
    LC I know about that but ywhen you gotta be somewhere its a hard call just pulling up every 50 mile or so I like to run between fuel stops..I thought about the mustang seats but since i haven't ridden this new bike yet i won't know about it..perhaps i shoulda explained that part better.Guess i'll just have to wait a bit till I get there and sus that part out..I'm heading soiuth from near Allentown.
  • February 27, 2012 1:36 AM PST
    gel pad throw over absorbs alot of the shock for rides, for knees and legs I say start trying the different natural foods, and suppliments for imflamation. with out the imflamation the joints ache less. have a great one! "T"
    • 5420 posts
    February 27, 2012 2:07 AM PST

    There are actually lots of options for seats with rider back rests for your bike. I just did a quick google search and found them through Corbin, Mustang and others.

    I know what you mean about the leg thing, my legs get numb if I keep them in one position for a while - drives Laura crazy when I sleep 'cause I have to move my legs a lot. I have my highway pegs set so I can put my legs a litytle forward with my heels on the floorboard and the front of my foot on the highway pegs. Or I can put my feet all the way on the highway pegs. To bend my legs back I use the rear passenger boards, just put the toe of my boot on the top of the board, or like you said hook my heels on the boards.
  • February 27, 2012 3:18 AM PST
    Ok lets start 'with the seat. Theres plenty of options. Refifing a seat with gel pack is a real good idea. "Done it myself. On the Hyosung." Busted my tail bone 15 years ago. Still have issues today. From pain in the legs to numb spots.
    2nd Lets address the Pain in your legs. I hate to point out the belly But Us larger floks MUST BE AWARE of type 2 dibets {Please excuse my mispelling} Pain and numb spot are a real sign you may have issues. This dosent mean the end of the world. You may not have to change a thing in your life other than to take a pill 2 or 3 times a day and take care of how much suger you take in. a few blood checks are worth knowing. I ve found out thur my Hart Attack in july 2010. I ve contuned to change my diet to ruduse my sugers but I am on medforman 2 times a day at 1000 mg. 1 of many drugs that keep things going. I use myself as your warning. I am still over weight but loseing slowly.
    I cant really push it hard becuse of the weakness of my hart. Still smoke down to 1/2 a pack a day Still smoke my cigars down to 1 every few days. Have a shot of Yukon 2 a week. Other than the bikes my mother wouldnt reconise me. But any ways a bit off track. Pain in the legs is sign of a few issues. 1 hart. Check your blood presuer. to high to low are not good signs. 2. bood sugers. 3 scarey shit! mistry bruses. Vains standing out, Blood clots! These can KILL YOU NOW! Get in to a doc. If its just sugers your probley like me, Nerve damange... Good stuff for it. Ask your doc for Gabapentin. Your on it for life, But it got rid of my mistry pain from the legs hands and my ASS. Also covers the GOAST PAIN! or drifter feelings in your legs and hands. Mind you I got a lott of other heath issues. But the debeits thing is NOTHING TO MESS WITH! Oh yea before I foreget to say this. The GABAPENTIN is a life time med. Please take as preisbed. Theres no high with this stuff. But as you become use to this stuff becarfull. It mess with your sleep and your vision...
    • 3006 posts
    February 27, 2012 5:07 AM PST
    I also suffer from chronic arthritis pain,its no picnic.Last year couldnt ride for 2 months the pain was too intense,only made tolerable with lots of advil n muscle relaxers.Tumbles had some good advice on another way to deal with the issue,try some supplements for it.Started taking some myself,and have noticed some improvemnet in my bouts ,yet according to the doc it aint never going away,after about 50 miles my shoulder starts crampin bad down into my hands where its becomes crazy painfull,I just pull off n relax till it goes away,or pop a few advil they seem to lessen the pain associated with it.Your seating should be super plush on the Vulcan,add a throw over gel pad,my buddys wife use's one on the pillion,says it helps her a lot,she had injured tailbone from skiing.
    Have a great trip no matter what your body tells ya!!!
  • Ry
    February 27, 2012 5:57 AM PST
    Here's a list of parts for Vulcan 1500 (I assumed Classic sub-model). I have a 1500
    and they are able to be modded pretty extensively for little comforts. I just listed a couple of links
    to get your ideas swinging... If you have something more specific in mind or want some help searching
    I can offer what help I can from here...

    Backrest (rider)

    Pillon Pegs

    • 1 posts
    February 27, 2012 10:32 AM PST
    well thanks for the tips...they are most welcome..Don't owrry guys my doc knows me well i am in for my annual phsyical shortly.
    • 1 posts
    February 27, 2012 10:12 PM PST
    I went for massage today, now before anyone gets any Ideas, it was the theraputic can even charge it too health insurance, try doing that with your local..b& I'm laying there and telling the masseus about my last fall , She gets this worried look on her face then attacks...I have to say I haven't felt this great in $50 I have spent in ages. and I'm rolling on the pc seat and feeling no pain...where as usually I'm bouncing from cheek to cheek trying to alleviate the pain.
    • 0 posts
    February 28, 2012 7:45 AM PST
    A "happy ending" will do that for ya big fella...
    • 1161 posts
    February 28, 2012 7:48 PM PST
    Ok I have avoided this a bit because of my back issues while riding. I have an older bike that no one seams to make seats for 1980 Honda CM400T, I can only ride for about 45 minutes with out back support and have to stop and rest for a few hours, before I can ride again. And I want to ride in all of the lower 48 states. But I have to do a lot of upgrades before I can go an hour south to the VA.
  • February 29, 2012 2:10 AM PST
    Make your own back support, First add a throw over gel seat it reduces all the little vibrations and shocks really it does, sent seat to be redone, I know there is a place in Jacksonville, they can restuff cause I'm sure by now most of it is boken down over time. Make your own back support. Messure the diameter of a pcv pipe (large) get some holes drilled in it for lashing down, then cover it with leather, or something water proof, cover one side completely, the other end use velcro or something so you have storage space, carry raind suit, jacket, sunscreen, make it into a cooler whatever ya need. Then the part that your back will lean on make a pas maybe on that can pull on and off with velcro. See if that solves the isse before you spend hundreds to thousands. have a great one! "T"
  • March 1, 2012 6:34 AM PST
    Go onto Ebay ~
  • March 3, 2012 4:05 AM PST
    "Saddlemen" seats are too often overlooked - yeah, Corbin, Mustang - I've had 'em - they don't stack up to Saddlemen for quality, durability and comfort. What you need is their "Road Sofa" No kidding, that's the name. Gel, Backrest, Wide - it's a Barcalounger for your bike.

    Next - accupuncture! I was referred by an M.D. to an accupuncturist to prevent my bad back from going into spasms during the month-olng ride I was planning. 7 sessions before I left - rode all month, no pain, no spasm, none for a year now.

    Saddlemen and accupuncture. Worked for me!
  • March 24, 2012 4:53 AM PDT have your seat made the way they should be for your $25,000.00 purchase. No I don't work there or affiliated with them in any way.