Need some help creating a poker run...

  • June 4, 2010 2:48 AM PDT
    To all my brothers and sisters;
    I need your help!!! My wife has a very close friend that has been battling cancer for about a year now who just found out that she will be losing her job within the next few months. After hearing that wife tells me she wants to pull together a poker run to offset the cost of her cancer treatments. God love my wife for wanting to jump in and help because it her nature to do so… However I know she is looking too me to make it happen…
    While I love the idea I have never attempted to do something like this and could use some advice. I’ve got a primary sponsor for the event so there is my start and end location. The bar owner has put me in touch with about seven other locations that could be used as stops. So depending on which ones actually join us will determine the route.
     What I'm struggling with is how to run the event so that it fun for all and we actually make money to help out our friend. So what the best approach to make this truly successful? What are the details I need to know when setting up an event? What things should I watch out for when setting something like this up?

    Any and all help would be huge!!!

    Bill (Tex) from Merriam, KS
  • June 4, 2010 3:10 AM PDT
    First word of advice is to check local laws! In Louisiana I must get a "Charitable Gaming Permit" I know many states some funny rules too. If you are Kosher there, you might look at getting some door prizes to raffle off or an auction. I'll be glad to donate a few camping items, because that's what we do. Print up some cheap flyers on your PC. Use grey colors instead of black and print on low quality. This will make your ink last much longer. Maybe find some girls to do a bikini bike wash?
    • 467 posts
    June 4, 2010 7:46 AM PDT
    Once you have the stops in mind and arranged for, it is usually best to try and get one of their employees to volunteer to moniter the card draws--that way all stragglers are covered. Have a definite end time posted that all hands need to be turned in by. We generally run ours on a 50/30/20 split--50% for charity/30% for best hand/20% for worst hand. We also generate funds by offering "Bug Bash"--we sell targets (like the small orange ones from sporting goods) for $3, they stick them where ever they want on their person or bike and the one with the bugs closest to the bullseye at the end of the day wins 50% of take. And then there is the 50/50 raffle, raffle for donated door prizes (we have found if you but ask 90% of business will donate something). And we usually have one large raffle item that you need not be present to win. Although we usually give a freezer with a 1/2 beef, this year we will be offering 2 weekend trips to Black Hills B&B's. I agree with the flyers, and you can hand those for a couple weeks in advance in the stops and try to get with a local radio station for sponsorship, they may offer some free advertising. Make sure you run the route first and then again the day before so that you can keep an eye on construction/detours and road conditions. Also, don't forget to make sure that each of your stops has a FULL DECK OF CARDS!! Unless you plan on a dice run--then at least 5 di!
    HTH! If you have more questions, feel free to contact me--I organize them all the time here.
  • June 4, 2010 9:28 AM PDT
    Thank you both for some great input...