Gear for a long distance road trip

  • March 19, 2009 7:50 AM PDT

    I have one of those in my earthquake emergency kit, it's pretty cool.  Haven't had to use it yet TG.

    • 910 posts
    March 19, 2009 7:57 AM PDT
    It's going in my kit after my road trip... but it will get used first. For fun not emergency.
    • 910 posts
    March 21, 2009 2:25 AM PDT
    Hey Rexroaddog, If you have recommended routes to share for my road trip I'm happy to hear them. I was looking on the map and thought route 13 through DE & MD looked like a good alternative to I95 when I leave Philadelphia on my way to Virginia Beach. I drove a car through that section of I95 a few years back and remember it being both congested and chaotic, I'd prefer to avoid it on the bike this time around if I can.
    • 1 posts
    March 21, 2009 4:45 AM PDT

    One more tip for you AG. Do a little research and get the location and phone number for all the dealers for your bike and local repair shops. I always do that before I leave on a trip, normally just one or two sheets of paper I tuck away somewhere.

    • 910 posts
    April 7, 2009 7:44 AM PDT
    Thanks BailOut. I'll be sure to do just that!
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    • 19064 posts
    April 7, 2009 1:36 PM PDT

    True, false or just wierd, you be the judge. I keep one or two of those small liquor bottles (Jack of course) in my first aid kit. It is a real good antiseptic (especially when taken orally) plus when done riding if I end up in a dry county I can have at least one toast to the day.

  • April 7, 2009 2:30 PM PDT

    I would recommend a throttle palm device like the "Crampbuster". This will relieve a lot of pressure off your hand and wrist and it's better than the set ones as this one can be reset easily. For electonics. I use a "Battery Tender" plug off my battery and I have a cigarette lighter adapter that I can plug in my cell and other DC adapters. For my MP3 and camera, small flash light and other battery devices I use all AA battery types and with a AA charger that plugs in to a cigarette light I can charge all of these.

    • 910 posts
    April 7, 2009 3:24 PM PDT
    hahaaa, Mike not weird at all. In fact, it was already something I'd intended to include thanks to another traveling friend that mentioned dry counties enroute. Of course, I won't be cracking them open until I'm settled into whatever camp ground or holding place I end up at for the night. Thanks Raywood, all very good advice for the electronics I'll be packing. I'm going to look into that battery tender option you mentioned and I did pick-up a variation of the crampbuster
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    • 19064 posts
    April 10, 2009 3:15 AM PDT

    Hey Adventure Girl,
    After reading all these answers to you I am reminded why 'bikers is my favorite people.' Lots of great advice.  To add to Bailout's comment about dealers. Looking at the Suziki web site they have a find a dealer button. Might be a good place to start making your list. Harley's HOG organization puts out a really good atlas every year.
    The maps are weak (small) but it shows where dealers are and there is a great index of all dealers with addresses, phones, and hours. Maybe Suziki does something like that. Also go to the Official web-site of each state you plan to visit. Most have 'Request a Tourist Package" option and you can get their official state maps, plus other good information. You should do this as early as you can since it some times takes a couple of weeks to get them.


    Also I have to SALUTE you for taking on a trip like this! Especially on a sport bike. Oh my aching back!

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    • 19064 posts
    April 13, 2009 2:02 PM PDT

    OK I Just re-read all of these GREAT posts. There is a lot of really good advice Adventure Girl. One thing more I would add. You stated you would be wearing a back pack. As you know they can get very hot and uncomfortable adding to your fatigue level. Especially all day for a few days in a row. 95 degrees and 95% humidity are not uncommon where you're headed. Try very hard to find a way to secure the pack to the bike. Bungee nets work pretty well. Be extra cautious of loose straps. I almost dumped my bike once at 45 mph when I failed to secure a strap and it came loose then tangled in the rear wheel. I can give more details about that near miss.

    Have a great trip.


    • 910 posts
    April 13, 2009 2:48 PM PDT

    Mike... I agree. You and everyone else who has commented on this topic will make my trip that much more enjoyable because you've all contributed in such a fantastic way! By the time I leave I truly believe I will be as prepared as I possibly can due to the advice I've been given here. Oh, and you will be seeing me on my trip. I have every intention of joining you for the beginning of your Ride for Sophie. Thanks again for your very valued input. I'll start requesting maps, research the dealers, print my mapquested routes as back-up for GPS hiccups, and make sure to secure those straps from the saddle bags and the backpack (which will be fastened to my seat rather than my back). Oh and in addition to the handy checklist I have thanks to Cycleridge I'm going to reread all of the posts here to double check that I have everything thought out and included.



  • April 13, 2009 3:16 PM PDT
    pleasent journey! It sounds like you have everything...
    • 1 posts
    April 16, 2009 12:26 PM PDT
    My ole lady uses a GPS for her work so I bought a mount from the internet along with power adaptor. I have no blue tooth capabilities, but I can hear just fine at 55 MPH or less. Also, most of the time I use the visual directions and really don't need the voice directions. You may want to consider having your up-to-date emergency information handy just in case.
    • 910 posts
    April 16, 2009 2:28 PM PDT
    Thanks elcid let's hope I do. I'm not beginning my trip for about 6 weeks so I'll have time to plan & prepare still. Oh, and Mike, I'm told my bike isn't truly a "sport" bike though I'm not sure what then to call it. It's a bit more upright than traditional sport bikes, but yes... my aching back. *lol* Hey Steven thanks for your bit. I'll be testing out my GPS as much as possible to get adjusted to it (both visually and audibly) and will make sure to have that emergency info close at hand (and no, I won't be testing that out before-hand *lol* --- I hope)
  • May 1, 2009 3:14 AM PDT
    I was doing a little research for an "iron butt" ride and found these tips on the site. I think most have been covered here. Just in case we missed something, here is the list from the pros. LOL I know you aren't trying to set any distance records, but a lot applies to everyday riding.
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    • 19064 posts
    May 1, 2009 2:39 PM PDT
    Hey Adventure Girl & JR

    That is a GREAT list!  I even picked up some info! Geez Lou Wezze I thought I knew everything. LOL
  • May 1, 2009 3:09 PM PDT
    Well now you do, Rex...Thanks to me. lol
  • June 17, 2012 11:23 PM PDT
    The best motorcycle GPS and Cell Phone mounts I have found to date? Go to  

    You need an easy and simple way to provide power for the GPS, mp3 player and cell phone... Go to
  • June 18, 2012 12:50 AM PDT
    bring matches! heheheh
    • 910 posts
    June 18, 2012 3:11 PM PDT
    Black9 wrote...
    bring matches! heheheh

    ahh, I didn't need the matches this trip, but on the cage cruise in the summer of 2010 I had one of those emergency kits from EMS that had water proof, and wind proof matches in a sealed container. I set up camp in Bowling Green Kentucky and decided I wanted a nice fire before I settled in for the night. So I crumpled up some paper as tinder and gathered some small sticks then struck the first match... and the next one, and the next one. Damn emergency wather proof, and wind proof matches turned out to be fire proof too.

    Luckily, the caretaker of that particular camping spot passed by checking the grounds and came back with all the fixings for a perfect bon-fire and helped me get it started.

  • June 18, 2012 9:30 PM PDT
    ADVIL never leave the driveway with out it.
    • 1 posts
    June 19, 2012 12:48 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...

    True, false or just wierd, you be the judge. I keep one or two of those small liquor bottles (Jack of course) in my first aid kit. It is a real good antiseptic (especially when taken orally) plus when done riding if I end up in a dry county I can have at least one toast to the day.

    Last trip I took through "Dry county" I took 4 flask filled... Best to be prepared.
    • 9 posts
    June 20, 2012 1:33 AM PDT
    Buffy!!! Girl! The trip of a lifetime! Is this one in addition to the Aussie plans? WOW, you are so aptly
    Girl, if I had a bike, I'd so tag along. One to keep ya company, two, just to see some of the world again, but three, and most important, enjoyin' the FREEDOM!!! All of the advice I've read is priceless. Especially about checkin' in with someone along the way, DAILY! I do have one more piece of advice, and I don't want to be the downer here, but I think it's careful who you trust, K? There are wolves in sheeps (or even Biker's) clothing. I recommend having some implement for self-defense. You choose what YOU'RE comfortable with. I wish I could
    say it was all sunshine and flowers out there. And I'll pray that you have a safe and uneventful trip. I just want you
    to be aware, ok? Really aware.

    Now, that the "delicate" stuff is outta the way...GO HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!
    Who loves ya?

    Ride Free
    • 910 posts
    June 20, 2012 6:01 AM PDT
    Tweek wrote...
    Buffy!!! Girl! The trip of a lifetime! Is this one in addition to the Aussie plans? WOW, you are so aptly
    Girl, if I had a bike, I'd so tag along. One to keep ya company, two, just to see some of the world again, but three, and most important, enjoyin' the FREEDOM!!! All of the advice I've read is priceless. Especially about checkin' in with someone along the way, DAILY! I do have one more piece of advice, and I don't want to be the downer here, but I think it's careful who you trust, K? There are wolves in sheeps (or even Biker's) clothing. I recommend having some implement for self-defense. You choose what YOU'RE comfortable with. I wish I could
    say it was all sunshine and flowers out there. And I'll pray that you have a safe and uneventful trip. I just want you
    to be aware, ok? Really aware.

    Now, that the "delicate" stuff is outta the way...GO HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!
    Who loves ya?

    Ride Free

    Tweek, I ran this trip in the summer of 2009. I stumbled into CF when I was planning for that trip and they haven't been able to get rid of me yet *lol*

    If you look at my album section I have one named Road Trip 2009 (think that's what I named it *lol*) I posted photos along the way and checked in on both CF and FB as I travelled. I had an amazing trip and made it back safe. Even met new friends along the way. 

    I repeated that trip in the summer of 2010. I drove around 25 states in 87 days in my car - so that is named Cage Cruise 2010. Think I have an album for that too.  During that trip, I met up with many of my CF family/friends for the first time at 2 Meet in Greets (KY & SD) and even got to got to Sturgis for the 70th Bike Week... which is how I met Boof, Marni and so many others here on CF. 

    In the summer of 2011 I wasn't able to go very far for very long. Being a full-time student with no job, my funds dwindled. But I did get the chance to go to a Meet & Greet with my original group of CF friends. We all met up at MountainFest in WV and had a blast just being together and taking in the sites and Bike Week festivities there.

    This summer, thanks to meeting Boof & Marni at Sturgis who have stayed in touch with me since we met in 2010 and the option to study abroad for a semester through school. I am going to Australia for 4.5 months 

    and I love ya back girl!  

    ps. all the above happened because my life fell apart in 2009. I got evicted from my apartment after losing a job and could no longer afford the rent/bills. I was fighting my son's father in court because he wasn't paying child support and he did what he could to destroy my reputation/credibility so he could take my son instead of paying child support, my son was 17 and pushing for his independence - he got into some trouble (not a bad kid just bad circumstances) which didn't help at the time, and I was in a very tumultuous relationship that was getting more and more crazy and I knew if I didn't put some distance between us, it was going to end very badly for me. The emotional roller coaster took its toll. I was pretty much at my breaking point and I don't want to tell you where my mind was going at that time. But then I picked up the phone, called my brother and asked if I could stay with him for the summer. Then I reached out to an old friend in western TN and told her I'd stop by on my way (except it was really not on my way, so I found other friends to visit too).

    Everything I had went into storage and I packed all I could on my bike and got out and discovered what I was capable of. I know everyone here already knows this but there is no other therapy like "wind therapy" I left Massachusetts in early June and arrived in Florida July 3rd feeling revived. Even though it was only 4 weeks later - I no longer felt helpless. AND I discovered a great support system thanks to my CF friends. 
    • 9 posts
    June 20, 2012 7:28 AM PDT

    Wow...see, this is embarrassing. I didn't look at the original post date. Just the recent follow ups. So glad you got to make those trips, and I'm sure there are many awesome memories there. If circumstances, present themselves, I'd love to do that very thing. Take a long lone-rider, and clear out ALL the cobwebs. I've spent so much of my life being there for others, and up until 3 1/2 years ago, mostly in a drug/alcohol haze. Now, I'd like to just take some time for myself, and in the course of things, get closer to the maker.  I am so grateful for all the blessings, and I need to show my appreciation. I feel like motorcycle ministry is one way to do that. There's so much opportunity, when you ride from place to place. Those bikes, are conversation starters...and that's all I need.
    I still wish I could go with ya to Austrailia. I wanna meet the BOOF and Marnie!!! I've been "knowin" 'em for a while, but there's nothin' like a face to face, to complete the friendship. Eh?
    I wanna meet all the cyclefisher's...Lucky & Laura, D.J., Rex, NightDragon, the list goes on and on, and I don't
    want nobody to think I forgot Ya'll, so I'll cut it off here. Suffice it to say, I'm lookin' forward to meetin' ALL YA'LL!!!

    Ride Free
