any vegetarians??

    • 823 posts
    April 18, 2012 5:57 PM PDT
    • 611 posts
    April 18, 2012 6:53 PM PDT
    Ah, ya hang 'em upside down and they all look the same!
    Don't know many folks that eat grass so...
    Ever step in a fresh cowpie? I was working swing, so I tried to sleep till 10. At 8-freekin-o'clock a chainsaw started, so I jumped on the dirt bike and blasted over to give that SOB a piece of my mind! I was wearing levi cutoff shorts and nada else.
    So I get there and when I get off the bike, I stepped right in a fresh one, barefooted! He starts laffing and I couldn't help it... I started laffing too! I also cooled off and asked him politely if he could come back after noon. He said 'Sure' and left shaking his head and chuckling at the half naked dood on the bike that stepped square in the middle of a cowpie!

    Edge "Steppin Careful" Walker