Young, Inexperienced Riders

    • 9 posts
    July 29, 2011 10:48 AM PDT
    OMG, I saw a kid TODAY, and I tell ya, I wanted to jerk him off his bike, and ask him "WTF DUDE, ARE YOU ON A SUICIDE MISSION???" All the cage drivers were getting out of HIS way, I "kid" you not. I crossed myself, and said a hurried prayer for him, cause I'll tell ya, the way he was ridin'? The only place he'll be seen, is on the six o'clock news!!! Pray for them all, ya'll! And you older, bigger riders? Giving one the "knock it off" LOOK...sometimes helps!

    Here in Florida, it is now MANDATORY to get your motorcycle endoursement to take the MSC.  (Motocycle Safety Course).  They have three levels so that even a seasoned rider can upgrade his skills.  Unfortunately, like someone else (REX, I think) said, these kids think they're bullet-proof. 
    When I took the course, (of my own accord), over 20 years ago, I'll never forget the first thing the instructor said.  "There are two kinds of riders...Those that's been down, and those that are going down"!  It scared the beejeepers out of me, and gave me a healthy respect for riding.  *And by the way, he was absolutely right. 

    Ride Free  
    • 2072 posts
    July 29, 2011 11:22 AM PDT
    Thing about it is...... At one time or another we were ALL young inexperienced riders (of course for me that was so long ago our wheels were made out of round rocks !!!). I too started out on dirt bikes and worked my up. THANKFULLY we didn't have Crotch Rockets that we could do 80 MPH wheelies down Interstate 5 at the time !! My son, who is grown and has a family is wanting to get a bike. My advise to him....... Start off small, take the riders course and learn to ride SAFE.
  • July 31, 2011 3:38 PM PDT
    I rode thirty plus years illegally, just never went in for a license. Then I took the MSF course, 'cause I insisted my boys learn to ride safely. Wow! Even an old dog can learn some things from that course. Finally got my license so the boys would stop nagging me about being illegal. :-) Young riders on sport bikes without any gear scare me. At this point all the boys still wear helmets, gloves and some type of armor/jacket when they ride. I've spilled a few times and appreciate what protective gear can do for a person.