Leather saddle bags

  • October 12, 2011 1:10 AM PDT
     I have leather saddle bags and they are all bent out of shape. I guess form the hot weather they just sort of scrunched up and are very stiff. It's hard to use them this way. Does anybody know what I could do to soften the leather and make it pliable again? 
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    October 12, 2011 1:41 AM PDT
    Neatsfoot oil will soften leather, all I can think of. If they are really brittle it will take a lot of it, also I would be wary of the stitching being weak.
  • October 12, 2011 2:52 AM PDT
    Saddle soap and lanolin will also help to supple them up again and then if you will do it every month they will last a long time. If they are beyond repair, get new ones and soften them every month and they will last you a lifetime. If stitches are shot have then re sewn by a shoe shop in your area, also check for a leather boot shop in area and he or she will help you with keeping them soft and weather protected. Have a great day!
  • November 19, 2011 5:56 AM PST
    I had a set of leather bags I bought new once and paid a bundle for them. After about a year after I got them I noticed something. Look at your bags on the bike. Look at the one on the "uphill side of the stand. Now lookat the other one. One looks droopy, the other scrunched due to our old friend gravity. I used the best leather treatment I could afford. Take them off unless you need them. Pack them as tight as you can with newspaper then put the leather medicine on. You can also get stiff liners to help prevent the premature scrunch & droop.