Idaho Motorcycle Events » Poker Run » Ride to Breathe


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  • Charity Motorcycle Dice Run for Everett, who is a 56 year old father of 3 and a brother and friend to countless others. He is a veteran and has sacrificed in service for this country. In September of 2021, he was diagnosed with Interstitial Fibrosis of the lungs. Without a bilateral lung transplant he was going to slowly suffocate and die soon. On November 27th 2023, our prayers were answered and Everett received a new pair of lungs! Now he has a new battle to fight. Recovery is long and difficult, not to mention physically, emotionally, and financially draining. He is a tough guy and has fought so hard to have more time in this world. He deserves all the help we can give him and our lives are richer with him in it.

    $5 Extra Card
    Prizes for High/Low Rolls

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  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply
  • Event Category: Poker Run

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