A tale of two friends and a ride this July in the US.

    • 513 posts
    February 20, 2012 6:10 AM PST

    Paul Murphy and I have been friends for as far back as I can remember. We liked the same music, mostly, but the one thing we always agreed on was bikes. We loved bikes, he was the first to get one, a Suzuki GP100 and I followed shortly afterward with a Kawasaki KE125 . we would ream of the day we would be able to travel by bike in the US like in the movies like Easyrider . When Paul finished college he moved to England, the bikes we owned got bigger, the trouble we would get into got faster and boy did we have fun biking across to see each other between Ireland and England. The A5 through the mountains in Wales was a road he told me to take on the way to London after getting off the ferry and it was absolutely fantastic, twisties in the mountains through town I could not hope to pronounce.


    Still all the time we talked about going riding in America but something always seemed to get in the way. In 1989 a driver in a van killed my Suzuki GSX750, which set me back a bit but still we manage to have fun and the dream never went away. Paul got to ride solo over in the US and came back and told how great it was. I got married and he became godfather to my oldest girl. He sold me his tricked out sporty and this was my first Harley and it is still in the family, it is now his again and is currently in a state of change.


    In 1999 Paul had a near fatale accident while formula 1 Go-Karting. I will never forget the day when his sister rang me and told me that he was in hospital in England and he was being kept alive by machines and that if we wanted to say ‘good-bye’ that we had better get there quick. Needless to say my wife and I jumped on a plane to London and then borrowed a friend’s pick-up and went to the hospital. I remember standing outside the intensive care room looking through the glass at him lying there being kept alive by a machine. My wife went in to see him first as I stayed outside watching. It is a very strange feeling looking at your best friend lying motionless as my wife spoke to him, the whole scene was both surreal and yet quite slap in the face and kick in the nuts real. When my turn came to go in and say “good-bye to my friend I was not sure I could but in I went.


    As I approached the bed, he was lying with just a sheet over him, I suddenly started to grin, it was like a scene out of one of his favourite movies “The life of Brian”, any moment he was going to sit up and shout ‘Go away- I am not the Messiah’ but I knew he would not. I sat down beside him and took his hand and whispered in his ear “You can't die yet, you still owe me a pint” daft I know but it was all I could think of. His body jumped and leapt on the bed, The nurse rushed over and told me it was just muscle spasms and that it had nothing to do with anything I said to him. I walked out of the room and I knew……I knew they were wrong. I said he is going to be ok, they told me I had not really grasped the situation, but I did and to this day I can’t explain it but I knew that he would survive.


    The next day they turned off the machines and Paul breathed on his own. His road to recovery has not been easy nor has it been quick and indeed it is not finished yet. Life moved on for us both, I was as proud as can be when I stood as his best man at his wedding to his beautiful wife. He had to give up his license and still cannot ride a bike but his  interest in bikes never waivered. The sporty, his first Harley and then my first Harley is now back in his ownership, which I am building for him. He has put all the thought work in as to what type of style and what kind of things he wants done to it. There is a thread on it here somewhere but no more pictures will go up until it is finished, but trust me when I say that this sportster that started life as an 883 in 1989 will look nothing like any of it’s previous incarnations.


    The dream of riding across in the US had gone to the back of my mind until Paul telephone me one day recently and said how would I like to do a charity ride in the states for Childline and Planet Rock Radio, the only drawback was that I would have to bring him pillion and of course I jumped at the chance. So this July we are going to ride in the PlanetRock/Childline –hands across the water run and fulfil the dream of biking together in the US.


    To see photos of last year’s run follow this link;   http://www.planetrock.com/photos/childline-rocks-hands-across-the-water-624177/


    Now we need to raise at least  STG£1000 for the charity Chilline which provides a free, confidential helpline for children in distress. We are not asking people to give a lot, Lord knows time are tough for everybody, just a little because a lot of little donations will make a one big one so please I would ask my fellow bikers, brothers and sisters if you can spare a bob or two then  please donate here;


    Please note that we, ourselves, pay the cost of all travel, accommodation, bike hire and associated costs of the trip. All your kind donations go directly to Childline.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and even if you don’t donate I hope you enjoyed reading it.

    To any of the Cyclefish folk who live near where we are travelling as it is nearly the same route as last year, maybe we can hook up along the way in Canada (British Columbia &Alberta) and in the US(Montana & Idaho & Utah)

    Again Thank you from myself  Dyna and on behalf of Damage.

    • 0 posts
    February 20, 2012 6:39 AM PST
    Good stuff mate..Nothing like having a best mate like that..You two will have a bloody ball on the ride..I'll try and get the boss to work out how to sling ya's a coupla quid..CHEERS BOOF
    • 513 posts
    February 20, 2012 6:47 AM PST
    Cheers Boof, it means a lot, to be able to do something you have always wanted to do and help out a badly underfunded charity like childline!
  • February 20, 2012 6:57 AM PST
    Will it be too late to make a donation in June?
    • 513 posts
    February 20, 2012 7:01 AM PST
    No Jetman any tine up til the day we leave! Cheers.
  • February 20, 2012 7:04 AM PST
    I have been riding all over the East side of USA for the last 12 years mate, you are going to love it!!!

    I have a load of friends who have spare bikes in USA, mainly in up-state New York, Massachusets and Connecticut, I go riding with them as often as I can when I am over there, they think I am totally nuts...lol...just because I cranked it up around 100mph going West on I-90 and letting go of the bars to take photo's of them all as I screamed past them -spinning round to capture each and every one of them whilst speeding down the highway...lol...funny thing is...that particular bunch of friends are Motorcycle Cops and ALL of them wanted to arrest me when we got to the destination...lol...all was good though when I told them I would email them the piccies I took...well, how often do you get the chance to see yourself riding?
  • February 20, 2012 7:05 AM PST
    I will say no more than that I have an idea for a bit of fund raising for you...If it works it works...If it dont it wont be through lack of trying...
    • 1855 posts
    February 20, 2012 7:15 AM PST
    Dyna, what a great inspirational friendship with a downright wonderful dream to go along with it. It's all good man, all good.

    • 2 posts
    February 20, 2012 11:22 AM PST
    Real good story

    If you pass thru South Central NY I'm good for a pint or two, in addition to whatever
    • 5420 posts
    February 21, 2012 7:59 AM PST
    Sounds like a great trip Ian and a great hing you are doing for your friend. Soon as I get caught up from a slow winter season I will drop a few dollars (pounds) in the pot.

    But most of all I am really going to try to meet up with you when you get over here!!!!
    • 513 posts
    February 22, 2012 1:27 AM PST
    Lots of beers Lucky....looking forward to it!

    Paul found this the other day, it is us from the eighties, up to no good at some rally somewhere, made me laugh and cringe at the same time
    • 513 posts
    June 30, 2012 4:00 AM PDT
    Only days away now from heading stateside.....looking forward to it and the open road.
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    June 30, 2012 4:49 AM PDT
    Dyna wrote...
    Only days away now from heading stateside.....looking forward to it and the open road.

    Ian, what is your route? I would like to buy a pint or two...

  • June 30, 2012 6:49 AM PDT
    Oh Crap!!! Sorry mate, forgot all about this...and what I was going to try to raise some funds, I had a bad start to my show season and its continuing now, I have been so focused on the show season I have forgotten almost everything else I was supposed to be doing...

    Cant apologise enough for my forgetfulness mate...
    • 3006 posts
    June 30, 2012 10:37 AM PDT
    Great post,consider yourself lucky to have a friend like that.Sounds like you both will have extraordinary time cruising for a good cause,nothing gits much better then that !

    stay safe n enjoy the ride