Solo Ride to Gatlinburg, TN...... Awesome! !

    • 114 posts
    June 1, 2011 2:56 PM PDT
    On May 21, I left home for a trip to Gatlinburg, TN. It may be silly, but I'm really proud that I did this. One thing on my "bucket list" was a long distance bike trip. I didn't necessarily want to do it alone, but that's just the way it worked out. Eighteen months ago I didn't even own a bike and I think I've come a long way. I got some awesome pictures during my trip and can't wait to share them.  Last Friday afternoon I left home about 6pm and spent the night in Stuart, VA. Yes, I know that's not very far; but remember my day started at 3 am, then I worked 9 hours, came home, packed, and then stopped to see a friend. Sat morning I started out at 830 and after a wonderful day of driving thru some gorgeous country I arrived in Pigeon Forge at 530pm. I used the local trolley system and toured Gatlinburg on Sunday. Ripley's Aquarium is the best aquarium that I have ever visited. After visiting the Moonshine Distillery, I didn't know Apple Pie Moonshine existed, but now that I now know that I like it!!  When I return (and I will), it will not be in the spring - my allergies were on overdrive!  Monday I visited Titanic. Wow!!  Absolutely amazing.....   On Tuesday, I rode about 1.5 hours to THE DRAGON!!!!!  Yes, I rode the infamous Dragon ---  318 curves in 11 miles.  No stops, no stalls, no falls, no drops!!!!   I am proud!!  Then ate lunch at the cafe and rode back up the Dragon and headed back to the hotel.  Soon as Killboy gets the photos posted, I will share. The views are spectacular!!!  I left Pigeon Forge, TN at 1030 Wednesday morning and after gas stops, more than a few photo ops, and stopping to see my Mom (having dinner with her), I got home about 830 Wed night. 379 miles and about 6.5 hours actual driving time.
    Now, my "payback" for this wonderful trip -  I had to work all weekend, including the Memorial Day holiday on Monday.
    But, that's ok.....  I really learned alot on this trip - both about myself and about traveling on my bike.
    Thanks for letting me share this...............  afterall, I had to tell my CF family!!!

    I am now a  
    Lady Dragon Slayer!!!!!!

    • 0 posts
    June 1, 2011 3:15 PM PDT
    Sounds cool Carrie..Nothing like gettin a few miles up and gettin amongst it..Good on ya mate.CHEERS BOOF
    • 3006 posts
    June 1, 2011 3:48 PM PDT
    That sounds like it was a really great ride,plus ya did it on your own which makes it that much sweeter.No one to tell ya when to stop or go,just enjoying the ride w/out distractions.
    My first long distance ride was the same,not sure if I could manage it,yet it all turned out great,and I wouldnt trade the experience for anything!!
    Congrats on riding the dragon too,sounds a lot like riding the twistys out here..thanks for sharing this !
    stay safe n enjoy the ride !
    • 114 posts
    June 2, 2011 9:38 AM PDT
    Thanks Boof.!!

    Ron, You're right, it was an experience that I will never forget! Thanks !!!
  • June 2, 2011 10:25 AM PDT
    Congrats Carrie sounds like you had a great time and rode at your own pace. That's why I like to ride solo you can ride as ling as you want stop when you want and enjoy yourself .
    • 1 posts
    June 2, 2011 10:46 AM PDT
    Hey Carrie, if you can slay the dragon then you should try and defeat the "Devils Triangle". Look it up on the web, it is close to Oliver Springs, TN
    • 114 posts
    June 2, 2011 1:08 PM PDT
    Steven, I wanted to do that ride and the Cherohala Skyway too, but on Monday I was so sick with my allergies. I didn't do much Monday except visit Titanic. I had the sinus headache from hades.... So next time... watch out..
    • 567 posts
    June 2, 2011 1:19 PM PDT
    Congrats Carrie. You should be proud of yourself .. you tested your skills and your courage .. and came thru with flying colors.
    • 114 posts
    June 2, 2011 1:38 PM PDT
    Hi Bill thank you... I don't know which was tested more - skills or courage...
    • 1066 posts
    June 2, 2011 3:48 PM PDT
    Good for you Carrie. That's some beautiful riding, huh. I made that ride about 38 yrs. ago. I stopped to adjust the chain on the bike, had it up on center stand, had the wheel loose making adjustments. My wife says, " I sure hope we get to see some bears". My reply, "You better hope we don't see any in the next 15 minutes." Ride safe Carrie.
    • 580 posts
    June 3, 2011 11:27 AM PDT
    Way to go Carrie!!! Sounds awesome. It's nice to ride in company but there really is something special about riding out alone. No-one to chide you, judge you, you stop when and where you want, ride fast or as slow as you like, be responsible only for yourself and you can throw away the cares and worries of the day. If you add to that fantastic roads and scenery then that takes some beating.

    Huge hugs and kudos girl (o:
    • 114 posts
    June 3, 2011 1:44 PM PDT
    Gary - That area has some breath-taking views. I've ridden the Blue Ridge Parkway for years and have not seen anything to beat what I saw on this trip! Glad you missed the bears.....

    Pat - You're right about riding alone, there's a peacefulness that you just can't get any other way. I can't wait to go back.... just not in the springtime, when everything is blooming... please...
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    June 4, 2011 1:40 AM PDT
    WOW I gotta say, That is GREAT Carrie. Ya did it! I would be impressed if I didn't already know you could do it. (Actually I am impressed.) Great photos too!
  • June 4, 2011 8:35 PM PDT
    Great job Carrie and nothing clears the head like a long distance solo ride.18 months on your bike an allready slayed the infamous Dragon, very impressive!!! Way to go!!
    • 3006 posts
    June 6, 2011 11:49 AM PDT
    Carrie1957 wrote...
    Thanks Boof.!!

    Ron, You're right, it was an experience that I will never forget! Thanks !!!
    Hey Carrie I forgot to ask how did your bike do on the ride? any problems with the new fork seals?
    I am hoping to take at least one ride up north maybe end of summer after all the tourists go
    do some fishing n get away from the city !

    • 114 posts
    June 6, 2011 1:08 PM PDT
    Bike did great! Couldn't have asked for her to behave any better. She really liked showing off her new engine guard, too. Several of the bikes at the Dragon Resort were flirting with her. Too bad none noticed her rider!!! But I enjoyed the solitude and stopping whenever I wanted.
    • 3006 posts
    June 7, 2011 6:10 AM PDT
    Carrie1957 wrote...
    Bike did great! Couldn't have asked for her to behave any better. She really liked showing off her new engine guard, too. Several of the bikes at the Dragon Resort were flirting with her. Too bad none noticed her rider!!! But I enjoyed the solitude and stopping whenever I wanted.

    LOL well at least someone had a good time rite??? a little flirting is better than no flirting at all !!!
    thats always the best part of going solo,stopping when ya dam well please!! and getting to explore some cool places you never knew existed !
     stay safe n enjoy the ride !!!