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Lane Splitting: Is It Safe?

  • Lane splitting is a great told to help us get places a little faster and keep us cooler. Here are some safety concerns you should consider.

    I am a police motor officer for one of the largest departments in the United States. I am a certified basic and intermediate traffic collision investigator. I have worked in the traffic department for the last 10 years where I have investigated thousands of motorcycle and car accidents. I wanted to share my passion with other riders, so I became a California Motorcycle Safety Program basic and intermediate riding Instructor. I also started a business teaching riders the skills that I learned in motor school called Prorider Antelope Valley.


    California is the first state to legalize lane splitting which is awesome for motorcycle riders. California had the California Highway Patrol come up with some guidelines for lane splitting to make it safe for riders and the other vehicles on the road. These are guidelines and are not laws. By allowing riders to lane split it will reduce our chances of being rear-ended by a driver who is not paying attention. The CHP guidelines are as following:

    You should not travel more than 10 MPH faster than the other vehicles.

    You should not lane split when traffic is moving more than 29 MPH.

    You should not lane split near on-ramps or exits.

    When lane splitting it should be done between the lane furthest to the left (A.K.A. Number 1 Lane) and the lane directly right of that lane (A.K.A. Number 2 Lane).


    Read the full story here...Lane Splitting: Is It Safe?