Need your prayers for a lot of things.........

  • June 1, 2011 1:05 PM PDT
    So here it is, my mom has pneumonia in one lung but that is the least of her health issues.  Went back to Okla a few years ago because she was in the hospital.  "Glowing green" as I was told.  She was then diagnosised with an incurable ailment, treated and sent home.  I was quite upset with the Drs. and Nurses because I could not get a straight answer as to what the treatment was to cure her.  I wasn't prepared for the answer they gave which was "I've seen them die as soon as a few months or live as long as a year and a half".  I about fell down.  Even with that being said she has outlived the time frame they had given.  Now she has a "new" problem, she seems to be loosing sometimes half her blood for some unknown reason.  She can tell when she needs a "refueling" but the Drs. wait till the last minute before giving her a blood transfusion.  The last time they waited too long and it gave her permenant heart damage........damn Indian Hosipital.  She is a great and strong Native American woman and has taught me to be strong and independent.  Best advice she gave me was "if you want it, be willing to get your ass out there and work for it"....or was it, "I'd rather you live with them than marry them".  O.K. so I didn't follow that last one but the first one I still stick to.  So prayers for her please.

    Then there is my brother that is so filled with resentment and hate that he is impossible to tolerate.  I am planning on avoiding him when I go back to Okla to see my Mom because he is so disrespectful to everyone around.  When he drinks (often) he spits evil and I just don't feel like dealing with that.  I try not to put myself in a position for abuse.  Besides, I'll knock his drunk ass out and then upset my Mom.  She don't need that.  I pray that he has a few years of sobriety in his life before he leaves this earth.  He can be a pretty decent guy on occasions.  I miss the brother I used to know. Prayers for Roger is needed.
    Now comes my friend that crashed his bike about a month ago.  He called me and told me he just got out of the hospital.  He has several fractured disc and had a brain contusion along with other injuries.  He said a guy turned left in front of him and he hit him.  I didn't ask if alcohol was involved but after speaking with him yesterday he said that he was charged with a DUI, lost his license for a year resulting in losing his job as a truck driver and may be permenately disabled due to his injuries.  I was disappointed to hear that he was drinking and Okla doesn't have a helmet law so of course he got head injuries.  I know that his decisions contributed to his condition but besides that he is a friend of mine and I care about him and pray that he recovers from his injuries, get his job back and gets his personal habits under control also. Prayers for Mike please......

    I could go on and on with who needs our prayers but these are at the top of my list.  Stopped at the church tent at the Westcoast Thunder run and said a prayer for my mom.  I pray often for my family and myself.  I just need a little extra helping of prayer right now.

    Thank you in advance,

    • 3006 posts
    June 1, 2011 4:33 PM PDT
    Prayers being sent & sending good thoughts your way !!! Always remember stuff can turn around on a dime !!!
    stay safe n enjoy the ride!
  • June 1, 2011 11:02 PM PDT
    Your Spirit will guide and protect you and the Angels will be at your side and give you comfort.
  • June 1, 2011 11:46 PM PDT
    Prayers out to you and your family Angel. God will turn it around for you just have faith.
    • 846 posts
    June 2, 2011 5:41 AM PDT
    Sounds like you have your hands full. My thoughts are with you, your mom and friend.

    Take care
    • 6 posts
    June 2, 2011 7:42 AM PDT
    Praying! If you ever need someone to unload on, I'm here!
  • June 2, 2011 8:28 AM PDT
    Good vibes your way, and prayers too. just remember that life does go full circle. Good luck to you and yours.
    • 114 posts
    June 2, 2011 1:28 PM PDT
    RaceAngel, You and your family and friend are on my prayer list. If you ever need an ear..... you know where to find me. God Bless.....
    • 1066 posts
    June 2, 2011 4:01 PM PDT
    Thoughts are with you R. A.
  • June 3, 2011 5:44 AM PDT
    Thank everyone for your prayers. I feel kind of bad calling my bro an a** but I just wish he would let go of the past and get on with life. No doubt I will have to come face to face with him while I'm back there, love him dearly but really, really don't want to deal with his attitude. I'm planning my exit stragety already........

    Can't wait to see my new granddaughter and visit my mom and grandma who is 100 years old. Too bad she has alzheimer and doesn't remember me. But I am grateful that she raised me to believe in God. The greatest gift.
  • June 3, 2011 6:01 AM PDT
    prayers being lifted up may god bless you & your family
  • June 5, 2011 6:54 PM PDT
    Thoughts and prayers go out to you Raceangel and have patience with your brother and maybe he will change his line of thinking. My brother and I worked together years ago before I went in the service. While I was away he developed lots of substance abuse problems and because of this we hardly spoke for 20 + years but as he grew older and became sober again we have started talking and becoming brothers again. Remember my dear you can always choose your friends but were stuck with our siblings thanks to mom and dad.
    • 580 posts
    June 5, 2011 8:59 PM PDT
    Sending you huge hugs and thinking of you and yours.

    Don't feel bad re your brother - family are allowed to call them asses - others not so much lol!! Like Wheels I've had the same - no contact with my brother for years when he was doing drink and drugs (though at least he respected not bringing it to my door). When he came off them we started to rebuild the bond we used to share and actually had some really good times. Unfortunately he only stayed off them a few years and is now back on them so we have no contact. One day though I'm sure he'll sober again and we can do the same - just as I hope yours does.

    As for mum - enjoy the time you have with her (and your gran too) - and I hope you have a blast with your new grandaughter too.

    Hugs (o:
    • Moderator
    • 19064 posts
    June 5, 2011 11:45 PM PDT
    Wow, that is a full plate of heart ache you have there Angel. Hoping the creator does right by your mother and all else comes around.
    • 3006 posts
    June 6, 2011 11:57 AM PDT
    RaceAngel wrote...
    Thank everyone for your prayers. I feel kind of bad calling my bro an a** but I just wish he would let go of the past and get on with life. No doubt I will have to come face to face with him while I'm back there, love him dearly but really, really don't want to deal with his attitude. I'm planning my exit stragety already........

    Can't wait to see my new granddaughter and visit my mom and grandma who is 100 years old. Too bad she has alzheimer and doesn't remember me. But I am grateful that she raised me to believe in God. The greatest gift.

    hey raceangel
     I hope things have improved for you.With family it cuts the deepest at times..yet you have to draw a line somewhere n take a stand..Especially with family or they will trample you.Hope the rest of the family is doing well
    stay safe n enjoy the ride
  • June 8, 2011 10:21 AM PDT
    Leaving tomorrow for Okla. Really looking forward to spending time with my family. Thanks for your prayers. I prayed for my father before he passed (last July) and told God if he could "get him on his side" he could be a living testimony because he "hated" him. It was the most beautiful love story I've ever seen when my father turned his life over to Jesus a couple of years before he died of cancer. And truely had a change of heart. His son is just like him. Guess I'll just keep praying for him. As I tell my mom........I'm going to mess up his drunk, I'm praying for him!. lol thanks again for the suppport guys and gals.

    • 114 posts
    June 13, 2011 9:15 AM PDT
    Hey RA, You're there now and I hope things are going well... or at least bearable. Go ahead, mess up his drunk, his buzz and his high through your prayers for intercession. God can do anything.... I wear 2 silver rings - each is inscribed with a message.... John 3:16 is on one and engraved on the other "Everything is possible when you have faith"... I believe in both.... My prayers are with you...
  • g
    June 13, 2011 9:27 AM PDT
    sorry ,cant be botherd to read it all ,but i take it someone is ill ,all the best ,take it easy and loads a rest .from scotland .