Ann Margret....

  • July 14, 2010 12:32 AM PDT
    Ann Margret....  
    This is a good counter-balance story to the Jane  
    Fonda  Vietnam Woman Of The Year story.

    Viet Nam 1966  

    Richard, (my husband), never really talked a lot about his time in  Viet Nam ,  other than he had been shot by a sniper. However, he had a rather grainy, 8 x 10 black and white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann Margret with Bob Hope in the background that was one of his treasures.  

    A few years ago, Ann Margret was doing a book signing at a local bookstore. Richard wanted to see if he could get her to  
    sign the treasured photo so he arrived at the bookstore at 12 o'clock for the 7:30 signing.  

    When I got there after work, the line went all the way around the  bookstore, circled the parking lot, and disappeared behind a parking garage. Before her appearance, bookstore employees announced that she would sign only her book and no memorabilia would be permitted.  

    Richard  was disappointed, but wanted to show her the photo and let her know how much those shows meant to lonely GI's so far from home. Ann Margret came out looking as beautiful as ever and, as second in line, it was soon Richard's turn.  

    He presented the book for her signature and then took out the photo. When he did, there were many shouts from the employees that she would not sign it. Richard said, 'I understand. I just wanted her to see it.'  

    She took one look at the photo,  tears welled up in her eyes and she said, 'This is one of my  gentlemen from  Viet Nam and I most certainly will sign his photo. I know what these men did for their country and I always have time for 'my gentlemen.''  

    With that, she pulled Richard across the table and planted a big kiss on him. She then made  quite a to-do about the bravery of  the young men she met over the years, how much she admired them, and how much she appreciated them. There weren't too many dry eyes among those close enough to  hear She then posed for pictures and acted as if he were the only one there.  

    Later at dinner, Richard was very quiet. When I asked if he'd like to talk about it, my big, strong husband broke down in tears. 'That's the first  time anyone ever thanked me for my time in the Army,' he said.  

    That night was a turning point for him. He walked a little  straighter and, for the first time in years, was proud to have been a Vet. I'll never forget Ann Margret for her graciousness and how much that small act of kindness meant to my husband.  

    I now make it a point to say 'Thank you' to every person I come across who served in our Armed Forces.. Freedom does not come cheap and I am grateful for all those who have served their country.

    If you'd like to pass on this story, feel free to do so. Perhaps it will help others to become aware of how important it is to acknowledge the contribution our service people make.  

    Don't be too busy today...  
    Share this inspiring message with friends and family.  

    On  behalf of those who DO appreciate all that you did for us,  
    thank you to each of you who receive this message who have served or are serving our country in the armed services or any other service.

    if you have served this wonderful country.....please post what armed services or any other services you served in and how long ya was in as well....
  • July 14, 2010 12:34 AM PDT
    i like to take this time and say thanx for everything you all have done.....and welcome home!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 14, 2010 12:40 AM PDT
    I have read this story before and it sounds like a true story. Ann always had time for her gentlemen. During those years she stood by the GI. Imagine that, maybe it could become a trend?

    Besides being a super sexy LADY she had class. I won't bore you with my (and probably at least a million other GI's) fantasies but we all love her.
    • 352 posts
    July 14, 2010 12:43 AM PDT
    great find Taco...
  • July 14, 2010 12:44 AM PDT
    Bob Hope was another one that cared about the GI's as well....
  • July 14, 2010 12:45 AM PDT
    thanx bull     ....but i dont think all the GI's got the credit or even a nice welcome home like they deserved....
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 14, 2010 12:46 AM PDT
    Agree with ya Taco but Bob didn't look as good in a mini skirt!
  • July 14, 2010 12:48 AM PDT
    LOL...thats true....
  • July 14, 2010 1:36 AM PDT
    if you have served this wonderful country.....please post what armed services or any other services you served in and how long ya was in as well and were at...

    • 467 posts
    July 14, 2010 4:13 AM PDT
    It did bring a tear to my eye that he had to wait that long for someone to thank him!
    I thank the servicemen and God daily that I am able to live the life that I do. I have a lot of family and friends that are in the service now and have retired from the service and it is a part of my mission in this life to help the families of these brave people as they have to sacrifice so much as well.
    • 2072 posts
    July 14, 2010 1:29 PM PDT
    I served right at the end of the Vietnam War and can tell you first hand.... very few EVER heard the words thank you. Ann Margret was a class act and the country could use a few more just like her. So, when you see a service man OR woman take a minuet to walk over, shake their hand and thank them for their service. Believe me, that means MORE than a whole chest full of campaign ribbons.
  • July 14, 2010 2:16 PM PDT
    I too was in the military right after Vietnam, the Vietnam era GI bill paid for all my education and I thank this great country for that benefit. I retired in 1996. I can tell you first hand that in the 70's I had bottles thrown at me because I was a GI, it is all different now - I get thanked for my service a couple times every month now. It is very humbling to get a thank you for what the young men and women of today are sacrificing compared to what I did. I thank all GIs past and present for their service.
    • 1161 posts
    July 14, 2010 3:58 PM PDT
    RoadGlider wrote...
    I too was in the military  It is very humbling to get a thank you for what the young men and women of today are sacrificing compared to what I did. I thank all GIs past and present for their service.

    I Still Like Talking to Vets (and Troops) no matter how long ago they were in or if they are still serving.  My Grandfather got me into stories because of what he went through, and then I heard my fathers and then mine so ya i go out of my way to thank Troops as possable because you just never know what a little thing like "Thank You" can truely mean.

  • July 15, 2010 1:00 AM PDT
    i met alot people over the years that served, and i made sure i thanked each and every one i met....but the ones that realy stand out for me is, the ones tht was in Vietnam, cause the GI's didnt get the welcome back home like they deserve. so everyone i met and talk to and goes out to you all as well that served...WELCOME HOME. so the next time you meet a Vietnam Vet....thank them and tell them welcome home
    • 1780 posts
    July 15, 2010 2:06 AM PDT
    Spent 4 years in the Air Force.....1970 - 1971 Udorn Thailand 14th Tact Recon Sq.
    I missed getting to see Ann and Bob by one year. They came to my base the Christmas after I left.
    Thanks to all Americans that supported us during thosed trying times.
    Night Dragon
  • July 15, 2010 2:24 AM PDT
    Thank You ND
    • 1066 posts
    July 15, 2010 5:18 AM PDT
    Thank you Dragon, and all the other Veterans on here, for keeping the war out of our back yard. And to any men and women still serving.
    • 119 posts
    July 15, 2010 6:15 AM PDT
    I would like to thank each and everyone of you. Thank you
    • 1780 posts
    July 15, 2010 9:02 AM PDT
    This is what a real war hero looks like, the rest of us just went to war because we believed it was the right thing to do, and we never questioned our Country.

    Audie Murphy the most decorated soldier ever.................

    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 15, 2010 9:31 AM PDT
    Thanks Ken, You triggered me to WIKI Audie Murphy ( a Texas Boy) and he was some kind of man. I suggest you read it. /> I just ordered 'To Hell and Back' from netflix.