If you can read my lips

  • July 28, 2014 8:22 AM PDT
    Your way too D*** close  :twisted: My last words ever spoken or yelled almost happened today  :!: Needless to say,they were not nice,but I think the driver read my lips as he nearly t-boned me.If I hadn't dropped a gear prior to heading into that intersection when I rolled hard on the throttle my bike would have bogged down and I'd be toast right now.The road is a beautiful rural two lane that runs betweeen I-35 and and a major four lane state highway with plenty of visibility for this to have happened even with the speed limits which I was traveling well under.The man stopped,and even though I had on a neon bright colored shirt and was flashing my head lights he waited until I was almost into the intersection before he starts across from my left,I guess he was about a third of the way across when I knew there was no breaking or swerving to miss this truck without either hitting him,or going under the pickup.I know the driver of the gravel truck to my right that was facing this fool had to be bracing for impact,as well as the van not too far behind me. :shock:  :shock: Needless to say the man in his sixties had no clue as to why I was  looking him in the eye about five feet off his left front bumper ,but I know he read my lips....No doubt.
    • 3006 posts
    July 28, 2014 9:13 AM PDT
    Thanks for the reminder.Its really incredible how some drivers still drive yet obviously dont have a clue of how to drive.Glad you avoided a wreck.
    Out here in California between late May & thru August,riders have to be on the lookout for foreign drivers, from multiple countries, who drive like crap!!! Typically you will encounter them just about everywhere.For example about 4 weeks ago I watched a driver on a 4 lane freeway come to a near stop,in an attempt to exit right over 3 lanes,nearly caused a pile up.
    • 84 posts
    July 28, 2014 1:22 PM PDT
    Used to get swerved into (changing lanes while phoning, texting or working with makeup) and pulled in front of fairly regularly in the US.

    Maybe I'm just lucky but hasn't happened once in the 4 years since shipping the bike to Europe.
    • 5420 posts
    July 29, 2014 1:11 AM PDT
    You know what amazes me about people who almost hit you is when you flip them off or say something to them, they look at you like what did I do? Because most are paying so little attention, they don't even realize they just about killed someone.

    Glad you got through it safe!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 29, 2014 1:50 AM PDT
    Happy you were able to tell this story.
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    July 29, 2014 4:43 AM PDT
    Glad you lived to ride again and again.. people do amaze me
    • 846 posts
    July 30, 2014 9:06 AM PDT
    Glad your ok,
    Its not just cage drivers.

    Last night I stopped into the local bike night and as they were playing the national anthem I stopped to pay my respects and wait. Well it shouldn't have been a problem as I was off the road but wouldn't you know it a bicyclist that wasn't pay any attention to where he was going nearly runs straight into me. As I wasn't even moving I found it strange that he give me the stink eye and rides off. A few minutes later the girls at the gate and I had a good laugh over it as they seen the whole thing and could believe it.

    Moral of the story no one but us are watching were we are going.
  • July 31, 2014 1:38 AM PDT
    Chaz wrote...
    Glad your ok,
    Its not just cage drivers.

    Last night I stopped into the local bike night and as they were playing the national anthem I stopped to pay my respects and wait. Well it shouldn't have been a problem as I was off the road but wouldn't you know it a bicyclist that wasn't pay any attention to where he was going nearly runs straight into me. As I wasn't even moving I found it strange that he give me the stink eye and rides off. A few minutes later the girls at the gate and I had a good laugh over it as they seen the whole thing and could believe it.

    Moral of the story no one but us are watching were we are going.

    Chaz, That is just too funny,but beyond sad.Somebody got their bike shorts in a wad and you got the stink eye.Reminds me of a fellow lady rider I know headed to work on her m/c in downtown San Franciso,she too got nailed by a bicycle while she had a protected green light arrow making a left turn.The bicyclists blew threw the intersection while she was in full clock turn and nailed herShe is still  shaking her head today trying to figure out why neither one of them hit the ground
    • 9 posts
    July 31, 2014 11:30 PM PDT
    Daggone it!!! I read far too many of these kinds of stories. And I've had to attend two memorials this year, alone.

    We all gotta be our own "defenders" out there. (With help from God, and the Angels).
    I haven't gotten back on the front, as of yet, but just a few rides on the rear, are enough for me to KNOW the dynamic's of ridin' have seriously changed.

    Still waitin' on God for the next ride. Til then, signing up for the updated advanced rider course. Sheesh.


    Ride Free