Segway owner James Heselden rolls one off cliff

    • 844 posts
    September 29, 2010 2:37 AM PDT
    Well that sucks...

    File this one in the morbidly ironic and tragic category. James Heselden, who purchased the company that makes Segways--those goofy transports that look like a cross between a unicycle and a circus bike favored by mall cops --died yesterday after apparently riding his suped-up Segway off a cliff and into a river in northern England.

    Police pulled Heselden's body from a river and also found a Segway-type vehicle in the river near his body. Details are still emerging but local police don't suspect foul play as much as they do poor driving (or riding, we're not sure what you do on those things). Heselden, 62, who bought Segway last year, was a savvy businessman and among the richest people in England. He was as well know for his generous spirit as for his deep pockets.

    Not that he cares anymore, but Heselden's death is about the worst press imaginable for Segways--think of a Boeing executive perishing in a 747 crash. Unveiled in 2001, the Segway was supposed to revolutionize human transport according to inventor Dean Kamen of New Hampshire. But sales of the two-wheeled cycles didn't take off as expected, although that turned around a bit in the UK with sales taking speeding up significantly-- maybe that's why Heselden decided to buy the company. Among the safer transport devices, we barely found cases of death by Segway.
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    September 29, 2010 2:59 AM PDT
    That is really an Ironic shame. At least he probably died doing what he liked.
    • 1 posts
    September 29, 2010 4:41 AM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    That is really an Ironic shame. At least he probably died doing what he liked.

      What a way to go......on the other hand, if he was afraid of heights like some of us are....what was he doing so close to the edge!!!  Kinda like those commercials for the scooter chairs at the Grand Canyon.... That commercial makes me woozy.
    • 834 posts
    September 29, 2010 5:03 AM PDT
    Well that does really suck.  But what the heck is a "suped-up Segway" ???
    • 1066 posts
    September 29, 2010 5:29 AM PDT
    Well at least he was on two wheels, like the rest of us!
    • 1 posts
    September 29, 2010 7:14 AM PDT
    Hollywood wrote...
    Well at least he was on two wheels, like the rest of us!

         ...but now he's DEAD!!!  Not a good thing.      R.I.P.  JAMES
    • 601 posts
    September 29, 2010 7:43 AM PDT
    if you ride two is meant to be behind the other, all else is just tempting fate.
    • 9 posts
    September 30, 2010 4:39 AM PDT
    Road one of them things once.....Scared Me..... & I'm Fearless!!!!
    • 844 posts
    September 30, 2010 5:17 PM PDT
    AzRider wrote...
    Well that does really suck.  But what the heck is a "suped-up Segway" ???

    Sorry to hear the man lost his life. 

    But I am not sure what a souped up Segway is either - Loud Batteries Save Lives?

    • 1161 posts
    September 30, 2010 9:12 PM PDT
    I googled Suped up Segway this is what I found...

    Cops in the DC area (possibly others as well), have been using Segways on a trial basis for the better part of this year. The T3 is similar to a segway, but souped up to go 25MPH (vs. the Segway's 15MPH). So it's bigger (and a lot pricier at $6K plus another $2K for an extended battery), but at least can outrun any pedestrian...

    As for more info on Mr. James Heselden (May he Rest in Peace).,0,1642322.story />