How Triumph Makes a Motorcycle

    • 2 posts
    October 24, 2011 10:43 AM PDT
    Had a thing for Limey scooters since starting to shave
    Was thinking about a Tiger in the unlikely event I survive the Uly
    This gives me pause /> forget it, cant paste the video but::

    Figured they were made in the UK - Only 1/2 correct, they are ASSEMBLED in the UK & some of the machine work done there but most of the foundry work is in Thailand 

    Interesting in that the really labor intensive part of the cycle is in the UK but the heavy manufacturing is in the far-East.
    Also interesting is that about 1/4 of their UK employees are in R&D . (Take that, Wandell) />
  • October 24, 2011 9:56 PM PDT
    Trust me if Harley Davidson could figure a way to Manufacture their bikes in the far east and still be called an American Legend they would. Brand loyalty for me went out the window years ago when corporate geed dictated company policy!
  • November 19, 2011 5:12 AM PST
    We dont talk about Harleys cousins in the medditeranean. Ironhead jugs never came from there.