Riding in the wind - nerves

  • May 18, 2015 8:04 AM PDT
    I just upgraded to a Shadow 750 ACE from a Rebel 250.  I'm in love with the new bike and I was excited to try taking the highway 1 exit to see how it would handle.  I was unable to do it on the Rebel.  Just taking the 1 exit I was impressed that it quickly came up to speed but was nervous by the wind hitting my helmet pulling back my head till I stiffened up and there were a couple gusts that jerked me a little.  Is this something I will just need to practice and hopefully I'll get used to it?  Did any of you start out with this problem and get past it?

    Thanks.  K
    • 5420 posts
    May 18, 2015 10:01 AM PDT
    Hi K,  No one that rides like wind gusts.  A constant wind is one thing, you lean the bike and/or brace your head for the constant wind and ride.  When a gust comes up it will swerve the bike and yes jerk your head.  This is something you kind of need to get used to, and when in areas of gusty wind just always be prepared.  One big problem is riding all tense like that will wear you down very quickly so you need to pay attention to when you are feeling fatigued and get of and relax all them tightened muscles.
    What type of helmet do you wear?  Some helmets are a little more aerodynamic than others and I would recommend if you have a helmet with one of those little 'baseball cap' style visors sticking out the front... get rid of it.  They do nothing but catch the wind.
    Another thing you may want to consider with the bigger bike is a windshield. Check these out...
  • May 18, 2015 1:49 PM PDT
    Hi Lucky, a windshield came with the bike but the first couple rides with it I've discovered is to low for my liking anyways. I wear a full face helmet this one i feltlike thewins wascoming up over the shied hitting the top of my helmet and magnifying the wind sound horribly. I am looking into getting a new shield and thanks for the recommendation. Surprisingly ifor backon the highway later in the afternoon and knowing what I was upagainst helped. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0041PISDQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_50?qid=1431999791&sr=8-50&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70&keywords=full+face+helmet+pink&dpPl=1&dpID=51Eu7MTl3PL&ref=plSrch
    • 5420 posts
    May 19, 2015 1:52 AM PDT
    Well you can't get much more aerodynamic than a full-face as far as helmets go. I think a windshield correctly fitted for your bike will be a big help. Look for one that is re-curved (an slight curve forward at the top of the shield) and it will build a nice 'pocket' around you.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 19, 2015 2:08 AM PDT
    Contgrats on the upgrade. The Shadow is an excellent mid-sized ride. Windshields will generate strange currents and eddies. A taller one might help. I wouldn't worry too much because you will get used to it in time. It is a new ride for you and since you have come up from a rebel you are probably running speeds you didn't do very much before.
    • 1 posts
    May 20, 2015 1:11 AM PDT
    Question have you ever watched sail boat races or motocross races? Reason I ask is if you did you could see how they will use their knees as a sail. For either catching a breeze or to contour and stabilize the gust of wind. Works well for me.
    • 3006 posts
    May 20, 2015 12:15 PM PDT
    When I first rode my 97 shadow ace I realized almost immediately that I needed a windshield to properly enjoy the ride.The handlebars put you in a position where catching lots of wind is easy,having a shield properly mounted will eliminate that effect.
    Perhaps the shield you have would work better with some adjustment.The top of my shield is about level with my eyes looking straight ahead.Make sure whatever shield you have/get is adjustable for height & tilt,sometimes just tilting the shield forwards a few degrees makes a huge difference.

    Hope you have many miles of smiles,stay safe & enjoy the ride !
    • 467 posts
    May 22, 2015 3:04 AM PDT
    Plus, having your helmet properly fitted helps.