I hate......

    • 601 posts
    April 27, 2010 9:13 AM PDT
    We all have our good and bad days on the bike, but for everyone of us there is a " I really hate......" it can be bad weather...traffic lights..

    My own "pet hate" is women who push a buggy with a baby out in slow moving traffic, expecting everyone to stop for them..they really scare me, even at slow speed, chances are my bike will cut that buggy in half, Ireland is notorious for this, as jaywalking is a national sport, pedestrians here ignore lights and usually just "go for it". You can see them coming and avoid, but a little buggy canot be seen behind a parked car.
  • April 27, 2010 10:23 AM PDT
    Hate is such a strong word....:). I really, really. really dislike immensely those individuals that while driving, act as if an automobile has more rights to space on the road than a motorcycle. I mean they really drive as if I am not entitled to a full lane. Very strange and highly ignorant. Don't get me started on folks on cell phones when they are supposed to be in contol of heavy machinery....
    • 352 posts
    April 27, 2010 10:27 AM PDT
    had a car drift a full lane in front of me on the highway a few days ago...I shot past her cause I did not want to be behind her..she was actively texting on her cell phone which is against the law here - she was completely oblivious to anyone around her. SCARY!
  • April 27, 2010 10:33 AM PDT
    As Rory brought up buggies (strollers), I hate to see folks with little ones in strollers at bike rallies, music festivals, etc. in the heat of summer or when it's so damn loud you can't think. Damn people, leave them with a baby sitter or wait til they are old enough to enjoy it. It stops being about you when you have the kids and starts to be about them. Stop being so damn selfish.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 27, 2010 12:41 PM PDT

    People riding up on my Ass when on the bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • April 27, 2010 12:58 PM PDT
    I and my bride were cruising a Sunday mid summer. Stopped at a DQ for cool patio refresh. Bike was in view from seats on patio and saw a Mini Van with family park beside the "Hot" bike. Viet--Family unloaded 3 very little ones placeing each one on the pavement to unstrap next one. I got up and began running to bike yelling "Don't touch the Bike". Adults began yelling back very broken English about my f***ing bike and I yelled IT is HOT, your child. The floor board was all that was touched before the crawler was grabbed. "UNATTENDED CHILDREN"
  • April 27, 2010 1:00 PM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...

    People riding up on my Ass when on the bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Ridding Double???????????????????   Sidetrack
  • April 27, 2010 1:12 PM PDT
    No your not HOWARD!!!
  • April 27, 2010 1:14 PM PDT
    People who flick cigarette butts out of the window. took one in my helmet right through the gap between the head and ear pad. Stuck right there and sizzled in until I could get stopped and ripped my helmet off.....also had a women pull out early on an on-ramp and squeeze me in between her and a semi. I kicked the sh*t out of her door. she was on a cell phone....Think I'm gonna get me a "get-back whip" for the newly reborn Sporty.
  • April 27, 2010 1:30 PM PDT
    seeing only blue hair and knuckles through the back window!badinfluence
  • April 27, 2010 1:34 PM PDT
    Hey Defcon, try a 1 inch ball bearing. It will play hell with a hood or windshield.
    • 513 posts
    April 27, 2010 7:53 PM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    As Rory brought up buggies (strollers), I hate to see folks with little ones in strollers at bike rallies, music festivals, etc. in the heat of summer or when it's so damn loud you can't think. Damn people, leave them with a baby sitter or wait til they are old enough to enjoy it. It stops being about you when you have the kids and starts to be about them. Stop being so damn selfish.

    There are some events where children should not be and I don't understand why people bring them there.
    These bear in mind are the same people who then complain to the organizers that there was certain behaviour going on that their little angels should not see and that it should be stopped and before you know it what used to be a blast of a rally for adults with all the usual good fun becomes just another bland event, a pale shadow of what it used to be and no fun at all.

    • 513 posts
    April 27, 2010 8:02 PM PDT
    hgsc90 wrote...
    I and my bride were cruising a Sunday mid summer. Stopped at a DQ for cool patio refresh. Bike was in view from seats on patio and saw a Mini Van with family park beside the "Hot" bike. Viet--Family unloaded 3 very little ones placeing each one on the pavement to unstrap next one. I got up and began running to bike yelling "Don't touch the Bike". Adults began yelling back very broken English about my f***ing bike and I yelled IT is HOT, your child. The floor board was all that was touched before the crawler was grabbed. "UNATTENDED CHILDREN"

    You are a good man for caring, I have never understood why parents seem to think it is ok for their rugrats to climb all over other peoples bikes. And you always get the same answer "it is only a motorbike", as if it was worthless. Yet when their little darlings have burnt themselves they treat it like it is your responsibility.  It is not the kids that need telling off it is the parents because they are just lousy parents, they don't teach their kids respect for other peoples property and they sure as hell don't teach them manners.
    I had one such parent rant at me when I was picking up my daughter from school, her kids burnt her hands on the exhaust pipe of a bike, funny thing was while she was ranting at me and threatening to sue, it was not my bike, so I let her rant and then calmly told her it was not mine and that she could sue me all she wanted and that instead of shouting at me, should she not be treating her sons burn, was that not more important......all I got was more abuse about bikers in general while her child was screaming in agony with nobody doing anything.

    • 352 posts
    April 28, 2010 12:31 AM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Hey Defcon, try a 1 inch ball bearing. It will play hell with a hood or windshield.

    we used to carry a cloth bag of 1/2" nuts - can be used as a thumper or for pitching a few nuts at the offending party...great for tailgaters too
  • April 28, 2010 12:45 AM PDT
    I came out of a restaurant after having a decent lunch. I found that there was a youngster climbing all over the bike, which was on it's sidestand. The father was standing right there watching. Needless to say I was a bit outraged and asked him, NICELY at first, to please take his child OFF the bike. The response was "it's JUST a motorcycle". To which I responded, "Then I'll just go over and crawl all over YOUR car". This guy got extremely angry with that comment. Threatened to beat MY ass for having an "attitude".

    Employees called the police and, FOR ONCE, they arrived fast. HE ended up getting a ticket for "trespassing" and "attempted vandalism". Police told him to leave IMMEDIATELY.

    Officer came over and told me he TOTALLY understood as he was an avid rider himself!!!!!!

    Sometimes justice can be well served................
  • April 28, 2010 2:38 AM PDT
    TheExtreme wrote...
    Hey Defcon, try a 1 inch ball bearing. It will play hell with a hood or windshield.

    I've found that lug nuts are much easier to explain carrying around...Honestly Officer I just had them in my pocket from changing my tire at home and it must have fallen out and bounced into the inconsiderate a-holes vehicle.  Musta been that karma thing they talk about.
  • April 28, 2010 2:51 AM PDT
    When ever I park my bike somewhere I usually try to park out of the way so people won't park on top of it.
    Never the less 9 times out of 10 somebody always does.
    One time I stopped for lunch at a diner that shared a parking lot with a grocery store. When I came out there was a grocery cart resting against my bike.WTF!!!!!!!!
    I'm not usually a violent man, but if I could have got my hands on the ASSHOLE who did that...
    • 568 posts
    April 28, 2010 3:08 AM PDT
    the habit of lazy roadworkers here in Ireland ta leave the gravel loose over fresh repairs fer the passing cars ta flatten.... they never stop fer a moment considering that a biker can flatten theyselfs on such deadly traps - ehy! i'm one such biker!!!
    same, farmers filling the roads with muck cowshit slur on their tractors' wake and never bothering their arses cleaning after themselfs. blind, dumb, multitasking cage driver by and large....
    i'm upset now, where's my medication?!
  • April 28, 2010 2:34 PM PDT
    Stopped a guy from sitting on my bike one day. We where at a rest stop and this nutter walked over to my HD and without even looking around throw his leg over the bike. I walked over and grabbed him by this collar dragged him of. He threatened to punch me out. Safe to say he may still be laying there.
    I hate it when people think they can do as they please. Ask first and I'll let anyone sit on my bike,dont ask you suffer.
    I'm not mean but cost me a lot of money Not sorry about hitting the other guy either!!!!!!
  • April 28, 2010 3:57 PM PDT
    DEFCON wrote...
    People who flick cigarette butts out of the window. took one in my helmet right through the gap between the head and ear pad. Stuck right there and sizzled in until I could get stopped and ripped my helmet off.....also had a women pull out early on an on-ramp and squeeze me in between her and a semi. I kicked the sh*t out of her door. she was on a cell phone....Think I'm gonna get me a "get-back whip" for the newly reborn Sporty.

    ball peen hammer hanging from the frame!badinfluence
    • 513 posts
    April 28, 2010 7:52 PM PDT
    Hoss1584 wrote...
    Stopped a guy from sitting on my bike one day. We where at a rest stop and this nutter walked over to my HD and without even looking around throw his leg over the bike. I walked over and grabbed him by this collar dragged him of. He threatened to punch me out. Safe to say he may still be laying there.
    I hate it when people think they can do as they please. Ask first and I'll let anyone sit on my bike,dont ask you suffer.
    I'm not mean but cost me a lot of money Not sorry about hitting the other guy either!!!!!!

    You should have done that funny scene from Sons of anarchy and asked him did he have a camera and take a before and after foto

  • April 28, 2010 8:31 PM PDT
    DEFCON wrote...
    People who flick cigarette butts out of the window. took one in my helmet right through the gap between the head and ear pad. Stuck right there and sizzled in until I could get stopped and ripped my helmet off.....also had a women pull out early on an on-ramp and squeeze me in between her and a semi. I kicked the sh*t out of her door. she was on a cell phone....Think I'm gonna get me a "get-back whip" for the newly reborn Sporty.

    I like those mini baseball bats.  Just enough to remove a mirror.
    • 1780 posts
    April 28, 2010 9:52 PM PDT
    People that throw trash out the cage window........I was jamming down the slab one day and out of the car in front of me came on of thoses convience store plastic sacks........you guess it......damn thing hit me right in the face and stuck there. I look like the three stooges going down the road trying to remove that sack, then it damn thing nearly took my sun glasses with it when I did get the thing off me.
    • 63 posts
    April 28, 2010 11:55 PM PDT
    I hate when trucks don't give you the room they should on interstates,,, fade over too quick, use part of your lane, etc.
  • April 29, 2010 12:46 AM PDT
    had a left green arrow as im approaching intersection. lady next to me decided the same. fishtailed sideways, put my foot out to push away from curb. didnt dump bike, but now in crutches for a groin tear, this was monday morning, and third close call for me this year and its only april! what do you hate?