Favorite Police Stories

    • 611 posts
    February 1, 2012 6:08 PM PST
    There was a time in my life that I was at total odds with folks in the law enforcement profession. I had no respect for the office nor the uniform. Several run-ins with The Man taught me that there were cops that would lie, cheat evidence and coerce witnesses.

    Well, times change and so do a biker’s perceptions. It all started one late night, heading from Phoenix to California. I had rebuilt a pan/shovel engine and punched it to just over 80ci. I reworked the gear ratio between the rear sprocket and the output shaft of the tranny for a higher top end. I also had just over 500 miles of break-in on the new motor.

    I left Phoenix around 10 pm and headed out on I-10 towards Quartzite and Blythe. So it’s 3 am on a nearly flat deserted freeway with not a car in sight. I reached around and grabbed a whole handful-o-throttle and said “Let's open 'er up and see what she'll do!” She was a rigid frame, tall-boy w/12" over springer front end. I had a small VDO speedo that would went to 140.

    There was a California Highway Patrol sitting just off to the side with no lites on. I blew past him right at 120 or so. Actually, I think I surprised him cause it seemed like he jumped when I roared by.

    I knew he was going to pull me over (the flashing lights told me so) so I started to slow down. By the time I had got her shut down and pulled over, he still hadn't caught up. I was sitting on the bike sidesaddle, legs crossed, papers in hand with helmet on, when he blew over the top of the small rise. Smoked the tires getting it shut down and pulled behind me in a cloud of dust!

    He was shaking when he got to me (think he wuz pissed) and never said a word when he snatched my papers I held out. I had a neutral expression on my face, and he just stalked away. All my documents were right (for a change) and, a few minutes later, he stalked back to me he said "DON'T BULLSH(T ME! How fast were you going?"

    I said "Well, the speedo shakes a bit, but prob 123, mebbe 125." I said it in a matter of fact tone with no BS or grin. I knew he had the right to toss me in jail and have my newly rebuilt/repainted scooter picked up on the end of a hook and impounded. Gotta tell ya, my heart wuz pounding.

    He said "Well, yer speedo is right on. You were doing 122.5 mph... In a 55 MILE AN HOUR ZONE! (This was in the 70's) Do you know what I could do to you right now?". I proceeded to tell him all the terrible things that I knew he could do to me and the bike.

    By the time I was finished responding to the question, he had started looking the bike over... and she was PURDY! He started asking questions and I could tell he was a bike nut too. He said he had a 64 pan police special, electric start etc. As we talked, he stated that the fastest he had been on his was around 100-105 and he asked me how the hell I could get 122.5 mph. I told him about the horsepower bump and the gear ratio from input shaft to output shaft and rear sprocket tooth count.

    We talked bikes and horsepower and 4 speed v 5 speed and we BS’d for 20 minutes. When he had come back after calling me in and running the numbers, I noticed that he hadn't filled out any of the ticket yet... That's a good sign!

    He handed me my documents, looked me in the eye and said "Keep it under 90 between here and the border... I got buddies that'll be watching for ya. Now ride safe!... Oh, nice bike!"
    When he pulled out and left me there, my jaw was hanging. I just sat and had a smoke, just to calm down. That is when cops (all of 'em) took on a different 'flavor' or 'meaning' to me.

    They went from being “The Enemy”, to being people doing a job.  To the vast majority of Law Enforcement, a tip-o-the-hat to you all. Tough job that I wouldn’t want to do. If you HAVE to put on a pistol to go to work, I’ll pass.

    So, share with us your ‘Favorite Police Stop’ story, it’ll be a gas! Maybe we can all learn something.


  • February 1, 2012 7:54 PM PST
    Nice read. I ride regularly with two police officers. They are very low key about their profession and a lot of folks would probably choose not to ride with them. But you know, it's a job just like mine. Although, when they are the lead bikes, we're pretty much guaranteed that we are not going to get pulled over.
  • February 1, 2012 10:51 PM PST
    It took me many years to realize this, but I did learn.....when questioned (traffic violations that is) admit to your wrong doing, acknowledge they are in the right for pulling you over and that you honestly deserve the citation, and that you realize the stupidity of your actions.....and usually they will let you go with a warning......usually.....ok, sometimes.....but when you place them in the right and that they are doing their job...it usually changes the attitude of the situation.
  • February 2, 2012 12:49 AM PST
    Edgewalker great story.
  • February 2, 2012 4:49 AM PST
    ....Bitchy always asks if she can play with their gun...
    • 0 posts
    February 2, 2012 8:07 AM PST
    Shit Edge old mate where would i start? Ok I'll give ya one ya can relate to over your way..dateline august 2010..As you all know I had a big crash in june 2010 so I was pretty messed up with a fractured hip multiple hand and arm fractures and fractured neck vertebrae..So walking was a struggle..This night we are sitting in the Number 10 in Deadwood enjoying a beer or two with some friends from Philly..It was a bit chilly so i was wearing my Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man jacket..Well it comes around to my shout so up to the bar i head, then behind me there is a shitfight commencing ..Marni and my mate Gary are running full pelt out the door,so i take off after them thinking its a fight.WellGary is running like buggery up the street by the time i catch Marni she tells me "they got your jacket".These young bastards stole my jacket off my chair and ran.Well I see red and the pain goes away..Ipassed Gary and ran down an alley up over a fence chasing the little bastards down..Next thing this cabby pulls up and says they went this way jump in.They was hiding behind a wall at the fire station when io found them.The guts was run outta them and I was just findin my second wind.The first one was doubled over so i kicked him in the face and dropped him.The second one tried to run so he wore a rippa left hook on the jaw..So my jacket is nowhere in sight.I grab one of the little pricks by the ears and twist,he tells me my jacket is in the alley way..So i start frog marching these little pricks down the street,,There was a garden stake in someones front yard so I snapped it off and hit them in the head with it driving them like mules down the main street..This is when things went a bit sideways..Seems the local constabulary had gotten onto the commotion going on and heard there was a nutter with a bloody big stick beating someone..The spot light comes on and I hear"DROP THE STICK". By this time I am not in a compliant mood and tell them to"GO ROOT YA BOOT",This doesnt go over to well ,surprisingly enough. So he comes back with "DROP THE STICK OR I"LL SHOOT".I came back with "Shoot then but make sure ya hit one of these thieving little pricks"to which the cops asks"Who the hell are you and where the hell are you from?".I answer"BOOF FROM AUSTRALIA"..The cop walks over and asks me to hand over my prisoners..He tells me this is not the way we do things here and he will get me my jacket back..I tell him its all cool i have it under control and ask for a lend of his gun..He laugh's .I was deadly serious.He ;looks me up and down see's the cast on my hand and laughs..He tells one of the pricks to go get my jacket and as he walks back with it his attention was off me just long enough to hang a beautiful left hook on the other pricks jaw and knock him on his arse.The cop says "ya cant be hitting him now he's in my custody" . I say ok I wont hit him again.Then the other one comes back with my jacket,so i hang a straight left on his nose and put him on his arse..The cop was loosing his patience with me and asked if I wanted to press charges..It was pointless they were from out of state and wouldnt rock up for court anyways..So the cop hands them over to another cop to take them away.So I start to follow coz I wasnt finished with them yet..The cop grabbed me and drove me back to the number 10..He cautioned me that I had better stay there and drink until closing..About an hour later he came into the bar off duty and bought me a whiskey..He sat at our table and informed me that these little p[ricks worked as a gang stealing AND THEY HAD ARRESTED THEM AFTER GOING TO THEIR HOTEL ROOM AND FINDING IT FULL OF STOLEN GOODS..When Marni told him about my injuries he said he was glad i wasnt in peak condition.He also told me that if a cops says stop or i'll shoot he usually will.. He told me it was just the accent that made him stop and think.See so being a crazy Aussie can stop ya from being fatally shot too.Anyways we had a few drinks and a few laughs and he turned out to be a good bloke..Hope to catch up for a drink with him this year ,just without the drama first..CHEERS BOOF
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    • 19067 posts
    February 2, 2012 8:37 AM PST
    I have heard that one before mate andI gotta say, it is GREAT!
    • 5420 posts
    February 2, 2012 8:54 AM PST
    Mines not that exciting - just a traffic stop - but it worked.

    It was about 6:30 in the evening and I was pulled over for doing a rolling right turn on red and then "slightly" exceeding the speed limit.. 65 in a 40. I pulled over quickly put the stand down and waved for the officer to hurry to the bike and put my hands straight up in the air. As he approached I told him in a voice of desperation that I was really sorry but I have a bad case of diarrhea. I said that I even stayed at work close to the toilet for and extra hour just to be sure the roads would be clear so I could get home as fast as possible.

    Without hesitation he just said "Go man, just be careful and don't kill yourself" I don't think he knew what else to do.
    • 611 posts
    February 2, 2012 1:13 PM PST
    Hey BOOF,
    Thanx mate, that was a real grinner! Laughed at that story cause it really gives a new meaning to "Drop the stick or I'll shoot!".... I'm glad ya ran into a thinking cop and he came back and bought you a beer... Good stuff...
  • February 2, 2012 2:18 PM PST
    ....so, i had a cast on my left arm and another on my left leg... ridin the first wife (my ol shovel)... was in early spring and was riding between bars at the time.... Snow had melted and road was a lil sandy dropped over this lil rise with a sharp turn at the bottom... well ended up going somewhat straight! Started sinking in wet ground, so I headed back toward the road.... I was gittin and lickin and sending up a hell of a rostertail of mud, grass, then gravel as I came back up the embankment...just as i got back up to the pavement, a local cop car was heading the other way. So I pulled over and was sorta wavin the casts under their nose as the two cops walked up... They asked if I was OK and if I had been drinking.... I admitted to having a couple a few hours before... But was havin a lil difficulty grabbin the clutch... One sorta nodded to the other and said cant be TOO drunk he missed four trees...never saw them ;~)... Later...Wooly
  • February 2, 2012 2:38 PM PST
    mines to long to write. but it involes guns? drugs? and a stolen mini bike? at the oasis rest aera in Chicago! and a 2 hour delay. while on my way to Georgia to meet freinds....
  • February 3, 2012 4:12 AM PST
    A few years back I admit I was pushing the triple numbers. On I-5 heading south in between Klama and Portland Or.
    I got the old Red and Blues. When I was younger I would have just twisted the grip and made a run for it. But with age comes the smarts to NOT JUST DO IT! I backed out of it. The car in frount of me going a good pace slower hit his brakes. I had to grab a hand full of brakes and slid her to the side of the road. Still up right and still cooking a light oil leak smoked pored from the bike. A second later the Crown Vickie Slid past all lit up and tires smokin and just missed the car that had stoped in frount of me. He pulled to the side of the road. The door flew open like he was pissed as hell. I figered I was in for it now. So I put my hands on top of my lid and waited for him to walk back to my bike. He stoped at the car Yelled at the driver and told him to wait there. I figered the gig was up. He walked up red faced and asked why I had stoped? I said I assumed you got me speeding. He asked if I was? I admited to bing a bit over. He said put your hands down it looks funny. He asked for my regstion and licance. I handed them to him along with the insurance card."insurance is not required in washington" I was thinking the hole time I was in for it now. Not only was I speeding but I ve never had a endorssment for motorcycles. He stops at the car and gose off.
    Gets his information and off to the cop car to do the usal. I pull off my lid and light up a smoke. A few mintues roll by. I see him get out of his car carring the ticket book. He stops at the car has him sign a few tickets. Then tells him to leave. He turns toward me. As hes walking to me I notice he puts the ticket book in his back pocket. I figer I am going to jail. So I drop my smoke and put my hands on top my head. He gets there in a few seconds. He asks why I got my hands on top my head. I tell him I think I am going to jail Right. He smiles and says No. I take my hands off my head. He asks if I got somthing on the bike that would put me in jail. I say no. I tell him he can check it out. He says no I trust you. We Bull Shit for a bit. He tells me that I did a good job keeping the bike up right after grabing that much brake. He says roll down to the car we can talk for a bit. I grab the lid. He says its all of a 100 feet to the car just roll down there. So I toss the lid to the cop and fire up the Krazy KZ He asked if I running stocker exuast. I tell him no. I built it myself. I roll down to the back of the car. He gets there a few seconds later. He asks if my lid is leagle? I was thinking to myself Is IT? I say yes. He looks at it one more time then hands it to me. He open the trunk dose a bit of digging around and pulls out a brown paper bag. Puts the ticket book in the trunk. And sits on the rear bumper of his car pulls out a sandwitch out of the bag. offering me one we bull shit some more. Asks how I got the low tones out of a in line 4 cyclenders. I talk for a bit. He says hes got to run. Hands me my licance regation and insurance card. I now get that confused look on my face. He says I anit going to bust you man. Your out for a ride. Slow down. By the way I know you aint got a endorsment But you do have a C.D.L. and if you can drive 35 tons of steel Handling 400 pounds of bike should be easy. Have a nice day.
    • 611 posts
    February 3, 2012 5:32 AM PST
    Oh Psycho-Delic... What a great story! I LOVE it when that happens... Idiot cager gets a ticket and you slide... Gotta love it! Thanx for sharing with us. Have a great day!
    Hey Glide, work the story into a quicker tell... "Just the facts Glide."
    • 601 posts
    February 3, 2012 10:50 AM PST
    I was stopped one time on a chopped Kawasaki 1000 moving a wee bit fast, there was no speedo on the bike (legal requirement)...cop says to me...there's no clock on that bike..

    I looked at me watch and told him it was 3.30....2 points and a €50 fine...serves me right !!!!
    • 2 posts
    February 3, 2012 11:10 AM PST
    Told it before but!
    At a 4 way stop, traffic piling up & I'm waiting for somebody, anybody, to do something, anything, when I realize the problem is me.
    Crank the throttle & take off, mostly on one wheel - Feels so good throw another shovel full of coal on. - Not sure what speed I get up to, last time I looked was 70 something in a 30.
    Gendarmerie coming the other direction must have picked me up on radar & puts his lights on before turning around. Dutifully pull over, he goes thru my paperwork about 6 times, radios in, them comes back to me & says "At your age you should know better" - I ooze back to my ride
    • 1 posts
    February 3, 2012 11:43 AM PST
    Okay one of my favorite... Wooly, Dew (our daughter) and I was running late coming home from the lake of the Ozark's. Dew was soppose to be at work by now so we are running back roads to avoided the usual cop spots... Come over a slight hill and a little county mounty was going the other way we see lights go on and pulled over at cross roads... By the time the cops turn around and gets walking up to us we all have out our proper id,proof of insurance and registration... We KNEW we were getting tickets... Dew is on the phone explaining to work why she is going to be even later.... Any way when cop walks up she saying " sorry but my units are getting a speeding ticket........deep sigh..... AGAIN! Cop almost lost it trying not to laugh...But he gave us a nice lecture and let us go...
    • 1855 posts
    February 3, 2012 11:53 AM PST
    Personally, I'm not fond of any of my direct encounters but I do have one about a brother who needed some cash before we went into the local watering hole. He was going down to the local ATM. Another brother threw him the keys to his bike and said, "Check out my ride. Tell me what ya think". So Jim fires up the bike, not knowing how hopped up it was and before he knew what was happening he was on one wheel haulin' ass. We're laughin' cause a bicycle cop was talking to one of his superiors who was walkin' the beat. The head cop points towards Jim and the next thing we see is the bicycle cop peddling out after him. Of course we all just had to rat Jim out, "He's headed to the ATM", we yelled at the cop. It was really snitchin' on Jim because he was from that town and the cops all knew him. 10 minutes later Jim comes back with warning ticket. The bicycle cop pulled him over as he was exiting the ATM. Yep, motorcycle gets pulled over by a bicycle cop. It's stll a favorite story we tell; at Jim's expense of course.

    • 1 posts
    March 18, 2012 3:37 PM PDT
    I can't remember the particular model of this bike, but it was a honda 1000, V motor, and looked a lot like a ducati. My mate was a honda dealer at the time, and he had a demo model, One day he tells me i should come into his shop and take this bike for a testride. Reckoned it would blow my 84 VF1000F into the stands..of course never being one to pass on a challenge, i showed up. he threw me the keys,,saying remember you drop it you own it. So away i go...I mean I rode a quick bike..in 84. My red white n blue honda was the ducks guts...280 on the clock and it did it...This thing had 340 on the clock...yeah sure thing thinks me, they just had too much room and added more numbers to make it look impressive..anyways i get out onto the street and give the throttle twist, the firs i notice is there isn't much movement in the twist grip....like about half of my grip... I'm flying in a built up area..so i backed it off..went through town, and out onto a road that links a northern suburb there a short duel lane section so i give the bike a squirt, and round up about 6 or 7 cars....one of them looked alot like a detectives car..but I was going that hard I was concentrating on where I was going rather than. Who I was passing...I hit the straight and kicked it..and this bike went lke the clappers. I tore down the road at breakneck speed. i turned left onto another road that leads back to the city...which is a small freeway section. i took off down that road and opened it up...somewhere down that road wizzing past cars like they were stationary..i actually looked at the speedo itwas pushin past 300 km/h...i shit...and backed it off..to abouty 140....came out onto the southern fwy and then off at the first exit...made my way back to my mates shop...and rolled in the driveway, of the workshop. Well? Well what i said..what do you think...i think I want to live longer than owning this bike mate..it's too quick for me...we had a chin wag for about 10 minutes, a coffee and I said adios...walking out the ront with my red fullface in hand,i spot a cop.a highway patrol..sitting there parked behind my bike. He sees me smiles and gets out...Say Jonesy...were you just on the northern distributor...putting my head down and looking for the imaginery prebble to kick...i asked why?...he said Oh because some asshole on a red ducati with a redhelemt just like that one, overtook 3 detectives on squires way, and they gave chase...they lost him on carters lane cause they couldn't keep up...and then saw him turn left on towradgi road..and itseems he fled down the distibutor...at break neck speed according to witnesses...i said yeah did anyone get a rego plate...thats the beauty of it says he, none of em could read it he was going that hard...well I'd love to help ya mate, but shit Red bike you say..well this is mine red white and blue....Yeah but i did notice a red ducati looking bike parked in the drive back of the shop...But mate this is a honda shop...so it is says he....you going home now? Sure am...well here's some good advice...stick to the speed limit....this bike is too well known. Prciate it buddy..i smile, got on my old crapped out tri colour and rode home smiling all the way. April that same yr.i bought my first HD....
  • March 19, 2012 3:19 AM PDT
    I ride with 20 + NY. MA. and CT. Motorcycle cops when in the area, they ride total starched up military style, I join on near the front, in the middle, or at the back...just a snake accurately going down the blacktop.....

    Way too many stories I could tell you about them with me along on one of their bikes, but I wont...

    .....oh yeah.....and I am the token snowflake when we go out riding...lol...
  • April 2, 2013 11:19 PM PDT
    I would have to say my worst run in with a cop was when i had just turned 17 and bought my first bike. It was a beautiful 02 R1 that the previous owner had dropped an insane amout of money into scared himself then sold it to an idiot 17 year old that really didnt need a fast bike to begin with. Well I skipped out of school early friday and decided to go ride. Well to say i was speeding would be the understatement of the century i was dragging knee in every turn and hitting triples on every straight. Well coming down a curvy little back road 10 mins from my house i fly by a county cop. Well in the great thinking every 17 year old has i said shit he cant catch me and grabbed a hand full of throttle. Ducking through neighborhoods and every back road i know to lose him I shoot for the house, When i pull up to my horror there is a county cop sitting in front of my house. Turns out my dad was friends with him and had showed him my blacked out R1 and my black helmet with the red mohawk. Unfortunately the cop decided to let my dad handle my punishment I am pretty sure i would have preferred to go to jail that day. But I can tell you if you are desperate for a bike and you are good with a shovel i can show you where my dad buried it in the back yard with the back hoe he made me stand and watch.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 3, 2013 12:22 AM PDT
    Delta I like your dad!
    • 1 posts
    April 4, 2013 1:37 AM PDT
    Thank your Dad. He probably saved your life and most likely saved someone else life as well.
    • 2 posts
    April 12, 2013 1:20 AM PDT
    delta wrote...
    .   .   .   .
    But I can tell you if you are desperate for a bike and you are good with a shovel i can show you where my dad buried it in the back yard with the back hoe he made me stand and watch.

    After a few hundred years have passed  wonder what the History Channel will make of that find. - 'Motorcycle cult?

    • 2685 posts
    April 12, 2013 1:27 AM PDT
    I say 'good parenting', it is a lost art.
    And I give you some props too, even though you were a dumb 17yo kid (like we all have been) you had enough respect and disipline to stand there while your dad was doing what he thought was right.
    Today, a kid would have told his father to F.O. and hopped on that bike and ran away.
    Good job all around. 8^)
    • 1 posts
    April 29, 2013 5:14 PM PDT
    this little story comes from mytrip back in 2010. I had met some friends at a waffle house in west Ga. We then went for a ride to Little River canyon..saw the falls and had a pleasant day. On one break we were in this little town, don't know its name offhand but there is this cave that the town draws its water from. Outside the cave there is this pond, and its teaming with trout, big ones...there are some many trapped in this pond..you could scoop em out with your hand..and thats exactly what I did...I scooped a beauty out...kneeling down near the edge of the pond I reached in and scooped it out. Must have been a good 4 pound trout..Feeling good with myself, I suddenly sensed everyone in my party had gone quiet...I looked round and saw a polished boot toe...I knew in a flash who owned it...I picked up my fish kissed it on the lips and tossed it back in...that brought some laughter...Regaining my feet I turned once more and was staring at the local Police chief. You're not allowed to touch those fish..except on one day of the year!...and you have to be under 10 years of age to do it...Today ain't that day and you are certainly not under 10 years of age!...Got me there officer...but like you can hear I'm not from around these parts..and i didn't know. The hell you say...so where you from boy? Australia. Australia huh!...well being how thats the case I don't spose you knew then...just don't do it again RIGHT !. Yes Sir....He walked off. Everybody looked at me and laughed....the cop turned around and laughed too...great catch by the way...never seen that approach, gunna have too make up another sign now preventing scooping.