So What Does Everyone Do?

    • 223 posts
    August 22, 2010 11:50 AM PDT
    What does everyone here do for a living?  Are you retired?  Disabled?  Independantly wealthy?  

    Kind of nice to know what kind of "network" we have around here, especially during meets and greets or runs.

    I'm a nurse, my background is in psychiatry, corrections, addictions, and Hospice (I'm a former prison nurse) and I'm currently working in a rural emergency room/floor setting that I truly enjoy.  My first love is Hospice and that's a very long story.  I've also been a locksmith, bartender, stripper (screw that "exotic dancer" or "entertainer" stuff, there's a pole, a stage, you're taking you're clothes off, you're a stripper... easy as that, lol!), bar owner, and secretary for a lawyer.  Since our hospital only works us 3 days a week (we work we 12 1/2 hour shifts), I've been thinking of going back to Hospice part time or as needed.

    My husband Ron, worked for Philips Lighting for 16 years until his fourth heat stroke July 14, 2009.  He's been disabled since, two stints in the ICU and nearly dying on us three times.  We still ride when we can, but he can't tolerate the heat very well anymore, so we are thankful when we have cool evenings so we can go out riding together.  Ron was a drug and alcohol counselor for adolescents for 11 years until they closed the place he worked at, then he worked with parolees for a couple of years until he got burned out.  At present, he's going to go back to school to finish his degree in social work so he can get back to working with kids.  We're fighting with Philips, as they claim it wasn't a work related incident, we even got the bill from the ambulance for the trip from work to the ER, lol!  Gotta love those mega-corporations!

    The most important and fulfilling job either of us has though, are as parents and grandparents.  It's 24/7 and we love it!  I have 5 biological children, 3 grandchildren, and 3 more due early in 2011.  We have countless kids who have "adopted" us and as a result, our house is never empty of teens and we have a slew of grandkids to match!  We're also looking forward to Sept. 7th when we have our court date to finalize the adoption between my husband and my 15 year old son Chris. 

    So, that's my story on what I do for a living, lol!  What's yours?

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    • 19067 posts
    August 22, 2010 11:54 AM PDT
    Well Beki, this was a forum a while ago and I will try to find the link for you after I answer...
    Retired commercial photographer / graphic designer. Now working on my fine art portfolio and re-learning photo journalism.
    • 223 posts
    August 22, 2010 12:09 PM PDT
    I figured there was a forum already made, but after looking for awhile, I didn't see it, lol! I did the graphic arts/typesetter thing back in Louisiana in 1999 for awhile, loved Quark Express (didn't even know how to use Microsoft back then) and wish to this day I still had it! So much has changed since then I'm not sure I'd ever figure it out now!
    • 223 posts
    August 22, 2010 12:44 PM PDT
    And while I'm thinking about it, my work day begins at 4:00 AM so I'm up at 2:30 AM, which means I'm usually in bed by 9:00 PM, earlier if the kids let me, lol! So, if someone emails me or posts a reply and I don't get back to you right away, I'm probably at work or sleeping the night before. I get off work at 4:30 PM and I always go next door to my husband's parents' house (I don't have parents, so I call his mom and dad, "Mom" and "Dad") for coffee, then head home after about an hour and kick back until I have to go to bed.
    • 467 posts
    August 22, 2010 12:48 PM PDT
    Hello from Wyoming! I am a semi-retired nail technician. Done waaaayyy too many things over the years to list--ranging from welding to teaching 4th grade language arts! But nails and bikes are my passions (outside of my wonderful family), so that is where I plan on spending the rest of my days. Glad to have you here, looking forward hearing more from you!
    • 223 posts
    August 22, 2010 12:52 PM PDT
    Hi cnciaco! I sooooooooooooooo miss my nails!!! Can't have them as a nurse but that was my one treat for myself back in the day. On special occasions I still have them done but it just kills me to have to take them off!

    Our plans when we retire are to move back to Louisiana and open a gun shop with my ex-husband. Yep, EX-husband (who will join here once I get ahold of him, lol!)... he and I have been best friends for going on 20 years. Married and divorced twice with two kids ages 18 and 17 and he and my husband are like brothers. Yeah, rare story, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Great to meet you!!!
  • August 22, 2010 1:34 PM PDT
    Hello from Montana. I train dressage horses for a living. I also have been a researcher for a pharmaceutical company and a veterinary technician. I secretly wish I could list stripper as one of my jobs! lol Guess it's not a secret anymore:-) Good to have you on the site!
    • 212 posts
    August 22, 2010 1:35 PM PDT
    Medical Assistant in Drs office and EMT for extreme sports on weekends.Welcome to the site,enjoy!
    • 2072 posts
    August 22, 2010 1:44 PM PDT
    28 years in construction management.... retired, went back to school (at 48 years old !!!) and became a Surgical Technician. Specialized in Neuro-Surgery and ortho but have done everything from open heart to hemorrhoids !!!! Also worked as an EMT/Firefighter while living in Arkansas. 2 1/2 years ago tore my right shoulder up (while doing an ortho case) pretty bad (two surgeries and LOTS of P.T.). Bicep Tendon refuses to heal properly so have been forced into retirement. Can still pretty much do anything I want but pay the price for a few days after.....
  • August 22, 2010 1:54 PM PDT
    University professor in Agricultural Education. Teach young men and women to be high school agriculture teachers and FFA advisors. Been in education and agriculture all my life. Kept going back to school for more degrees. Moved to Oklahoma when I finished my PhD in education. Still have the family farm in ND.
    • 58 posts
    August 22, 2010 2:13 PM PDT
    Hi from E. Texas (Actually, I'm in Ks tonight. LOL) I'm a retired Soldier, now truckdriver. Been riding since I picked my dad's Honda Dream up from where it had fallen over (almost 40 years). Keep the rubber side down and the passion hot!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    August 22, 2010 3:00 PM PDT
    Currently I am a Marketing Director and as anyone who has been to ralleys with me can tell you I flash for beads!! hehehehe.. I am also a mom, (full time job) and a careprovider! (yet another full time job) most of all I am a bikerbitch and I like it all!!
  • August 22, 2010 3:12 PM PDT
    HI from Minnesota.... right now I work for Home Depot ... a few different areas from being a head cashier to special services and now on the floor by 4am to put those wonderful orange stickers on out of stick or pack down items and change prices and well just a lot of stuff. Miss the bartending and waitressing days ... used to have a lot of fun back then. right now with the transferring benefits with Home Depot I'm sticking with them till I know where I want to live Raised 4 kids mostly on my own and right now trying to deal wiht my daughter and granddaughters recent move to VA (my granddaughter will be 4 at the end of the month and has lived wiht me since day one UHG she is my life the little bugger haahaa). So now just trying to deal with a VERY quiet house
    flying on a wing and a prayer
    • 9 posts
    August 22, 2010 3:53 PM PDT
    Well Now... Let's see... I am now on Disability, both VA 100% & S.S. 100% both for PTSD.... I have been alot of things over the years Bar Tender to Service Manager, Warehouse Mgr to Drywall installer. Spent the biggest part of my working life in the Power Tool business, working for several of the major Mfg's & for the last 13years I owned my own shop here in Fla.
    Now all I do is ride, tuff life I know, but someone has to do it!
  • August 22, 2010 4:13 PM PDT
    Hi there from TN! I am currently (well for about 8 yrs now) trying to decide what "I want to be when I grow up"... I am a Junior at the University of TN studying Biology / Animal Science, trying to achieve a PhD in Vet Science or a PhD to become a Professor of Biology. On my school days off, I currently work as a cake decorator for Wal Mart, and for the most part really enjoy it!!
    • 1780 posts
    August 22, 2010 4:41 PM PDT
    Well spent almost 39 years working for the Fed's, retired March 2009, started my own Consulting company. Bad timing with the economy to start a business. It went kapoop, now working in the Security Industry. My wife (Angel Eyes) and I love to ride, and love the CF family.
    Night Dragon
  • August 22, 2010 4:42 PM PDT
    first of all with you being a phychiatric nurse maybe theres hope for some of our other cf members and you all know who you are lol just kidding. Im in the commercial glass business/commercial door business. I also buy and sell homes in our area with my older brother, yes house flipper i guess although we have done it for 20 plus years. my dreamjob how ever would be to work for a motorcycle publication, writing articles on new bikes and new bike products.
  • August 22, 2010 5:44 PM PDT
    it is easier to tell what i don't do, i'm not a doctor, a lawyer, or anything related to those fields. i'm a jack of all trades, master of a few
    • 0 posts
    August 22, 2010 5:52 PM PDT
    Im an escaped mental patient with a motorcycle and drinking problem..........oh and a passport so look out i might just turn up Stateside again soon!
    • 1161 posts
    August 22, 2010 8:53 PM PDT
    I'm a Disabled Vet but still fighting for my P.S.T.D. 100% and the last 11 years of back pay.  But I have done a few things but with my injories i can only do it for so long.
  • August 23, 2010 12:44 AM PDT
    Hello form central Texas. Worked on vending machines while attending college. Joined the Air Force in 72 and retired in 93. Worked as a Diet Therapist( cook who could count) taking care of fellow kids retuning from Viet Nam. Military Training Instructor, aircraft maintenance support equipment( fixed stuff for airplanes while on the ground), After leaving the military, worked for Home Depot, Deputy Sheriff for awhile, High School teacher, finally settled down, and have been motor electrician for the local school district for 16 years. Hope to retire in two years. Hopefully be able to do some volunteer work at the hospital and motorcycle sales.
    • Moderator
    • 1364 posts
    August 23, 2010 2:04 AM PDT
    I have worked for a Aircraft manufacturing company for the last 22 years.... I have been a mechanic, lead, manager, and right now I am a Quality assurance inspector. In the past I have worked as a cook, bank teller, gutter hanger, construction, auto Mech. and even a Popsicle man....
    • 567 posts
    August 23, 2010 2:11 AM PDT
    Hi from central Florida. I now work for Lowe's Home Improvement but before that I had 23 years in the film biz as an equipment rentals manager before getting laid off due to a lack of film production. And, before that I worked in the newspaper biz for about 13 years.
  • August 23, 2010 2:48 AM PDT
    Hi from West Michigan, I retired after about 50 yrs in the food business, cooking, rest mgr. food sales now work part time used car sales up here. winter in Fl. so I can keep the motor turning on the H/D
  • August 23, 2010 3:25 AM PDT
    Retired Womanizer!! (Got to old and ugly). Part time Whiskey taste tester and beer swigger! Oh Yea......9 to 5 job, System Administrator for IT Department for one of the most dying cities in the U.S. (Dayton, Ohio)