Some words to ponder.

    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    September 2, 2010 12:55 PM PDT
    These are the words that go with the video posted by Beki (razncain). She posted them on the video comments section but I thought they deserved more attention so THANKS to razncain for writing such a thoughtful poem / song lyric
    Her video can be seen here />

    Please direct your replies to razncain for she is the author.I merely have the honor of reposting what she wrote.

    Bring Me Your Tired

    From New York City to East LA, from the Bible Belt Baptists to the radical gays;

    Forgive and forget, it's way too easy to say, but it takes a lot more than just kneeling to pray.

    I don't care 'bout your skin, I don't care what you're in, from the North to the South, we all got the same sin.

    Now we may not agree, what it means to be free, but before you look down, take a good look around;

    And bring me your tired, bring me your poor, remember the blood, and what America's for;

    Bring me your huddled masses and then, tell me what party you think you should be in.

    It's not about black, red, white, or tan, who's god is the right one, who's saved or who's damned.

    So freedom ain't free but you don't wanna pay, you wanna sit on your ass and yell you got rights to say;

    Whatever you want but it ain't you dying there, making sure you live free, another self-righteous day.

    And bring me your tired, bring me your poor, remember the struggle and what America's for;

    Bring me your huddled masses and then, your wretched and homeless, your now and your then.

    The torch is held high, and the flame never dies, but how long will you live with the prejudice and lies?

    And when you're beat down and don't think you'll get through, remember the ones who are the tried and the true.

    Fighting and dying, for me and for you fool, then tell me again, who's got my red, white, and blue?

    Flying it high, flying it free, you burn it and stomp it, then say you hate me.

    But who gives you that right, to tell me I'm wrong, who's got your back, who keeps this land strong…

    So give me your tired, bring me your poor, the men and the women who stand on the shore,

    You picket and protest and spit in their face, and let me tell you this son, their lives you can't replace.

    So give me your tired, bring me your poor, raise the flame high, and open the door,

    Bring me your huddled masses and then… watch America rise, and kick ass again.

    © Chloe Z. Fox 2008-2010. All Rights Reserved.

    Dedicated to the memory of SPC Lori Ann Piestewa, US Army.

    In honor of Sgt. Willis R. Cain, US Army/US Navy
    WWII two tours [Gunner's Mate]
    Korea three tours [M.A.S.H/Field Medic]
    Vietnam three tours [Field/Helicopter Medic]

    And to all service men and women who have sacrificed their time and lives to assure that America remains free.
  • September 2, 2010 1:17 PM PDT
    Beautiful, Mike. Thanks. Sometimes just saying thanks to military personnel doesn't feel like enough to me. I want to put my arms around them. I had the benefit of spending some time with folks at Edwards AFB last week. What some have been through and must carry in their memory is far more I believe, than most of us could bear to live with. The families as well, carry this burden and sacrifice plenty. I am indebted to not just the warrior, but his/her family.
  • September 2, 2010 1:44 PM PDT
    Here's a photo of the memorial to Lori Piestawa at the Little Bighorn Vizitor Center in Crow Agency, MT.
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    September 2, 2010 2:25 PM PDT
  • September 2, 2010 3:06 PM PDT
    • 223 posts
    September 5, 2010 12:28 PM PDT
    Thank you for the kind words, everyone.  Below is what I have posted on my YouTube channel about the song.  My entire family as far back as we can find, were military and still are to this day.  

    My brother, JD Nash, was in the first Gulf War so I was especially honored that he chose to record it for his last CD.  When I heard what he had done with it, I just sat and cried, it was so beautiful and racked my emotions so deeply, I couldn't speak. 

    The song was submitted for Best Political Song for the Native E-Music awards (he's a Native E-Music Award winner for the Spirit of the People Award and was a NAMMY nominee for Best New Artist) so we're waiting to see what happens with that.

    Anyway, I get long winded so I'll shut up now.  Again, below is what's posted on the YouTube channel for Raz'n Cain about the song.



    In 2008 on July 4th, I was watching fireworks on tv and got pissed when a bunch of folks complained about how the displays weren't bright enough or loud enough or long enough. I was pissed because these people had NO idea what America is all about and what our ancestors and service men and women have gone through and are STILL going through, to give them the very right to bitch and moan about what they think this country should be. So, I wrote a poem called, "Bring Me Your Tired" and sent it off to my Bro, J.D. Nash to do with whatever he wanted.

    A year later, he sent it back to me after he had worked it up and set it to spoken voice with bagpipes in the background. A few weeks later, a mutual friend of ours, Tim Wozny, set it to video and I'm sending it along to you all.

    Yes, I'm proud of my work, but what J.D. and Tim did with it is amazing and Ron and I both sat here in tears watching the finished product. The woman sitting with the man who has a veteran's hat on, is Ron's dad, Willis (Bill) Cain, a man whom I respect and admire to no end.

    J.D. has submitted the piece to the Native E-Music Awards for Best Political Song and the main reason I hope it wins, is so that perhaps people will be reminded of what America TRULY stands for.

    So my friends, I submit it to you and hope that you literally do NOT enjoy it, but rather it gives you cause to think, reflect, and be grateful for the freedom we enjoy at the expense of the countless.



    • 223 posts
    September 5, 2010 12:29 PM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Here's a photo of the memorial to Lori Piestawa at the Little Bighorn Vizitor Center in Crow Agency, MT.

    Thank you for posting this, she was a great woman, a great mother, great daughter, and amazing warrior.

  • September 5, 2010 3:24 PM PDT
    razncain wrote...
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Here's a photo of the memorial to Lori Piestawa at the Little Bighorn Vizitor Center in Crow Agency, MT.

    Thank you for posting this, she was a great woman, a great mother, great daughter, and amazing warrior.


    Actually, that was my pic.

    I had a good friend, a Navajo from Tonalea, AZ who was KIA on June 8, 1967. I didn't see him fall but I know he died facing the enemy. I helped carry his body to the chopper.

    When I heard of Lori's death, I flashed on an image of her fording a river through a dense fog and as the fog lifted, seeing Jerry waiting to welcome her as a younger sister.

    • 1780 posts
    September 5, 2010 4:02 PM PDT
    Awsome video Thanks from this proud Viet Nam Vet.
    Night Dragon
    • 223 posts
    September 6, 2010 1:38 PM PDT
    Rexbo47 wrote...
    Actually, that was my pic.

    I had a good friend, a Navajo from Tonalea, AZ who was KIA on June 8, 1967. I didn't see him fall but I know he died facing the enemy. I helped carry his body to the chopper.

    When I heard of Lori's death, I flashed on an image of her fording a river through a dense fog and as the fog lifted, seeing Jerry waiting to welcome her as a younger sister.


    You can count on it, he was there!

    • 223 posts
    September 6, 2010 1:41 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    Awsome video Thanks from this proud Viet Nam Vet.
    Night Dragon

    It is we who thank you, Nightdragon, and the rest of our Vets here at CF and throughout the world.  Without your service and sacrifice, god only knows where we would be today.  I was unable to serve because of health reasons, so my words are my way to hopefully honor our Vets.

    Thank you... all of you.



    • 58 posts
    September 7, 2010 4:12 AM PDT
    Thank You, Razncain! and all of you...