How does your bike excite you?

  • July 23, 2013 4:10 PM PDT
    Here is something different. I'm sitting here realizing that I'm confined by work and can't ride for a few days. There is a driving force, a soul or character, my FJR possesses that excites me when I'm on board. I love that solid pull at the handlebars when you give it a little gas. No! It doesn't have the torque of a ZX14 or Hayabusa, but the FJR's smooth inline four with lower compression ratio than the all out sport bikes reminds me of my old Kawasaki Z1R 1000 and Suzuki GS 1100. The FJR's low end and mid range torque excites me. Combine that with cruise control, an all day comfy seat, and ride with great handling...I can't wait to get back on her again. 

    My recent FZ6 was the closest thing to a speedway handling bike I've ever owned. That and the marvel of how far technology has taken 600cc bikes amazed me. My friend's Harley Davidson with that soulful rumble sound going down the road let me feel that bike's soul or character. What is it that drives you to want to get back on your bike? What excites you about your ride?

    Hey! We've all been through the, "This is what I'm riding until I get that. . ." Still, something about those bikes make us want to get back on!
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    July 23, 2013 5:16 PM PDT
    A laid back cruiser kind of guy for me it is just the pleasure of a run down country roads, leanin' into the turns, throttling up out of the turns. Nothing real hard, (ok some turns I hit hard enough to scrape the boards) just easy (and very good) living.
  • July 23, 2013 10:18 PM PDT
    Riding down a country road with a canopy of trees or a wide vista view, it has to be close to the feeling that the men and women that opened this country had when riding into new country. At least that's the feeling that comes over me when I think of getting on my shadow whether heading to work or for a weekend adventure . Ride safe and long.
  • July 24, 2013 3:03 AM PDT
    Riding along the road , feeling the wind on my face, and knowing this is my greatest achievement in my adult years . I love the feeling of excitement on every ride even if it is just 20 - 30 miles or so to the next town!!
    • 5420 posts
    July 24, 2013 3:29 AM PDT
    For me it is about kicked-back cruising. Nothing better then sweeping turns where I don't have to shift and can keep my feet up on the highway pegs, but enough of a turn to where I need to back off slightly going in and just roll on the throttle through the turn. Then on the straights dropping my left hand down on Laura's leg... nothing needs to be said we both just smile and enjoy the road.
    • 846 posts
    July 24, 2013 5:22 AM PDT
     I can't tell you its between me and my bike.
    • 3006 posts
    July 24, 2013 5:37 AM PDT
    The main reason why I want to get back on,goes beyond something I find hard to describe to start with.Could prolly toss my leg ovr my old ?66 Honda 90 n git the desire to kick it in gear n see where the road takes me.It could be a longing for adventure,to feel air over skin from new & unknown places,to actually smell the world,and know from miles away where water is,farm land ranches..or who is burnin one on the highway lol

    With my vtx I can still crack that throttle,safely, n get a rush from the surge of raw power at my finger tips,I can settle my feet in nicely with the huge floorboards,she aint much on leaning since she is low slung yet I enjoy the thrill of throwing her into curves still,n find it challenging at times to compensate for the low ground clearance.
    She is going on 12 now,& overall I still get a kick everytime I throw a leg over her saddle.

    Your new ride sounds like a real sweet ladyhope your staying safe out there & enjoying the ride!!
  • July 24, 2013 7:36 AM PDT
    The sights and sounds of the open road. Looking over at good friends on their bikes. Knowing that were just headed down the highway to no where special and it really don't matter. It's all about the riding and it always has been for me. Damn it motorcycle riding is fun and I always feel sorry for those who don't ride!
  • July 24, 2013 8:10 AM PDT
    the lone fact of knowing that it's bike!
    • 1855 posts
    July 24, 2013 9:53 AM PDT
    I'm 65 years old and I've was riding motorcycles before I was old enough to get a driver's license.  There's no one reason as to how my bike "excites" me.  It's quite simply who I am and I am the ONE and only in my family who's off that rail that circles round n' round day after day. . I ride the rolls of thunder and lightening shows the way.  I'm the rodeo's sole attraction; envy on parade.

    That's what I feel when I ride. I've never felt looked down upon but rather just the opposite.  Bikers..........we're what others wish they could be.

    • 314 posts
    July 24, 2013 10:33 AM PDT
    I think some of the feelings are a bit hard to describe.
    This is what I tell my mother who wishes she had the guts to ride and go places and be so independent.
    The smells of spring are so much stronger when on the open road verses sitting on a porch. Feeling the heat of the sun and smelling spring at the same time is indescribable. The crisp morning air of early summer is more warming than you would think.
    When you ride long distance and then its over you feel empty, then its like someone has shut off a sound that your miss right away, then realize its wind and can’t wait to ride again
  • July 24, 2013 10:53 AM PDT
    Riding since 71. It is simply how I get around. So I guess I'm excited (at 60) that I still get around.
  • July 24, 2013 3:03 PM PDT
    I think we're all pretty much the same. We love to ride. I may get a 300 round trip ride in that's work related tomorrow :-)
  • July 24, 2013 5:00 PM PDT
    It is my pressure release valve. Nothing clears my my head like a ride on my bike. Just me, my bike, and God. It is what keeps me sane right now. A love affair that I wouldn't trade for anything else!
    • 1 posts
    July 25, 2013 11:08 AM PDT

    I love the roar of the engine coming to life when I hit that button. I love greese under my nails when I do her maintaince or change some thing or replace some thing. I love the feeling of Zen I get when I take off on my bike. I love going one on one with the elements. I love packing my saddle bag and taking off for where ever and what ever. But the part I love the most...... the curves.... Nothing on earth tickles me deep down in my soul like dipping and leaning and dancing with my bike in the twistie turnies bankies...
    • 611 posts
    July 26, 2013 10:37 AM PDT
     When I Ride

    By Jake “Edge” Walker



    Steel and leather wrap me.

    Black and Chrome, they greet me.

    The tang of fuel and the hint of oil

    Remind me of my recent toil.


    My mind recites the Starting Ritual.

    A mantra for a motor, by now habitual.

    Flip the gas and retard the spark,

    Kick her through and hear her bark.

     The motor fires, I stroke my Beast awake.

    I drop into the saddle and make the windows shake.

    Push her into first and left boot lets up on the clutch,

    To head us out and catch the breeze but it won’t be enough.


    We’ll have to jam through traffic, pipes wakeup the Straights.

    Cops are always a gamble but we’ll leave them to the Fates.

    As my front tire leads me, the highway calls my name.

    It whispers “Flight and Freedom” and I am pulled toward its flame.


    The sweeping onramp shoves me deep in my seat.

    I bang the shifter into third, a glance to the left and my merge is complete.

    As I settle down in the saddle, a grin comes to my face,

    A quick twist of the wick and I’m now in my place.


    The “Left Lane Loony” overcomes me. A quick twist, I roar past them all.

    They all look amazed at me and machine as I roar past the wall.

    The wall of cars fades and all I can see is the road in front

    And how she calls to me on this day, another treasure hunt.


    The treasure she offers is how I feel when I ride.

    Another day riding is what I do. When Life has whipped my hide,

    I chuck it all and go for a ride! Direction or destination is far from my mind,

    When I get on the bike and take a good ride.


    The open road calls me and its Siren call I heed

    For the way to MY heart is on the road, at speed!

    Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no idiot or a stranger

    To how the Road treats a Fool who put others lives in danger.


    When I ride my bike, it calms my mind and makes my heart sing.

    Problems that I, and all have had, fall away when I hear the pipes ring.  

    So I ride, as often as I can, to let my heart relax and clear my mind.

    If you will give it a chance, I know that you will also, Freedom find.


    Jake Edge Walker



  • July 27, 2013 12:00 PM PDT
    Well stated!
  • July 27, 2013 11:14 PM PDT
    WOW, Edgewalker. That will give you chills!
  • July 28, 2013 3:44 PM PDT
    Jake, that needs to be printed in a publication.
  • July 28, 2013 4:52 PM PDT
    What Jake said ... P
  • July 28, 2013 6:35 PM PDT
    I guess the word "FREEDOM" sums it up for ALL of us. But I have been saying this since we bought our first bike some 7 seasons ago. "How many people fit on a bike ? TWO me and the wife." ( Sorry to all5 grandkids but we need to get away from you little dear's.)

    and ditto Jake.
  • July 29, 2013 8:11 AM PDT
    I have found the riding in Tennessee is just about as good as it get's. You have to be careful as the roads lack safe pull overs, and the cage drivers around here think your lane is there lane, but aside from that, it is the best I've ever seen.
    Everyone ride safe things can happen in a second
    Return of Night Dragon
    • 1855 posts
    July 29, 2013 10:51 AM PDT
    Nice to know you're still alive brother.

  • July 29, 2013 3:23 PM PDT
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    Nice to know you're still alive brother.


    Nice to be back

  • August 10, 2013 6:29 AM PDT
    Everything about my bike excites me, whether it's just parked in the garage waiting to be ridden, or if I'm out on the road enjoying the miles. But what is really awesome is the attention it gets no matter where I am. Makes everything I have done and all I have spent on it worth it!!