MC Clubs

  • March 14, 2009 1:38 AM PDT

    I dont know where to start ,, I feel like im missing out , I ride 27/7  ,rain , fog , wind , it's all better on a bike then in a car. Ive been a member of HOG's riverside , and moving to corona hog's soon. There all good guys and love to party ,, but there's something missing !

    I dont feel like they are BIKER's ,, Just guys and girls how like to ride. Now they do party and have fun , but I dont feel the brotherhood .

    I'm not talking about having my back like the guys on Sons Of Anarchy , I dont want anyone killed or anything ,, but i need to find more guys / girls who's  ridding is a way of life and not a weekend play time.Guys at Hog , when i talk about  easyriders magazine, they give me a blank look ,,or when i asked if anyone was going to the Easyriders bike show , they said What Bike Show ?

    Where is the guys who will come over to your house to help you work on your bike ? The guys who will party and play as hard as they work ?

    I have lots of friends , but not enouf brothers

  • March 14, 2009 10:52 AM PDT
    I'll come over and help ya on yer bike. Do you have good tunes in yer garage to listen to? Maybe a beer or two? Or three or four? I have to stop drinking after my fifteenth beer because I'm not allowed to get drunk anymore. Society just doesn't understand us hardcore party-bikers anymore... not like they did in the 70's.
    ...Hey ironone, check out my site... it's: leave a message on my "bullshit board" so I know you visited it. I don't do all that "sign-up" crap. Why bother!

    • 5420 posts
    March 16, 2009 4:55 AM PDT

    I know exactly what you mean ironone.  When I got my first Harley I joined HOG and got really active in the local chapter figuring I was going to have a group of bikers to ride with.  Like you I found that most were fair weather riders that didn't even clean their own bikes, nevermind work on them. 


    But I did make a few friends in the group that wanted to ride as much as I did, and would get together for a day in the garage working on each others bikes, drinking beer, and watching sports.  I have since stopped riding with the local HOG chapter but do still have those friends I met there, some still active in the chapter, others not.


    I have also met some great friends right here on CycleFish.  One of my favorite riding partners, Russ (BikerCrap), I met in the old CycleFish forum.  Although we don't get to ride together as often as we like, when we ride we have a great time.


    Once we get enough So Cal members, we will have a local meet & greet and hopefully you can find some new people to ride with.


  • March 17, 2009 2:15 AM PDT
    The days of the hard core biker parties is fading. Most of the bikers are well into their late sixties or older and are either dying off or just too old to party like we did in the past. As far as HOG, this is a group of riders, mainly baby boomers who when they turned fifty, they got a harley.They go for the ice cream runs and go only to the HOG rallies where everything is controlled and ran like a business instead of a party with bikers and friends. I still party with the boys in their garage or mine with plenty of sudz, while jammin to some ol' classic southern rock while doing some overhauls on someones trusty steed over the winters in Southern Pa. Mostly today, their more self concious and trying to get healthy. Bummer... Whats that saying? We don't get older we just get better?
  • March 17, 2009 11:56 AM PDT

    Yea, I hear ya man.... I get the runs when I eat ice cream too. I'm not very self-concious though, hell I'm lucky to be concious at all these days. ....and the last time I had sudz in my garage was when I put too much soap in the washin machine. I do like to drink beer though... of course two cases is my limit. Any more than that and they say I like to go out to find cops to tangle with. They must be right, cause every time it happens I wake up in jail. Just once I'd like to wake up sitting outside of a bear cage with a local cop inside it ...and the keys around my neck; .......see how they like it for a change!

    • 5 posts
    March 17, 2009 1:07 PM PDT
    Well other than Luckys shameless plug of cycle fish..... I ride with the Brotherhood of Marine Corps Riders. We have several rules to joining our group. Male, Marine, and ride a American made bike. We were brothers before we got into riding. We all love the open road, or the confines of a garage, with beer, boobs, and maint. going on. For you to find a brotherhood type atmosphere you have to find people who are into the version of biking you are into. I just don't think that place is going to be a Hog chapter, whos only requirement is buy a bike (do you even have to prove you can ride). If your looking for a better rag than Easyrider, go with the horse b.c. its a way better pub that has its finger on the pulse of the riding spirit

    ride it like you stole it

    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    March 19, 2009 9:56 PM PDT


    Ya gotta give Harley credit. (he said tongue in cheek) HOG was and is HD's marketing tool to sell new bikes and overpriced clothes to rubies.  Hell they even give you a free membership the first year. I am not saying that their aren’t some really cool HOG members. Hell I was  (a long, past tense) one and I’m cool.

    Man I have some stories that will make you pi$$ yer pants laughing from HOG events and meetings. Won't put them up here though.

  • March 20, 2009 12:04 PM PDT

    You guys all take life way too seriously... so what if there's all these bullshit clubs like HOG or whatever else. We all know they are just plain loosers anyway. The important thing is to enjoy yourselves building bikes, drinking beer and talking about *****. .........Right?

    The "intelligent biker" is equipped with an internal organ that keeps him from joining or becoming a part of any organization that requires any kind of monitary input. If you can't have a gathering of biker buddies without the need for dues of some sort, you're hanging around with the wrong people.


    Fun in its purest form is both free and priceless. ...Damn, I just made that up! ..but I love it!

    Just keep in mind dudes, that true brotherhood never requires money.

  • March 21, 2009 1:45 PM PDT
    Hey Chopperman----I agree with you 100%. I don't mind payin' my way but to pay just to belong just doesn't set very well. I am not much of a drinker but I do like hangin' out with people that have some common interests.
  • March 22, 2009 7:59 PM PDT

    groucho marks once said, "i will not join any group or club that would ever recruit me as a member".(or something to that effect) i ride w/ a good group of vets, i think the key is more than one common bond that ties the group together. if the only thing in common is a love of riding, thats cool. but, the brotherhood and comraderie will not be there. will you be able to call that persons house at 2 am for a ride to pick you up cause your too drunk to ride?or give you a ride back to get your bike after you ate breakfast with his family? (maybe it wasn't groucho, maybe it was karl) semper fi

  • December 27, 2009 2:09 PM PST
    i rode with a patch for a while, they had the misconception that they( the club) could dictate the when, where, how and who you could ride with. bullshit. i rode fine before i knew them, ride just as well after i left them. all i saw for the experience was like chopperman said, paying dues, going to worthless "club meetings" more like semi organized arguments, and the club would go on maybe 1 or 2 rides every three months or so, heaven forbid it should be cold or the streets wet. i ride often as i can, cold or not, arthritic or not, my bike is a part of me, don't need anyone telling me when i can or cant ride, how i have to dress, act, who i can or can't ride with. my life, my choice
    • 1780 posts
    December 28, 2009 9:35 AM PST
    Use to ride with the Southern Cruisers, until the Pres, husband killed a guy, then that was it for me. Besides we had to ask the local 1% dudes what we could and couldn't do in their area. Screw all that... who needs it.
    I want to start my own club called ....Bikers for a safer Society....I just want to ride the streets looking for A_ _ holes that pray on the good people of this earth. Maybe not to the extent of "Death Wish" but we as a people have gone to shit. Nobody will stand up for complete strangers any more. You see it on the news all the time.....young youth steals purse from old lady and beats the crap out of her in the process. They say (who ever the hell they are) you should get mellower in you golden years.......Bull Shit. I shall not go quietly into the night.

    If you do not see me much more on here I might be trying to explain to a judge....hey I'm on your side.

    Night Dragon
  • December 28, 2009 10:48 AM PST
    i'm with ya nightdragon
  • December 28, 2009 10:51 AM PST
    Same discussion almost verbatim in Biker Club post...
    I apreciate you letting me get that one started and some of it off my chest. I feel better now.
    In short, the good old days are gone. get over. Go ride. Find a hot chick to pour the coals to when you get home. Life is good!
    • 467 posts
    December 28, 2009 11:06 AM PST
    Fatkid wrote...
    Well other than Luckys shameless plug of cycle fish..... I ride with the Brotherhood of Marine Corps Riders. We have several rules to joining our group. Male, Marine, and ride a American made bike. We were brothers before we got into riding. We all love the open road, or the confines of a garage, with beer, boobs, and maint. going on. For you to find a brotherhood type atmosphere you have to find people who are into the version of biking you are into.

    I know at least 2 female Marines who ride that would take exception to your 'rules'.  Where is the 'Sisterhoos of Marine Corps Riders'?
  • December 29, 2009 2:39 AM PST
    B.A.M. M/C? That would be awesome!
  • December 29, 2009 7:16 AM PST
    THE SCREAMINGEAGLES are brotherhood we honor the old school bikers law,your on two wheels,your a brother.we'll take you home and make sure your bike get there the same time you do.leave no bike stuck club members or not, a biker is a biker,we eat ,sleep,shit together laugh and cry together just like UNCLE SAM! people stero type all bikers as being a gang. NO!,not true .they can kiss my ass, we stop and help them too when their in trouble or broke down,were just a group of people,who live on the wild side more than others and that's not all but majority of us love it,DON'T HATE THE BIKE ,HATE THE BIKER !!!SOLIDER
    • 1780 posts
    December 29, 2009 9:53 AM PST
    Right On Solider!!!!!!!!!!!
    Night Dragon
    • 190 posts
    December 31, 2009 9:18 AM PST
    dudes, you are right. Old Skool is fading into black now. **** the RUBS and the Posers. Whatever happened to that 'bikers code' i got weaned on? Im still relatively a young'un but i have to confess that i see the difference. Where are the stabnd up dudes who have your back in a bar? Who'll drop by and drown a few brewskis in the garage and listen to some ol Stones and help ya wrench? man, it breaks my heart to realize that the only 'brother' ya got is a dollar bill in ur pocket. Thats why Cycle Fish is kkinda cool. Everyone here seems to b on the same program. peace.
  • December 31, 2009 9:30 AM PST
    I see a strong brotherhood between guys in an MC, kind of like guys that served in combat together. I have buddies that I ride with, but you wonder if the shit hit the fan, would they back you up? I have always thought about joinging an MC to get that kind of brotherhood, but just never found the right fit.
    • 1780 posts
    January 6, 2010 2:52 AM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    Use to ride with the Southern Cruisers, until the Pres, husband killed a guy, then that was it for me. Besides we had to ask the local 1% dudes what we could and couldn't do in their area. Screw all that... who needs it.
    I want to start my own club called ....Bikers for a safer Society....I just want to ride the streets looking for A_ _ holes that pray on the good people of this earth. Maybe not to the extent of "Death Wish" but we as a people have gone to shit. Nobody will stand up for complete strangers any more. You see it on the news all the time.....young youth steals purse from old lady and beats the crap out of her in the process. They say (who ever the hell they are) you should get mellower in you golden years.......Bull Shit. I shall not go quietly into the night.

    If you do not see me much more on here I might be trying to explain to a judge....hey I'm on your side.

    Night Dragon


    Check out my new patch........what does everybody think?

    Night Dragon
  • January 6, 2010 3:01 AM PST
    Cool idea.

    Someone on here suggested to me. I found a group that fits my idea of how it should be. You might check that web site out. Maybe just the place to start your club?
  • January 6, 2010 4:17 AM PST
    I tried a couple of clubs dedicated to a certain kind of bike until a friend introduced me to CMA. It's a great group of friends and we do everything from fellowship to charity work. I'd recommend them to anyone who wants friends with a spiritual side.
    • 1780 posts
    January 6, 2010 4:28 AM PST
    10-4 wolf
  • January 6, 2010 2:36 PM PST
    The old ways are fading because the old people are dying...Sucks but true...The biker lifestyle is a way of life, it is who you are and how you live. Times are changing and with those times we must change also, not saying we should lay down our beliefs, but to remember all things are in a constant state of change, nothing remains the same. Theres still the hardcore out there, theres the wanna bes, those going threw mid-life crisis, etc. All kinds. If you have become dissatisfied with those you run with, change it. Maybe thats not where you belong anymore. If your ever in the Ga. area, look me up, I know some great folks that are always welcoming other good people. Lifes a adventure of never ending change, much like the weather, roll with it brother, you'll find what you need as long as you don't get caught up in what you don't have...Best wishes..