Lucky Windows Explorer 11

    • 1855 posts
    February 15, 2014 2:58 AM PST
    So for some reason my computer updated to explorer 11.  In so doing I lost my "lyrics" folder completely; along with a few other things I'm probably not yet aware of.  What's up with that Lucky?  I think the update was part of some critical update.  I was able to get back the stuff I lost with "restore" but I'm still not sure why everything happened as it did.  Any thoughts?

    • 5420 posts
    February 15, 2014 7:51 AM PST
    Windows did a forced upgrade from IE10 to IE11 so if you computer is set to Install Windows Updates Automatically (which they normally should be) you would have be upgraded and if not set for Auto Update IE would have updated the next time opened!

    I have seen lots of reported issues already including files and folders being hidden and Outlook stuff being hard to find.

    From what I have read so far (but haven't looked to deep into the changes) the folder was probably not deleted but just hidden by the system.

    Where was this "lyrics" folder you lost?
    • 1855 posts
    February 15, 2014 9:40 AM PST
    Not only did I lose folders, I lost my Office Home & Student program. Nothing in "word" or "xcell" could be opened. And, I couldn't download the product again; even through my Microsoft office account online. I ended up having Microsoft tech rep take over my computer to get everything back. But yes, you're correct. A good many of the lost files are pretty damn deep hiding and I have had to create new folders and drag the files to them. Took some time let me tell you. There was, however, no explanation as to why it happened in the first place. Hell, even my drop down favorites list on the internet was emptied and THAT is really weird.

    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    February 15, 2014 9:33 PM PST
    Gotta love windoze...
    • 284 posts
    February 16, 2014 6:36 PM PST
    There is also a new Black Hole virus out specifically aimed at IE. It is suppose to be like a trojan, get in steal data and disable IE. Micropuke has stopped all support of IE9 for this virus and is pushing IE11.

    Never run auto update, get a second hand firewall, I use Zone Alarm, and get after market virus detection. AVG is a really good anti virus.

    Turn off auto updates, ie firewall and ie security they are the pits.

    That is why you do not browse with IE, get Firefox or chrome and only use IE for updates. Way to many vulnerabilities in IE and Windows Office.
    • 9 posts
    February 17, 2014 7:43 AM PST
    Ya see? This is why computers make me INSANE. I'm new, and it's like "THEY" know it. I get the updates, and I'm scared to death to accept any one of  'em. Everytime I DO??? New problems. Lucky, knows exactly what I'm talkin' about here. My computer's (both, laptops) were properly set up, properly ignited, and properly configured to accept these "updates". But, guess what? Because of their "AGE", they may not be configured TO DO SO.
    Not with all the "advances" in technology...

    It's all a scam. Thanks, BILL GATES.  Steve....Ya' know....the APPLE GUY?
    Everything is made to implode now. EVERYTHING!!!

    We are a throw-away, and get better SOCIETY!!!   (Spoiled, MUCH?)
    And they saw us all....COMING.

    They drug me, kickin' and screamin' into this "world".
    AND now....
    I can't seem to GET OUT.

    I just wanna RIDE.

    Ride Free
  • February 17, 2014 11:42 AM PST
    The only problems I've had with explorer 11 is some website's don't display right. All I get is the text version. To fix this, I use Google Chrome. I think the websites themselves need to be updated to work with the new explorer 11. Kind of on the same subject. What does everyone think of Fox Sports new format? It has super sized text and loads rather slow on my tablet.
    • 5420 posts
    February 17, 2014 1:12 PM PST
    Okay, finally had some tome to do some research and testing...

    IE11 did have a bunch of bugs but most are aleary fixed with patches that should download and install automatically. Otherwise it actually fixed lots of problems that were in IE 9 & 10. Actually corrected a few things that were driving me and other web designers crazy and fixed a few security bugs too.

    As for the Blackhole Exploits (mentioned above)...that was a major concern in 2010, 2011 & 2012 with versions of IE but I haven't been able to find anything that it has re-emerged with any new th3reats to IE11.

    I just like the rest of you get really scared anytime there are upgrades to Windows or IE or any major software program or browser, especially since I have to worry about whether my site will work. And yes every few updates do cause me to have to make changes, but that is all apart of keeping up with something that is emerging faster than man has ever known in the past!  But all and all most of these are for the best and just trying to keep up with our changing habits on computer use and internet browsing. Remember when someone like Microsoft releases an upgrade it will go on over 1/2 billion computers at about the same time. All the testing in the world can't insure that every one of those will work just fine, but they do a pretty damn good job of getting updates and fixes out pretty quick. I am actually impressed on how quick Microsoft can actually fix the thousands of bugs that are reported in any new release of software... event though it seems like it is too long if it effects us personally.  Remember without updartes we would all be trying to browse the web with Netscape or IE3... how much fun would that be.

    Now on final note and personal opinion.... USE FIREFOX for your web browser. It is not integrated with the operating system or owned by a giant website and does only one thing... browses the web and it does it better than any other browser out there.
    • 284 posts
    February 17, 2014 6:32 PM PST
    It was in the news a few weeks back. The Black Hole was aimed at IE 9 & 10 and Microsoft stopped patches to 9 and focused on 10 & 11.

    Nothin like Micro Puke, they develop a browser that can not see webpages.

    The Updates, I only install security updates. Most of those updates are usless for me since I would never surf the web with IE.

    Netscrape and IE3 were probally better than the latest versions of IE. With data transfer rates they would sure be faster.

    Glad I do not do computer work any longer. Who the heck wants to write over 2 million lines of code and then try to find that one error.

    Mozzila announced it is going to start putting advertisements in the Firefox web browser. It is the end of the world as we know it.
    • 834 posts
    February 24, 2014 1:58 PM PST
    It is REALLY hard for a company to go back and support past releases. My recommendation is to always run the latest (or maybe one gen back if problems).
    • 284 posts
    February 24, 2014 8:51 PM PST
    Tweek you are so wrong. If your havin problems it is your Configuration, not the PC. I am runnin the same system for the last 5 years with no issues.

    Everything from Childhood, even yours was designed to be upgraded.