Females Riders

    • 58 posts
    October 20, 2010 5:15 AM PDT
    CaptainHawg wrote...
    You people that don't like the fact that there are more women riders today are gonna hate my guts.. I am the guy that encourages then to ride.. teaches them to ride..  goes with them to pick out their bike.. Harley's are the brand of choice.. last count 12 ladies on the road..

      I stopped counting early on.   Too many.  Daughter now rides, Daughter-in-law soon to learn, Now if I could get the wife, even on the pillion, all would be in order!    Oh well, for now, I ride, she drives.  She carries the gear when we go long (someday).  

    • 846 posts
    October 20, 2010 5:24 AM PDT
    It's about time. I say the more the better.
  • October 21, 2010 3:51 AM PDT
    I rode dirt bikes for years before I finally got my Low Rider. Both me and hubby got bikes for our birthdays last year. I haven't riden on the back for a while now, but I can tell you I do miss my hubby pressing on my chest, patting my leg as we cruise through the Mtns. I'm sure one day I'll get on the back again if only for the fuzzy feelings it gives me to know he likes me being his woman.

    And I agree with cnciaco, I'm home to cook dinner because IT'S MY CHOICE. I love taking care of my husband and family. Sometimes I get busy working at the track (last week 6 out of 9 nights, fair was going on). Early Nov. 4 out of 7 nights for the Oval Nationals.

    I'm proud that my husband is a strong enough man for me to be me and not intimadate him.

    Guess after 24 years No is really not an option......................just kidding baby, love you!
    • 9 posts
    October 23, 2010 2:51 PM PDT
    You are pictured in your post with a lady, and I assume that she rides behind you, and I can respect that, if that is her choice. You wanted feedback, but I'm not really sure that you want to hear it. But, here goes. Is the reason you long "for the good ole days", because women riders somehow immasculate you? Are you of the "old guard" that believes women should be seen and not heard, or better yet, barefoot and pregnant? I had a literal run in with someone who thought that way. He pulled up next to me at an intersection, looked me up and down, and said "your going down bitch"!  While I was trying to process his malfunction, the light changed and I started moving forward. So did he, right into my lane. He "shoved" me closer to a one foot curb and I had to "crash jump" off of my pegs, to keep from being hit.  While my bike sustained most of the damage, my phsyche was mind-f--ked!
    I had no clue as to what the hell the problem was, and to this day, I'm at a loss. This man could have killed me, and for what? Because I am a woman who has the audacity to ride a Harley-Davidson motorcyle? How dare I!  I have been riding bikes now, for over 25 years, and in the beginning, there were very few women riders out there. Now, I see many women every day of the week.  I am truly ecstatic that more women are enjoying something FORMERLY reserved for the "boys".  Please do me one favor though, huh? Even if you don't like it, don't agree with it, or are just to "old school" and set in your ways, just ignore us.  Well, then again, maybe not.  We're not going away anytime soon.  Ride Free...TweekUpdate: After re-reading my own post I decided it was necessary to amend. I don't want to come off as a total (dare I say it?) bitch. I, too, rode behind my husband for many years, but having my own bike was my personal choice. And, I knew that there would be those, for whatever reason who would be uncomfortable with that. It was a risk that I was more than willing to take. All I'm really trying to say here, is, live and let live, dude. That's the beauty of this country, we all get to make our OWN choices.  Thanks for listening...RIDE FREE>
  • November 11, 2010 1:25 PM PST
    I love riding my own bike and i usually ride with a few of my guy friends on thier bikes.I smoke them all the time .It would be great if i had female friends to ride with also but i dont know of any in the New Bern NC area?? Any lady riders here from New Bern??
    • 58 posts
    April 25, 2016 6:10 AM PDT
    Well, the wife is taking the plunge. Since HD is offering free classes for vets, "What the hay, it's free." I am going to enjoy watching them fit her short legged 5'2" self on a bike. Wish her luck. No, not luck. She doesn't need luck. Wish her CONFIDENCE!
    • 11 posts
    April 25, 2016 8:43 AM PDT
    I rode dirt bikes, go-carts & Real horses in my childhood & teen yrs, until going away to college, marrying, having children. My husband has a bike, a Honda Shadow (just sold his Yamaha) & says that I'm going to update my skills & Ride my own, soon.
    • 1 posts
    April 25, 2016 8:55 AM PDT
    Women have been riding almost as long as their have been two wheels to ride. There was
    Effie 1915.http://theoldmotor.com/?p=143713. /> Clara Wagner: 1910.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Wagner
    Dot Robinson:http://www.motorcyclemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.aspx?RacerID=78.
    There was a young lady that solo rode across Africa in the 1920 by herself. I am trying real hard to remember her name. A female stunt rider in the 1920. I have a picture of her it is quit famous picture. And a lot more of not so famous women that rode also.
    So even though women numbers in this most excellent sport are growing by leaps and bounds does not mean it is all that new, in fact it is not.
    Now I have been riding my own two wheels for 26 years and yes I have seen the number of women on two wheels growing. I think that if they want to ride their own ride baby ride. If they want to set behind a guy, set baby set. It is a decision  that only an individual can make for them selves.
    I feel as I am lucky to have a guy that loves me enough to say you got this babe and has support that decision for 26 years. I would never assume it his job to say I can or cannot as that is something we have going for us is we can support each others choices. Yep we have a great partnership in this game we call life.As far as you thinking a women should be home making dinner and waiting for you to take her for a ride, well that is you opinion and you are entitled to it.

    • 58 posts
    May 1, 2016 6:54 AM PDT
    My partner at work made the statement that riding her own was "unfeminine" and he didn't like women on bikes. (He doesn't ride either.)   My jaw hit the floor so hard it nearly broke!
  • May 1, 2016 8:46 AM PDT
    growing up in a biker family my mom rode an still rides her own but on the long runs prefers to ride behind my OL Man she says while its great to be behind the Bars the back seat still holds the best view back in the day it was cool to ride to school with mom on back of her sporty I was 5 to 12 then and all the little girls thought my mom was a Badass which she is but inturn scored my many dates to the movies on Friday night THANKS MOM !
    • 58 posts
    August 31, 2016 10:52 AM PDT

    Well, my wife has gone and done it!  She had me shopping for a bike for her.  Her only requirement was that we could pay cash.  We found her a sweet little Yamaha 650 and man you should see the grin!  It was hers from the first moment her butt hit the saddle.

    This post was edited by RexTheRoadDog at September 2, 2016 2:23 AM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    September 2, 2016 2:23 AM PDT


    • 58 posts
    September 4, 2016 9:28 PM PDT

    Tks for fixing the pic, Rex.  I don't know why it rotated....

  • September 24, 2016 7:13 AM PDT

    Bar none there is NOTHING more sexy as a Female riding her own bike, with that long pony tale blowing in the wind.

    My wife has no insterest in riding her own, but she LOVES to ride behind me, and around this part of the country an extra pair of eyes

    is a God send.

    Be safe

    Night Dragon

    • 58 posts
    October 28, 2016 6:48 PM PDT

    It is official.  she passed her course.  she has her completion cert.  I am no longer limited to chasing her around the house. LOL

    • 611 posts
    October 29, 2016 11:12 AM PDT

    A few observations on the post and this subject. First, the member that originally posted is 'deleted'. His choice or admin, don't know or care, it just shows he wasn't a good 'fit' in this forum. I'm 'Old School' and proud of that, been riding since the late 60's and have ridden 1%, Loner and everything in-between. Have watched as the number of women riders has grown and I have to say, 'Ride On'. I think a woman who rides is a strong, independent person and I have always thought that it's sexy as all get out! Have always been attracted to strong willed women, my ex-wives and Dove is proof of that.

    Ride every chance you get... Life can be altered in a moment!

    Edge 'OldRider' Walker

    • 58 posts
    October 29, 2016 4:23 PM PDT

    [blockquote]Edgewalker54 said:

    A few observations on the post and this subject. First, the member that originally posted is 'deleted'. His choice or admin, don't know or care, it just shows he wasn't a good 'fit' in this forum. I'm 'Old School' and proud of that, been riding since the late 60's and have ridden 1%, Loner and everything in-between. Have watched as the number of women riders has grown and I have to say, 'Ride On'. I think a woman who rides is a strong, independent person and I have always thought that it's sexy as all get out! Have always been attracted to strong willed women, my ex-wives and Dove is proof of that.

    Ride every chance you get... Life can be altered in a moment!

    Edge 'OldRider' Walker



    Can I get an "AMEN" to that?


    • 58 posts
    November 2, 2016 8:51 PM PDT

    [blockquote]RufCut said:


      I stopped counting early on.   Too many.  Daughter now rides, Daughter-in-law soon to learn, Now if I could get the wife, even on the pillion, all would be in order!    Oh well, for now, I ride, she drives.  She carries the gear when we go long (someday).  


     Mission Complete and Success!  Not only did I get her riding pilion (March 2011) but she has completed the MSF, has her M endorsement, and her own bike (650 Yamaha VStar: her Yama-Davidson).  Tonight she rode home from work, 26 miles, highway and rural rds. Best thing of all, I got to chase her.  ;)

    This post was edited by RufCut at November 2, 2016 8:54 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    November 3, 2016 4:53 AM PDT

    Awesome !


    • 31 posts
    September 5, 2022 9:52 PM PDT

    Females are as capable as any man to ride. I for one enjoy seeing a female rider and I hope to see many more in the future... You go girlz....