BarNuthin's Bike: My Bike

Got rid of my last bike when my daughter was born in 1984. Feels so good to own one again.

This bike was pretty much stock except for Screaming Eagle pipes. Came with a couple other goodies like a nice quick detach windshield, a two-up touring seat, couple set of saddle bags.

Most of the conversions you see are the result of extensive eBay and forum searches for bargains.

Photo 15 of 27 in My Bike

This bike had the common oil seepage from the front and rear rocker boxes. I had planned on have a buddy who works on Harleys do it, but somewhere in the middle of teraing my carburetor apart, I realized that I really enjoy working on this bike. So today I did both the front and rear with a complete set of Cometic gaskets. Job went much better than expected. Worst part was scraping off the factory paper gaskets.