10 Reasons I Love Bikers

  • February 22, 2011 10:33 AM PST

     #2  Bikers have the uncanny ability to laugh at themselves.  Even when they do something utterly stupid or embarrassing, they realize the incident has the makings of a great story to be told at a later time.

     #3  Bikers have the best stories.  And they know how to tell them. The only non-biker that even comes close is my cousin, Bob.

     #4  They wear black leather.  And chaps.  And chaps.  That is not a typo. I thought it merited a second mention in case you have never taken a moment to appreciate this fact

     #5  Bikers smell of leather and motor oil. One or the other of these scents alone does not have the same ambiance as the two together.  I am surprised someone has not try to bottle this scent. It is a potential goldmine.

     #6  For all that they may have a rough exterior, I have never met a biker that didn't have a soft spot for his old lady and his kids.

     #7   They ride motorcycles.  Big ones.

     #8   You feel safe when hanging out with bikers.  Nobody messes with bikers.  Nobody.  With the possible exception of other bikers.

     #9   A biker would give you the shirt off his back if he thought for one minute you needed it more than him.

     #10  Table manners are optional when eating out at fine restaurants with bikers.  Please note, however, that you may not be invited back by the proprietors.

    • 5420 posts
    February 22, 2011 10:39 AM PST
    100%  Bikers are just really great people.

    But don't tell the rest of the world because they are perfectly happy thinking we are no good!

    • 9 posts
    February 22, 2011 11:20 AM PST
    I don't think anyone here is going to disagree. BIKERS ARE AWESOME! And your top ten is right on the money! As for the establishments that don't ask us back, well, joke 'em if they can't take a f..k. Know what I mean?
    Ride Free
    • 3006 posts
    February 22, 2011 11:56 AM PST
    LOL Tweek ..good post,and I could add one more,bikers usually carry lots of tools
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    February 22, 2011 1:43 PM PST
    #9 is my favorite.. I do love me a biker!!! or two.. or more.. hehehehe
    • Moderator
    • 16858 posts
    February 22, 2011 1:51 PM PST
    rumbleweed wrote...
     #10  Table manners are optional when eating out at fine restaurants with bikers.  Please note, however, that you may not be invited back by the proprietors.

    Back in the day most  "fine festaurants", and even some greasy spoons wouldn't lets us in the door.

    Big John

  • February 23, 2011 2:19 AM PST
    # 2 is my favorite and i'm with Lucky lets keep it a secret!! But I have to admit it is kind of funny when they stare at you and your bike like you just flew in from Mars or something.
    • 567 posts
    February 23, 2011 10:27 AM PST
    I think you ought to also include things like when the community is in need, bikers are just about the first to respond. Things like Toys 4 Tots; Bikers Raising Awareness (breast cancer awareness); Patriot Guard Riders (honoring soldiers & veterans); memorial rides for fallen police officers; and a host of other community events.
    • 2072 posts
    February 23, 2011 10:43 AM PST
    All good but SolarBill hit the nail on the head !!!!!