My 2 Cents On The BG Meet N Greet

  • July 7, 2010 1:16 PM PDT

     Ok, now that our internet problems here at home have ended,..I am back in the loop!  I know,…you probably didn’t even miss me,…lol,. anyhow...I did read the post from DEFCON in regards to the BG Aftermath,..and I was in tears before I was finished.

    I by no means have the eloquence that J has with writing, I won't even try.  However,. he did express how I feel as well.  I would also like to add TO EVERYONE A HUGE Heart Felt Thank You for the kindness and attention that you all gave to my Tribe (Kinsey, Kian, Kiernyn & Kierce ("porkchop"along with Shelby too),...the way that you all welcomed me was great,...BUT the way that you all wrapped your arms around my babies and accepted them as well was even more moving to me,...which I find hard to put into words. 

     As you all got to know me,..I am sure that you quickly realized that Nothing in my life holds more importance in my heart like my family.  Next in line as you might have noticed is my friends. Maybe this is in part where the Mafia Mama came into play.  The kids have all expressed to me in several different statements that they want to see everyone again, wanting to know when the next time we will be able to get together and why everyone can’t just come over all the time like SKY. My answer to that is “Not Soon Enough”,  Along with them telling me how much they liked all of you, even my little PorkChop who doesn't take to most men,...fell for Steven & Jeff.  LaVere, guys can spoil my babies anytime,…I hope that you will be coming our way for a visit soon.  Steven,..I hope that your run that you are planning goes off with out a hitch.  Bonnie, are a beautiful person inside and out,....I hope that I am able to "Give Back" even half of the extent that you have.  You have set the bar high! Scott, are a gentle giant,…and dang,..You Can Cook!!  Holy Cow,…I need lessons.  Buffy,…you are a real Go Getter….I will enjoy following your Adventures, keep ‘em coming,..I can’t wait until you hit Ohio.  Deb & Mike,…isn’t the internet Amazing,..look at what it has given us!!  I am so happy to have you both as friends….

    Blaine,…I know that soon we will meet again and have more time to talk,…you are a true man to take care of those boys,…and we ALL admire and respect you for what you are doing.  Sarge,…awesome talking to you and thanks for the great advice…I am going to look into my options soon..I look forward to meeting your wife at the next meet n greet. Dan, was great meeting you as well,…look forward to more time, seem like a big teddy bear,..I know that we will be in your neck of the woods sometime too,…if not at the fall meet n greet.  Angie,….you have a fantastic energy,…I admire what you are doing and hope you have safe travels,…hopefully we will all have more time with you too on our next visit.  Debby & Kenny,…you both are fantastic,…everything I expected you to be and more,….Debby,…remember Bits N Pieces,…lol  hugs to both of you until next time.  Jeff,…our last minute meet n greet guy,…I am so glad you made the trip, are a great guy and I enjoyed your company.  My little guy thinks you are pretty cool too!!  Dale,..such a long ride for you to cut out so soon, could have hugged the Kahula bottle with Sibel! Dan & Peanut,…wish you could have made it sooner,..but there is always next time, least we got a little riding in with ya. Last but definitely not least Gary,….you are a inspiration to us all!  I am SO happy that we met,…and very lucky that we do not live far from each other.  J & I will be riding with you soon,…you made our “Ohio Posse” complete.  Mrs. Hollywood,…you got one hell of a man!  I guess I shouldn’t leave my pal Sibel out (aka,…Jingles,…White Russian),…I don’t know where you get all that energy,…and, have got to be the happiest person that I have ever met!!  Always a smile and a big heart,.. I love you friend!!!   I am blessed to have you in my life (almost daily),..and I wouldn’t trade you for anything.  As a matter of fact,..I think I am going to hit all of the bathroom walls of our rides and write,…”For A Good Time Call…419-***-****”,…you never disappoint!!



     All Of You Are Welcome At Our Home,….as long as you don’t mind the Tribe Craziness,..LOL!!  But hey,…your bikers, can handle it right?

    It has actually been a very sad week for me,...I miss you all so much.  I feel blessed to have you all as my friends (more like our extended family actually), and I know that we will all remain in contact to and always look forward to our next adventure. So,…Thank You all again for everything,…I think of our weekend,..and the bonds we now have daily,..with a smile,..and a tear in my eyes too from time to time.  It isn’t everyday that you meet people that you can honestly call your friends AND actually like too.  YOU ARE ALL TOP NOTCH (I don't care what everyone else says about & LOVED BY THE DEFCON/CREATIVE TRIBE!!!


    Stay Safe Friends!!



    • 6 posts
    July 7, 2010 1:31 PM PDT
    It makes me sad that I missed it! Hope to hook up with you guys in August when Buffy comes through, though!
  • July 7, 2010 1:38 PM PDT
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    It makes me sad that I missed it! Hope to hook up with you guys in August when Buffy comes through, though!

    That would be fantastic!  I look forward to meeting you.


    • 910 posts
    July 7, 2010 1:40 PM PDT
    Anastasia, for someone who claims not to be eloquent, you have summed things up in a way that my college professors could not teach. You spoke with your heart and those words have moved me to tears.
  • July 7, 2010 1:43 PM PDT
    AdventureGirl wrote...
    Anastasia, for someone who claims not to be eloquent, you have summed things up in a way that my college professors could not teach. You spoke with your heart and those words have moved me to tears.

    Trust me when I say this Buffy,...I Love All Of Our Group.  I am in tears as I type this with a smile on my face,...Thank You!!

    • 352 posts
    July 7, 2010 1:45 PM PDT
    ah shucks...ya say the nicest things

    Hope you guys can make the Fall Gathering - I've been checking on several things in the areas and there should be some cool stuff for the little ones going on too...besides, we're all family here.

    Will be good to get everyone or at least a bunch of us together again.
    • 6 posts
    July 7, 2010 1:55 PM PDT
    TheBullDog wrote...
    ah shucks...ya say the nicest things

    Hope you guys can make the Fall Gathering - I've been checking on several things in the areas and there should be some cool stuff for the little ones going on too...besides, we're all family here.

    Will be good to get everyone or at least a bunch of us together again.

    Hey BullDog, you remember that we're planning on shooting down your way in Sept, right? Don't know if you were still wanting to build something around that or not, but it'd be way cool if there was a whole pack of CF folks there! ()
  • July 7, 2010 2:10 PM PDT
    darn girl friend you got my tears come down is that what you want ????
    we all love you and your AWESOME TRIBE ... I was just at your place you Not tired of me
    • 352 posts
    July 7, 2010 2:42 PM PDT
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    TheBullDog wrote...
    ah shucks...ya say the nicest things

    Hope you guys can make the Fall Gathering - I've been checking on several things in the areas and there should be some cool stuff for the little ones going on too...besides, we're all family here.

    Will be good to get everyone or at least a bunch of us together again.

    Hey BullDog, you remember that we're planning on shooting down your way in Sept, right? Don't know if you were still wanting to build something around that or not, but it'd be way cool if there was a whole pack of CF folks there! ()

    got ya. last I remember you had 3 bikes heading to Va. Beach Sept 17-19th - if everyone else is good for it, I guess we can see about doing our Fall Gathering in Virginia Beach and get a pack of CF people in the area....what do you guys think?

  • July 7, 2010 2:48 PM PDT
    Anastasia, you are inspiration for the rest of us. You and your family was a joy to watch and be a part of for the time spent together. I loved hearing the stories you guys both told. From how you met to the daily stuff going on, to how you got your new handle Mafia Moma. Makes me want to move to Ohio so I could be closer to all of you. (never thought I'd want to move to Ohio) LOL.... I'm so looking foward to the next time we can all get together again. And, I'm jealous you have Sky so close to you, what a joy to hang around. Always upbeat and that smile is to die for. Love all of you and miss you all to.
    • 1780 posts
    July 7, 2010 3:17 PM PDT
    Very well written, and a bit tearful on this end as well. Angel Eyes and I are going to visit with Buffy and BadInfluence the end of the month down South Texas way.
    Until next time.......
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 7, 2010 3:25 PM PDT
    Very Well said Anastasia. Before long we will be planning next years...
    I hope you can make the fall get together.
  • July 7, 2010 3:34 PM PDT
    We are planning on it...just hope there is a place big enough for out Tribe.
    • 1 posts
    July 7, 2010 4:12 PM PDT
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    It makes me sad that I missed it! Hope to hook up with you guys in August when Buffy comes through, though!

    • 6 posts
    July 7, 2010 4:24 PM PDT
    TheBullDog wrote...
    Hawk6351 wrote...
    TheBullDog wrote...
    ah shucks...ya say the nicest things

    Hope you guys can make the Fall Gathering - I've been checking on several things in the areas and there should be some cool stuff for the little ones going on too...besides, we're all family here.

    Will be good to get everyone or at least a bunch of us together again.

    Hey BullDog, you remember that we're planning on shooting down your way in Sept, right? Don't know if you were still wanting to build something around that or not, but it'd be way cool if there was a whole pack of CF folks there! ()

    got ya. last I remember you had 3 bikes heading to Va. Beach Sept 17-19th - if everyone else is good for it, I guess we can see about doing our Fall Gathering in Virginia Beach and get a pack of CF people in the area....what do you guys think?


    Yup, you remember correctly. In all likelyhood, we won't be pulling into VA beach till Saturday afternoon; if we pushed hard we'd make it LATE Friday night, but that's not leaving much room for gas n food! The plan at the moment is that we're thinking of running Skyline drive as far as possible, then cutting east for the coast in VA. If we do that, it'll mean an overnight before making it to you, but one heck of a scenic ride, which, hey isn't that the point? Anyhow, yeah, we'll be there Saturday and Sunday morning, so let's try to make something happen!
    • 568 posts
    July 7, 2010 10:14 PM PDT
    sidetrack wrote...
    Anastasia, you are inspiration for the rest of us. You and your family was a joy to watch and be a part of for the time spent together. I loved hearing the stories you guys both told. From how you met to the daily stuff going on, to how you got your new handle Mafia Moma. Makes me want to move to Ohio so I could be closer to all of you. (never thought I'd want to move to Ohio) LOL.... I'm so looking foward to the next time we can all get together again. And, I'm jealous you have Sky so close to you, what a joy to hang around. Always upbeat and that smile is to die for. Love all of you and miss you all to.

    never mind Ohio, yis guys make me dream ta move ta the States... ALL OF THEM! LOL
    such great people: yis are lucky ta have each other!

    • 513 posts
    July 7, 2010 10:26 PM PDT
    Looks like ye all had a great time, next year for sure!!!!
    • 119 posts
    July 8, 2010 2:41 AM PDT
    I have missed you guys sense we left Bob Evans, now I really miss you all. Your tribe is great and it took two wonderful parents to make them that way. I learned to be careful what you say to the little guy cuz he will agree with you. LOL. Thank you for sharing, I miss my extended family too. Tell them I said hi and I can’t wait till next year.
  • July 8, 2010 4:31 AM PDT
    Anastasia, Your words are so sweet. Thank you so much for sharing your family with us. I am here kid sitting three little ones that remind me of your three little ones. We are baking chocolate chip cookies in this heat and building a fort in the back yard. I would move to be closer to all of you if I could or I would have you all live closer to us. There is nothing more important than family and adopted family. Thank you all for giving so much to Steven and I during a meeting. It was short and sweet. The memories are even sweeter. See all of you as soon as we can. Luv LeVere
    • 413 posts
    July 8, 2010 7:49 PM PDT
    Anastasia, I've been thinking for a few days since you wrote this topic on what I wanted to say; sometimes (OK, many times) I am at a loss for words or know what I want to say but don't always know how. So this will be short and to the point until such time as we meet again and we can talk face to face (It's better that way). You and James with the tribe are fantastic people who have taught and are teaching your children well (Ther'e a song there somewhere) lol. Your family is intact and strong with much love of each other that is the glue to your family strength. I admire your family and will always be forever grateful for having met you all and look forward to the next time. Just please tell James a big shit eating grin rather than a handshake will work just fine; but I'll always take a hug from you if available...LOL!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 9, 2010 12:23 AM PDT
    Blaine, very well put for someone who supposedly has trouble expressing himself.

    Here is the song you refered to. These liberal hippies did pretty good...

    • 352 posts
    July 9, 2010 12:33 AM PDT
    love that song
  • July 11, 2010 11:11 AM PDT
    We are trying our best....that's for sure. It is a uphill battle,...especially with our newly-turned-18-year old....UGH!!! We will just keep at it!!! Thanks for all of the compliments guys!!!
    • 1066 posts
    July 11, 2010 11:17 AM PDT
    Anastasia, what ever you and James are doing, keep it up . They are very good kids. Just remember, it starts with the parents values, ya must be spot on.
    • 413 posts
    July 11, 2010 11:24 AM PDT
    We are trying our best....that's for sure. It is a uphill battle,...especially with our newly-turned-18-year old....UGH!!! We will just keep at it!!! Thanks for all of the compliments guys!!!

    18???  18???....Hell; throw her out tha door and tell her its' time to put to use in the real world what ya taught all these! That's what I keep telling James my oldest that I'm gonna!!

    Hey; seriously, I agree with Hollywood; Ya'll got figured right...No Doubt