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Whose Choice




    Is it anyway? When I ponder why I became a motorcycle rider all those years ago,and wonder about the idea of there being a choice in life,I wonder am I crazy to ponder such concepts? Was I always going to be a ryder from before time began?

    The reason, I believe that I wonder if this is all set in stone or truly random chaos,is from the idea's & thoughts left by others who went before me into the dark,and those who still share the light of day w/me now.

    I recently came across an interestig article online that may suppost my own belief that we have been given the illusion of choice,yet they arrive at the same conclusion as I do except for different reasons.I am posting this as a reminder to myself to always have an open mind,even tho some experiences in life say otherwise,I strive to be objective and rational in spite of the chaos I still see all around me




    Is Free Will an Illusion? Scientists, Philosophers Forced to Differ
    By Natalie Wolchover | – 18 hrs ago
    Are you really in control, or is your every decision predetermined? Who's at the steering wheel: you, your genes, your upbringing, fate, karma, God?
    A hot topic for several thousand years, the question of whether free will exists may never be settled to everyone's satisfaction. But in a series of new articles for the Chronicles of Higher Education, six academics from diverse fields offer fresh perspectives from the standpoints of modern neuroscience and philosophy. Ultimately, they voted 4-2 in favor of the position that free will is merely an illusion.
    The four scientists on the panel denied the existence of free will, arguing that human behavior is governed by the brain, which is itself controlled by each person's genetic blueprint built upon by his or her life experiences. Meanwhile, the two philosophers cast the dissenting votes, arguing that free will is perfectly compatible with the discoveries of neuroscience.
    Jerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago, defined free will as the possibility that, after making a decision, you could have chosen otherwise. But a "decision," Coyne argues, is merely a series of electrical and chemical impulses between molecules in the brain — molecules whose configuration is predetermined by genes and environment. Though each decision is the outcome of an immensely complicated series of chemical reactions, those reactions are governed by the laws of physics and could not possibly turn out differently. "Like the output of a programmed computer, only one choice is ever physically possible: the one you made," Coyne wrote

    So I guess I was always meant to be a motorcycle ryder,and all of you who share this passion with me also were probably meant to be ryders too even if you have the wheels or not !!!

    Does this mean I do not believe in a higher power?? hardly if anything it once again proves to me that their is a grand design,hidden from my sight now,yet to be revealed at the proper time by a greater power.So in closing,whose choice is it anyways? Its always been my choice despite whatever the universe makes me believe otherwise,sometimes illusions are a good thing : )

    Stay Safe n Enjoy the Ride Alll  





  • Jimmyacorn On the one hand I'm Freudian; on the other Behaviorist. If there's a repititious outside stimulus, my libido is going to take over until I get it right. Seriously though, I think we (humans) tend to dissect too much.

  • LCStrat Being Christian, I do believe that God has a plan for each of us. On the other hand, He allows us some freedom of choice. As for bikers, I believe there is an adventurist spirit more so in some which makes us more of a risk taker than others. As a bike...  more
  • blurplebuzz Thank you friends for the response's !!!

    Had an interesting conversation tonite at dinner debating this very topic w/my Mom,she handed me my fortune cookie for dessert,the fortune read & I kidd you not,"Continue this conversation your having to gain...  more